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Everything posted by Shijune

  1. I got this...
  2. Ok so this wat i needed....
  3. So I've been thinking a lot about how we can help fix and stop climate change and one thing came to mind... I remember watching a documentary about the history of earth from the start and hearing that a bacteria is what produced the air we breathed today and it is estimated that it contributes to 50-80% of that. After realizing this is a huge amount i was wondering... is it possible to genetically modify the Phytoplankton to be exact to produce more oxygen or do make them reproduce faster? if we can get them to produce faster... would this be able to stop global warming? (This would also need more trees and less carbon emissions as well). Let me know I've been super interested in this subject recently. please no hate just an idea.
  4. Well I'm new here and this is my first post, so I hope I picked the right place to post this. My daughter is turning 6 in about two weeks. For her birthday I asked her what educational things she would like that she wants to learn about and would find fun. She specifically told me she wanted to learn about DNA, more about life cycles (plants and animals), etc. and she asked me for a microscope. Then she blurted out that she really wanted her own science lab. I am going to give a bit of background on my daughter so maybe my questions could be easily answered. My daughter has been watching documentaries with me voluntarily from the age of about 3 1/2. She loves all things dinosaurs and is very knowledgable about them, including their eating preferances, names, etc. I was watching a documentary with her about ecosystems. At this time she was about 4 1/2. She specifically asked me what would happen to the ecosystem (in her words) if all of one type of animal or organism disappeared. I'm mentioning this because I'm not sure a kid at that age normally would have the comprehension or presence of mind to even think of a question like that. Anyhow, because it is educational and she got so excited I decided to get her a table and chair for her own lab area, along with microscope, slides, slide covers, a box to keep permanent slides in, lab coat, safety glasses, disposable gloves, trash can, desk lamp, etc. I also got her a mini indoor greenhouse kit with seeds for the tickle me plant, a DNA kit, a science experiment book, and a microscope book. She is also getting an ant farm. I still need to pick up a lab journal. I realize this might be a bit overkill for a 6 year old's birthday but I am excited to see her so excited about this and really want to encourage her love of science. With all that said, I would not let her store unsafe chemicals or instruments in her room and would obviously be helping with experiments, reading, and journaling. What I am wanting to know is, is there anything else that I should add to what I've already purchased to get her started? I am trying to keep this as child safe as possible while keeping it challenging. I realize she is young still, but she does tend to ask me questions about things I am learning in college classes. I am going to rearrange her room so her 2x4 ft. lab desk will be in there (along with storage cart). Also Some of the things I ordered say they are for ages 8 or 9+ (the books and DNA kit specifically) but I felt that with the scope of questions she asks me and random facts she tells me that the books and things for younger kids would not hold her attention as much. Am I on the right track here? I tried looking online for kid science lab setups and tried several word combinations but couldn't find anything suggesting what would be sufficient to start with or how to decorate the surrounding area to make it seem like an actual lab. I want to make it feel as authentic for her as I possibly can. I would have listed the specific microscope, DNA kit, and books I ordered but think I saw someone flagged for doing that. Sorry for the long ramble! But I feel like I had to get that out there in order to get some good suggestions. And thanks for reading!
  5. I got this,...
  6. I have asked this question, but the topic was pulled to a different side which is human color perception. Because of this reason, I did not get a satisfactory answer. I want to ask again the same question more clearly ,taking refuge in your understanding. Thanks in advance. If we think about all possible color hues according to "Lab Color Space" (lightness values)L* and these colors are saturated ( pure hues without lighter shades ), yellow is the second lightest color next to white and it is also the closest color to white. ( I mean here the lightness, not brightness. If we are talking about the brightness, lime green is perceived by human eye as a brighter color than white, because our cones are most sensitive at the 550 nm wavelength.) How can this situation be explained physically ?
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