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Good afternoon. My name is Vic Mеier and I want to offer you my book on theoretical chemistry and astrophysics. My book contains many new scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry and astrophysics that will change modern theoretical chemistry. I wrote this book in 1 year, publication date 2021. This book is better and more ingenious than the work of Stephen Hawking, scientific discoveries surpass Einstein's achievements. This is the most useful book written in recent years, it can change the life of person who read it. You can throw in the trash modern textbooks on theoretical chemistry, because there are only mistakes and delusions of scientists. The book contains research in the fields of chemistry, nuclear physics, astrophysics, medicine, virology, oncology and the environment.Autor Jeordie Vic Meier All information in this book is my intellectual property. And I will find out and punish whoever tries to appropriate it. This book was sent to several scientific centers and in Nobel committee. I have files proving that I am the author of this book even before I sent it to someone. 1. Atom. New Chemistry. 2. New chemistry table. 3. Structure of cosmos. Astrophysics. 4. Chemistry and living organism. 1. Atom. New Chemistry. Be patient, I tried to write so that the structure of atom was formed into a single structure. My book is better, more correct and more logical than any chemistry textbook, I found all mistakes of modern theoretical chemistry. Scientists have come to conclusion that proton and neutron of all chemicals are composed of two types of quarks. Quarks: u quark (or up quark); d-quark (or down quark); Also, scientists came to conclusion that there are more neutrons in atom than protons. ..but nevertheless, scientists at the hadron collider discovered about 5 new quarks, where did they come from and what is it? Scientists have not described how these quarks are related to each other, the principle of their energy exchange so that they do not fall apart. One quark in proton in the middle should be conductor of energy between two other quarks, it should be special, like magnet, if proton consists of "u, u, d" quarks, then conductor is "d" quark, if neutron consists of "u, d, d" quarks, then conductor is "u" quark, this is very strange. I am sure that results of scientists' research are wrong, if I studied them in more detail or had opportunity to be present at experiment, then I would point out to them their error. When scientists split atom, it decays into hadrons, a trio of quarks that stick together, so that quarks do not scatter , there must be energy exchange, need to understand the principle of energy exchange between quarks, as well as nature of each quark separately. If there are only 2 types of quarks in hadron, then system of hadron consisting of 3 quarks will not work. A trio of quarks consisting of 2 types of quarks is impossible. In fact, proton is made up of 3 different quarks, just like neutron. Here is my theory and its proof. When scientists destroy atom, it is divided into androns, which consist of three quarks, which means that these three quarks have special energy connection. If we reason logically of what matter consists adron is: 1. Quark are fragments from exploding stars, these fragments look like pieces of metal. 2. Quark is piece of metal energy conductor magnet, if hadron consisted of only two types of quarks then atom would not have formed. 3. Quark- that was formed when stars explosion. 1.This silver metallic quark consists of particles of chaos and ideal particles (to find out its physical properties), let's reason logically. There are chaos particles in this quark, chaotically moving destructive particles, if they were not there and this quark was an ideal conductor of energy then atoms and stars from which it broke off would not collapse, all physical matter has particles of chaos in it that destroy it. In this world every thing decomposes and collapses over time, imagine if matter consisted of ideal particles that formed harmonious energy connection, they would not lose energy, plus eternal energy supply from electron, it lives as long as the galaxy lives, then these stars would not die, but lived as long how long the galaxy lives. Ideal particles consist of orderly dancing mini-particles, they receive, store and conduct energy. Space is divided into ideal particles, they glow, give and conduct energy to chaos particles, chaos particles it's small chaotically moving particles, they destroy. And there are also particles that consist of ideal particles and particles of chaos, they appeared after the death of first stars. Possible first stars were arranged differently than modern stars. So, logically, it turns out that this quark consists of normal ideal particle that conducts energy and of chaos particles. If this quark consisted only of ideal initial particles that conduct energy, then all chemical elements would be charged with energy so strongly that they could not be taken in hand, they would radiate strong, and if we ourselves consist of atoms, then we would glow and themselves would besource of energy. I am sure that scientists have already split the quark, which proves that it consists of smaller particles and this is particle of chaos and perfect particle. In short, the 1 quark consists of chaos particles and ideal particles that transfer and store energy, but chaos particles are also slightly charged with energy 2. Quark electrical conductor magnet. Well, quarks must somehow be connected with each other and this is force that holds them together when atom decays into hadrons, this quark provides good connection between two other quarks. Аtom is destroyed due to the fact that high temperature, pressure and other external influences disrupt the energy connection between quarks, this quark conductor loses energy and hadron gets damaged. Although new atoms are born when the old atom has a lot of energy due to falling into special external conditions .I think this is perfect quark without chaos particles, because it conducts energy best. 3. Third quark, which possible looks like black piece, part of explosion of stars. Now I have to prove it. Let's analyze situation if hadron consisted of 2 types of quarks as scientists write. 1. Proton: Quark -conductor of energy and 2 metallic identical quarks. Then neutron will consist of 2 quarks of energy conductors and one metallic one. (u, d, u) (d, u, d) Funny huh? Perhaps protons and neutrons differ from each other not by the presence of electron in it , but by quark composition, I do not believe that atom consists of only 3 types of quarks, there should be more of them. Scientists saw only 2 types of quarks. They may have lost third. In short, atom has such properties, it conducts energy, which means it has ideal particles, it is not eternal, it lives no longer than galaxy, in its quarks there are particles of chaos that destroy matter (chaotically moving dark particles) if they were not there, then all matter around shone as if she was struck by lightning and this atom and matter would be eternal. In chemical elements, in addition to light quarks of which the hydrogen atom consists, also particles of stardust (solar and cosmic particles), they have a different radiation and they affect the human body in a different way. Аn example of heavy and radioactive chemicals, there are such particles that are not in light chemical elements, so when they enter the body it is so difficult to remove them (mercury and radiation). When these particles fall on the earth, they can change, they exchange energy with other particles, they can deforms and change their radiation, this gives rise to wide variety of different particles that make up chemical elements. Also due to the particles of stardust, which are heavier than hydrogen, heavier atoms are formed, the atom needs a nucleus with a strong attraction. In short, in the nucleus of heavy atom there are particles that are not in hydrogen. So here are components of which atoms are composed: quarks, photons (they are not in all atoms, they give or take energy from atom), stardust ( heavier particles than quarks from hydrogen), electrons and unknown substances- gluons, also in atoms there is particle unique only for this galaxy - "Galaxion", I theoretically prove its existence. "Galaxions" are, in a sense, piece of soul of galaxy, in different galaxies are different "Galaxions", thanks to "Galaxion", galaxies do not merge into one large galaxy, if this particle were not there, then there would not be different galaxies, but there would be one large galaxy around the center of the universe. You can understand the role of "Galaxion" in more detail in the section where I will describe how galaxies and universe are born. "Galaxion" is one of the first-born particles of galaxy, something like soul of galaxy. Atoms and stars outside the galaxy are not born, which means that for their birth they need charge, some kind of special particle, I call it "Galaxion". So I refuted theory that at very beginning cosmos consisted of quarks, in fact, quarks were born later from smaller particles. Let's go back to structure of atom Gluons are formed during the decay of atom and immediately disappear, they do not disappear, they fly away. Scientists should not try to catch gluons and split them, because this is part of body of universe, like its soul, if you destroy small piece of universe, it can lead to destruction of all life in space, like chain reaction. Why scientists did not see this particle "Galaxion", perhaps they saw, but did not understand what is it or took it for electron. If we analyze the nature of electron, then my logic builds such constructions. In different galaxies there are different particles " Galaxions", but they have something common, which means they consist of smaller particles. Аll galaxies have different electrons, they have different radiation, but electrons have something in common, this particle " Godeye". If you think that I could not prove the existence of "Galaxion" particle, then here is the list of evidence. 1. In the center of galaxy there is substance that holds the gravity of stars around it, the core of star consists of heavy atom and particles of stardust, which means that the center of the galaxy also consists of heavy particles of stardust. Logically, in all galaxies the core consists of the similar particles of stardust. We found out that these stardust are attracted to each other, forming a nucleus, then the centers of all galaxies should be attracted to each other, but no, there is some force that creates different points of attraction in cosmos around wich stardust gather to form the nucleus of galaxy. These points of attraction have different radiation, they have particles that are different from each other, but have a common property, they have an energy charge. I call these particles "Galaxions" . "Galaxions" as atoms have different structures and radiation, but they have a common microparticle in their composition, which attracts other particles to itself in different proportions, thus different types of "Galaxions" are formed. ..Yes, this is new information and it is difficult to accept it, but I am sure that none of scientists will ever create more logical theory . ----- *So calculating number of electrons, protons, neutrons in an atom according to the old system of Mendeleev will be erroneous, just like calculating the masses of protons and neutrons, especially since the periodic table of Mendeleev is one continuous error, there are very few real pure substances with full-fledged atoms, there is substances with defective atoms and different particles of stardust, or chemicals has not atoms at all. This is what I found in a chemistry textbook. (How much magnesium and how many magnesium atoms are contained in a sample of pure magnesium weighing 6 grams? What is the mass of one magnesium atom?) Why torment the brain of people with this nonsense. Magnesium does not consist entirely of atoms, but you will never calculate the mass of atoms that are in it, because chemical elements are living structures and the number of atoms in them can change, they lose energy over time and turn into quarkrubbish. You should not rely on periodic table of Mendeleev, it is not correct, not all elements in it are separate chemical elements, scientists have not yet learned how to fully separate pure atoms from matter. What is full-fledged atom. This is a stable atom, and not those mutants that scientists get in their laboratories and that live for 20 seconds, an example of atom Nichunium. Perhaps he live not for 20 seconds, but he simply fell and disappeared from the field of view and later collapsed in a couple of hours, because he did not have enough energy due to absence of some element in him. Or he has defect in structure of its quarks, and this destroyed the entire chain. In any case, structure living for 20 seconds is not atom. Need to learn distinguish normal atom from defective one by vibrations that it emits, normal one has stable vibration , and inferior atom emits chaotic waves, like radiation. This is a fake, they failed to create atom, atom is stable unit, it does not decay by itself within 20 seconds like Japanese Nihunium, they collided Zinc with 30 protons and Bismuth with 83 protons (we already found out that number of protons in chemical elements in periodic table is wrong), as result, they attributed 113 electrons and protons to Nichunium. This is genius. Firstly, no one has ever counted the exact number of protons and electrons of Zinc and Bismuth in microscope, this is speculative data, so there are definitely not 113 electrons in this under-atom of Nichunium, and secondly, they did not take into account the sterility of container in which they cooked their soup of atoms, for sure there were particles from previous experiments: atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, plus reaction with material of which their container made ,plus i don't think that Bismuth consists of full-fledged atoms, there are no full-fledged atoms with nucleus- center that is filled with energy and creates an attraction. Scientists who create new atoms in their laboratories openly say that their atoms are destroyed after a while, lose energy. Вut why then no one says that atoms in the matter around us can also be destroyed due to energy loss and turn into quark mass. And thus, chemical elements are not made entirely of atoms. Chemists say that all chemical elements consist of the same particles, supposedly they differ only in their internal ststructure. But this is not so, different chemical elements consist of different particles, in lead there are particles that are not in oxygen. And how did the ancient scientists arrange the elements in the periodic table of Mendeleev? They weighed all substances they discovered, calculated their estimated atomic weight, and arranged them in ascending order by weight. Now imagine in what conditions this happened, these scientists were half-crazy disabled, because most likely they did not use any means of protection in working with toxic substances (mercury, lead, and so on), these substances poison the body and destroy nervous system, people go crazy with these substances, and now half-mad scientist takes substance not completely purified from foreign impurities and weighs it. Plus on earth and most likely in this galaxy not all chemicals are present in the order 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 .. electrons in atom, many atoms are not on the planet, they are either too precious or too dangerous. So new chemical periodic table will have empty cells that we will never fill. The set of atoms on the planet is, in sense, an accident. Need also carefully study and describe each chemical element of periodic table, what it really is. It is necessary to remove from table of Mendeleev the molecular weight of elements and numbers that indicate the quantity of electrons. Mendeleev's table will become just a list of chemicals with which people deals. Also need to remove the valence and numbers of electrons from chemical equations and tasks. How can we talk about the valence of atom if not all substances in the periodic table consist of full-fledged homogeneous atoms, plus scientists do not know exactly how many electrons there are. Now I understand why at school I didn't want to solve these equations and didn't even want to look at them. Theoretical chemistry with equations and tasks where you need to arrange valences and electrons, this is all wrong, because elements in periodic table of Mendeleev are either defective damaged atoms or chaos from quarks and stardust , scientists do not know which ones of chemical elements are pure and how many electrons they actually have. They cannot describe what actually happens with chemicals when they are mixed. Need to create new education system in order to describe in detail processes that occur with chemicals in every chemical reaction. Scientists are busy creating new atoms in laboratory , but they have not even studied the usual chemical elements, they do not know exactly how many electrons and hadrons are there, scientists are not even learned to isolate pure substance consisting of homogeneous atoms. Great attention must be paid to safety of scientists, because many chemicals in their pure form are hazardous to health. So chemistry will partly remain theoretical science, but I think people don't really need pure substances consist of homogene atoms, we already have everything materials need for life. Whole section of chemistry on chemical compounds is devoted to the theory that atoms attract to each other with help of electrons and thus form chemical bonds, in fact, full-fledged atoms at first will fight, they are irritated by presence of each other, they interfere with each other, because they can destroy each other, which happens over time, the heavier atom takes energy from other atom and this other atom is destroyed, loses electrons, and stronger atom, thanks to it, prolongs its life. Atoms attract and hold each other not by electrons, but by the attraction of their energy centers. Normal atom has bright energy center with stable radiation. Method of studying chemicals. Take a pea-sized plate of chemical substance and with the help of some kind of detector device (I think there are such devices in centers where the atom is studied) determine how much piece luminous points there (these are the energy centers of atoms) so scientists will understand how many atoms in different chemicals. Presence of glowing energy center means that there is an atom. This atom has its own radiation. *It seems to me that such topic as transformation of one chemical element into another more valuable one with other chemical properties has great potential. ..for example, we take meta, we need to change its energy charge by adding some chemical in this metal ( carbon?), and then metal under photon emitter or under electricity for a different amount of time and check what will happen in 10 hours, in 20, 30 or 80 hours, a week, then metal will be saturated with energy and with the help of quark rubbish that is in almost any piece of material, the metal will become another more valuable chemical element by attaching new electrons. We can add quark rubbish and stardust from other substances so that metal can take hadrons from there for its transformation. I cannot yet accurately predict the result of these experiments, but in any case, people can convert not very valuable chemical elements of which they have a lot into more valuable materials. *Here is false theory of chemists. "Electrons pressed into core of atom and merge with protons there. From the fusion of electron with proton, a neutron is obtained? This is how neutron stars are formed." Еlectron is not quark so that neutron could't be obtained from its merger with proton. We know that neutron does not have electron, neutron is like an anchor for atom. Neutron is a set of quarks, it contains quark that is not present in proton, a heavier quark. What is a full-fledged atom, it is a complete formed atom in which there are enough quarks, it does not have excess energy to which additional neutrons can join, all its energy is used, it is an energy system. There are atoms that lack quarks and they at the stage of formation. *Hadron collider. It would be interesting for me to work there and understand the meaning of their experiments of , they themselves do not fully understand what they are doing with body of galaxy ( microparticles is body of galaxy), I would help them understand it. Although I think that they all mutated there a long time ago due to micro particles that are formed in the course of their experiments and one employees dies there regularly. 2.New chemistry table. Introduction, for describing the structure of chemicals, I will use such word as stardust. These are fragments of stars of varying degrees of energy charge of which chemicals are composed, in addition to quarks, of which hadrons are composed. This stardust is part of the cosmic and solar radiation falling on the earth, some of which scientists have already studied. But it is an indisputable fact that the matter around consists not only of hadrons, just the scientists - chemists have forgotten about it. This stardust has different properties, it creates attraction around which the nucleus of the atom is formed, it creates gravity and the attraction of materials. Protons and neutrons of hydrogen can't do that. These particles can attract electrons, take and give up energy. * Determination of protons and neutrons. Only the lightest pieces of stardust are combined into hadrons. Take the example of hydrogen atom as an elementary hadron. And in order for these hadrons to unite to create a more complex atom, they need an energy-charged stellar particle that is heavier than ordinary quark, which will be located in the center of atom as center of energy attraction, it must be stronger than quark in order to be able to concentrate the energy of the nucleus in itself and keeping its integrity. The heavier the atom, the more stardust in its core. Using the hydrogen atom as an example, we see that the maximum number of hadrons that can unite into the nucleus of an atom is 3 hadrons. Scientists have discovered many particles that are part of cosmic radiation, of course, these particles are part of chemicals, which, according to scientists, consists only of protons and neutrons. I call these particles stardust, they differ in physical properties from the quarks that make up the proton and neutron of hydrogen. Alpha, beta, gamma particles, various anti particles, bosons, photons. Plus particles of stardust are deformed on the earth as a result of energy exchange with each other, they can lose their energy charge and their properties change. Scientists assume that alpha particles are helium nuclei, but wait, is helium dangerous to health? because alpha particles are dangerous, or is it some kind of special type of helium. Ordinary hadrons cannot harm the body, they are too light, particles of stardust, which are also part of the chemical substances, is harm to man. These particles damage structure of the cell, they attract energy or other particles in the body, disrupting the functioning of organs. Alpha particles are not helium nuclei, these are particles of stardust, perhaps it separated from the helium atom, because in addition to hadrons in helium there are particles of stardust, in all atoms except hydrogen they are, they are needed to attract hadrons particles to themselves and create a more complex atom. It's needed so that hadrons can be attracted to each other and create something more complicated than hydrogen. Betta particles, according to scientists, are electrons or positrons. What? Who believed that electrons can strong harm to the body, new electrons constantly enter us and we are alive. I had the opportunity to touch the weakly radioactive substances that emit alpha and beta particles, I wrote that due to my weak immunity, I have a high sensitivity to chemicals, I feel their radiation and how they affect me, so I feel alpha particles as charged energy of needle, from them a state of tingling in the hand. And Beta particles are like heavy nuclei that pierce the tissue of the body and take energy. And these are definitely not helium nuclei or electrons with positrons. I can sense radiation and distinguish its types . With radioactive radiation or an explosion, matter decays. Man will not die if free protons, neutrons and electrons enter his body, this is normal, they are building blocks for the matter of our body, they are too light to harm us . Proof that there are other particles in matter besides quarks that make up the proton and neutron. There are heavy metals that, when entering our body, cause it severe harm, for example, mercury, if it consisted only of protons and neutrons, it would not cause severe harm to the body, heavy particles of stardust are dangerous, which, like radiation, harm the body and are hardly washed out of the body. Another example is the chemical formula of ethyl alcohol С2Н5ОН, I think that this is a mistake, if alcohol consisted only of these substances, it would be harmless. Alcohol undoubtedly contains heavy particles of stardust. In chemistry, many chemical formulas of substances are not correct. *Scientists are obsessed with creating new types of atoms, but an atom is a random structure, it is unstable, it gains and loses energy in material, depending on what types of stardust particles are contained in the material. It is foolish to count the number of hadrons if the atoms are unstable. And there are no atoms with 7,8,9,10 ... 100 protons in the chemical table, we were taught this for years in chemistry lessons, but all in vain. It is necessary to delete from theoretical chemistry such section as false information about the structure of atom, about the number of its hadrons, about the arrangement of its electrons, this is all a lie. There are almost no materials on earth that have atomic structure, that is, they are completely composed only of atoms, except for elementary gases. * In the matter in which there are defective atoms, there may be such phenomenon as the presence of defective atoms of different structure. Atom consists of many different particles, and it would be surprising if defective atoms forming or decaying were absolutely identical in composition. *This is what scientists have to do, they have to calculate the density of substance, if materials were composed only of atoms. For example, we count the number of electrons in hydrogen and calculate its density, then we count the number of electrons in nitrogen and oxygen and calculate the density of these materials, so we understand how much the force of attraction of the nucleus of atom increases with increase the number of electrons in it. Then scientists calculate the force of attraction of nucleus of atom of other substances with different numbers of electrons, and thus we calculate the density of these not yet created substances (because in chemistry there are almost no substances consisting only of atoms). And I will tell you that substance consisting of atoms with 15 electrons should be soft almost like mercury. That is, the more electrons, the stronger the gravitational force of nucleus and the denser structure of substance, which means that soft but heavy chemical elements in the chemical table after number 20 do not exactly consist entirely of atoms, they are consist of few atoms and stardust. Do you understand that lithium number 3 cannot be composed of atoms with 3 electrons? Lithium is a solid material. *Making material composed of atoms is more difficult process than surgery. I think it's as difficult as DNA modeling. First create or resurrect atoms in material by saturating it with energy, and then separating the atoms in material from other particles of stardust, need to melt it and need a magnetic plate made of a special material to which atoms will be attracted, creating a layer of material consisting only from atoms. Possible to use some kind of acids in this process. * By the way, living micro and macro organisms also affect the life of atoms, they consume substances in one form, partially modify them and secrete other substances. For example, worms parasites eat valuable substances, but they emit harmful substances, they simply take energy from these substances ( atoms). *So we came to conclusion that chemical elements do not consist entirely of atoms, in many elements there are very few of these atoms, but scientists have learned to determine the chemical composition and presence of certain elements in materials using special devices, this is means that these devices determine not radiation of atoms, but the special radiation of stardust particles that make up the material. Although if materials consisted entirely of atoms, then their radiation would be different too. Need to make an experiment, take several metals in the same proportion, then melt them together and use an electronic device to measure the ratio of metals in this alloy, whether it will be the same as in the beginning, for example, 25% silver, 25% nickel, 25%copper, 25% iron, etc. then subject this alloy to various influences, for example, prolonged exposure to an electric current, a week, 2 weeks, a month, for example, and then again scan the chemical composition of alloy with this electronic device, I think it will be different because some of particles that make up the alloy will change their radiation and possibly new atoms will be born in the alloy . And I'm also wondering if you mix 10 or 20 different metals in equal proportions, then the metal analyzer will give the result that this alloy has an equal amount of these metals or not? I want to study in detail the metal analyzer device, I generally understand the principle of its operation and it seems to me that I can improve it if use a different material as a magnetic plate (it seems to use silicon there now) it will increase accuracy of readings. It works according to the following principle: the laser fills the upper layer of studying material with energy and particles fly off from this material and fall on the plate, which measures their radiation and determines which chemical element they belong to. Conclusion, each chemical element has its own especially charged particles or a cluster of particles that have their own special radiation. This device measures not the radiation of atoms that make up the material, but the radiation of stardust particles of which it is composed. Because materials are not made entirely of atoms. Particles or clusters of particles that this device measures may not have a nucleus around which electrons revolve, which means it is not atom. Just recently I got the idea to create an apparatus that will analyze the composition of blood for heavy metals, it will have a magnetic plate that will attract only heavy particles, and light particles that do not harm the body will not attract. It will differ from metal analyzer , it will not have laser emitter that would burn blood. This device will be installed in every hospital and will conduct an instant scan of person's blood, because a person's poor health in 80% of cases is associated with the presence of poisons in his blood. I think I could create this apparatus with other scientists. Although there are already other devices that analyze chemicals in the blood. *About electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity of material depends on the number of photons in it and on the state and physical properties of particles that make up the material. The role that electrons play in the electrical conductivity of material. Electron receives energy and transfers it to particle with which it is connected, this particle transfers energy to another electron, and so on along the chain. If there were no electrons, the particles would explode, they would not be able to transfer energy. That is, the electrical conductivity of material depends on the number of photons and electrons in it. The fact that some materials conduct electricity well, while others do not, speaks not of a different atomic structure, this is not the reason, but reason is in the fact that different particles of stardust with different properties are present in different chemical elements. The melting point of substance with dense atomic structure can be maximum 1400 degrees. There is table of conductivity of materials so you can compare them. This information helps in understanding the structure of a chemical element. https://tehtab.ru/Guide/GuidePhysics/ElectricityAndMagnethism/ElectricalResistanceAndConductivity/ElResMics/ I give a short description of chemicals, in which I argue that they are not composed entirely of atoms. I can give more detailed description of each chemical, describe the properties of the particles of which it is composed, their interaction with each other and their reaction to electric current, sunlight and other external influences, but now I'm tired, it would take me 6 months, but so far there is no response to my work and I do not know whether someone needs it and whether people are ready to accept this information, first they must accept the fact that all chemical elements do not consist of the same quarks that make up hydrogen, and chemical elements do not consist entirely of atoms, I do not want to waste my time on this, I have already spent a whole year on this book, this time I could devote to my other hobbies and they would bring me profit. I know that if a global catastrophe does not occur in the civilized world, then theoretical chemistry will change and scientists will look at chemistry as I see, sooner or later they will accept my information and I would like it to happen while I am alive, and not after my death someone would have appropriated my knowledge and research for themselves and I would go down in history as Giordano Bruno who born at the stake for true knowledge about the world that the world was not yet ready to accept or Van Gogh who became popular after his death. * in heavy chemical elements the percentage of particles that make up light chemicals such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen is no more than 50%, the rest substance is other particles of stardust . If I analyze the elements by what particles they contain, then it should be done this way, there are several types of energy, solar, electric and one more type. Particles differ in size, according to how they react to different type of energy, what energy they themselves contain, how much of this energy in them. In short, how the material and particles in it react to the sun and electricity, as well as their effect on a living cell . 3. Helium. Helium atom is formed when hydrogen atom has additional energy to attach new hadrons to itself. There must also be helium, which was formed as a result of destruction of the oxygen atom in the sun. I suppose that this deformed atom is dangerous for humans because it has little energy, it is in the upper layer of atmosphere because helium is lighter than oxygen and protects us from solar radiation. But it has a number of hadrons similar to normal helium. There is little helium in the sun, and contrary to the data of scientists, there is more than 1% oxygen there. If the sun were made of helium, it would burn out much faster. Scientists think radioactive Alpha particles are helium nuclei, but no, they are different things. What do you need to do with the helium in children's balloons to make it radioactive? ..is this helium supposed to lose electrons? Have scientists ever managed to turn helium into dangerous radioactive Alpha particles? You should not trust the official conclusions of scientists, after I studied all theoretical chemistry and chemical elements, I came to conclusion that scientists were engaged in inventing some facts and using their high status forced the rest world to accept their version. 3. Lithium (Lightweight, weak internal attraction, soft, burns when heated. Melting point 180 degrees. ) Lithium has the ability to absorb gases such as oxygen and hydrogen, it contains a lot of energy, but there is no lithium atom, if lithium had an atomic structure, then its atoms would repel foreign atoms from themselves, lithium would not have such ability as the absorption of other chemical elements. If lithium consisted of atoms with 3 electrons, then it would not be so solid, the attraction of atoms is too weak. Different chemicals contain many different cosmic particles in different proportions and varying degrees of energy charge, this determines the physical and chemical properties of the material. 4. Beryllium. (Melting point 1280 degrees. Hard, but brittle. Does not burn if heated. Dissolves in acids, toxic, beryllium powder is self-ignites. Good conductor of electricity.) Just like lithium, beryllium is too hard, it cannot be made up of atoms with 4 electrons. Toxicity is a sign of absence or small number of photons and the fact that beryllium is not a full-fledged atom with an odd number of electrons. So Beryllium consists of stardust, a small number of defective atoms ,hadrons and a few photons. 5. Boron (Solid, high capture of thermal neutrons, dissolves in acids, melting point 2070 degrees) Boron is a hungry substance, so it attracts what scientists call thermal neutrons, boron needs energy, which means that its particles have a small charge of energy. Boron does not have dense atomic structure, his temperature of melting is too high. Boron consist of few atoms and stardust. Brown boron powder has less energy than black boron. 6. Carbon A mysterious element, it has many modifications, if it consisted of the same atoms, then it would not be able to take on so many different forms with different physical properties. Why other chemical elements cannot do this? All types of carbon are light atoms of substances such as nitrogen and hydrogen, the rest is sun dust of varying degrees of energy charge. 7. Nitrogen. Essential for the body. Аtom with odd number of electrons and photon. Nitrogen has a lot of energy. 8. Oxygen. This is atom that lacks energy, so it attaches itself to almost all substances. It have photon. 9. Fluorine. (Has a gas structure. Toxic. ) But my guess it is pieces of stardust possibly attached to damaged oxygen or nitrogen atom. Fluorine is not atom, 9 electrons not rotate around pieses of Fluorine. Fluorine ignites many substances, including water, but atom of gas cannot be such strong oxidizing agent. Fluorine attracts particles of other substances and when it becomes too much energy it ignites. The body does not need it and the fact that it is found in the teeth does not mean that the teeth need it, any tissue contains decay products and wastes, fluoride in toothpaste may play the role of preservative and destroyer of bacteria, but certainly not a tooth hardener. 10. Neon. Neon atoms take in electricity, which means they have stardust particles that are not in oxygen. This means that the quark composition of neon is not identical to the quark composition of gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen . 11. Sodium. (Melting point 100 degrees . Soft, soluble in water, self-igniting. Good conductor of electricity) This is not atom, but a set of hadrons, stardust and light atoms. Sodium contains a lot of photons and solar energy,so it is useful for human body. Sodium does not have a dense atomic structure, there are not many atoms in it, because it is easily self-igniting, let's take the example of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, these substances have atoms and dense atomic structure, but they do not ignite from each other. If sodium was composed of atoms with 11 electrons, it would be liquid like mercury. Sodium is oxidized in air because oxygen takes part of the energy from sodium, and burns in water because hydrogen and oxygen atoms attack the energy structure of sodium with their electrons and begin the process of energy release. 12. Magnesium. (Explodes and burns from water, dissolves in acids, conducts electricity, powder burns when heated, good for health. Melting point 650 degrees) This means that there are a lot of photons. It is also obvious fact that magnesium has a weak internal structure, otherwise it would not burn, but melt when heated. Мagnesium, contains particles of stardust, photons and little atoms. 13. Aluminum. (Melting point is 660 degrees. Good electrical conductor, toxic.) Aluminum is toxic to the body, it takes energy from the cell, but nevertheless, aluminum is used to make utensils for cooking. Aluminum is too hard for a material that scientists believe consists of atoms with 13 electrons, if that were so, it would be soft as chewing gum. .. Aluminum enters into chemical reaction with almost all substances, it is not found in its pure form, which means that aluminum is need something and it is trying to take it from other materials. Of course, atoms in aluminum occupy only a small part of material, in the periodic table there are no materials entirely consisting of atoms, people have not yet learned how to create such materials. 14. Silicon. (Melting point 1400 degrees. Used in lighters, solar panels, bad conducts energy, but good for the body.) Silicon, when exposed to sunlight, gives off energy and weakens, if silicon received energy from the sun, then the work life of solar cells would be unlimited. This is the principle of energy production, need to destroy matter in order to extract energy from it. Silicon gives energy to the sun and is destroyed, this leads to the release of electrical energy. It seems to me that there are several types of energy in matter and in the energy exchange between the earth and sun. The energy that plants consume; waste energy from solar radiation; electrical energy, its source is space; the energy that sun takes from the earth. Need to study them. We also need to study silicon solar panels, what happens when the sun's rays fall on the panel, what particles silicon loses and what particles enter it . Energy exchange between the Earth and Sun. Waste from the sun comes to earth. Also, other particles charged with energy fly to the earth from cosmos. The sun takes some of energy from the earth like a vampire. Silicon does not have a dense atomic structure, there are few or no atoms in it, because the material consisting of atoms will not be destroyed by sunlight. 15. Phosphorus. ( Melting point 44 degrees. Toxic. It conducts energy bad, white phosphorus ignites spontaneously, and red is used to make matches.) Under normal conditions, phosphorus takes energy from oxygen, when the temperature rises above 40 degrees, phosphorus gives up energy and because of this its integrity is violated and it ignites. Phosphorus does not have a dense atomic structure, but it has a lot of energy and may contain a small number of atoms. Phosphorus it's little atoms and stardust. 16. Sulfur. ( not conduct electricity, is toxic, melting point 110 degrees) In a piece of sulfur there are very few full-fledged atoms, mainly sulfur consists of destroyed atoms. It's not normal that chemical starts to evaporate if you set it on fire. The high temperature easily breaks down the internal structure of sulfur and the particles of sulfur get energy and attached to oxygen atoms. The toxicity of sulfur is due to the presence of harmful particles of stardust in it, they have little energy, therefore, getting into the body, they take energy from atoms of the cell and man experiences a feeling of cold, it is hard for him to breathe. These are my subjective sensations from sulfur poisoning. Sulfur have little photons ( her toxic ) and little electrons ( bad conductor of electricity) I don't know why scientists believe that sulfur is good for the human body, perhaps some kind of sulfur, its compound is good for humans, but as a rule, sulfur is a poison. 17. Chlorine. (Melting point 100 degrees, do not conduct electricity) Chlorine is not a chemical element made up of atoms of the same type. If chlorine consisted of atoms with 17 electrons, then it would be harder. Сhlorine is after aluminum, but for some reason it flies. Chlorine is, semi-discharged stardust attached to more airy elements like hydrogen or oxygen. 18. Argon. I'm not sure if this is a separate chemical element. Scientists need to analyze the process of producing argon again in order to understand its nature; scientists receive it under conditions of exposure to oxygen and nitrogen with electric voltage and low temperatures. Perhaps they damage and modify oxygen atoms and they attract particles of stardust due to which argon glows from an electric current. Scientists need to try to extract oxygen from argon. In nature, there is no such gas argon, and if it is formed somewhere where the temperature is below -180° degrees, then it does not live long. And another question is ,what happens to argon when it is released into an open environment, it remains in the same state or is modified, argon decomposes on oxygen, which proves my theory that argon does not have its own atoms. let scientists try to conduct an experiment, add 5-10% oxygen to argon, check if it glows from electricity, and then check the state of argon every other day, week and month. Argon atoms must decompose and there will be no glow. 19. Potassium. (Not toxic, electrical conductor, melting point 60 degrees, unstable, oxidizes and explodes in water) If potassium consisted of atoms, then these atoms would be stronger than water atoms ( H2O) and there would be no explosion. There large number of photons ( or other particles charged with solar energy) and the absence of dense atomic structure. Perhaps there were more atoms in fresh potassium, but this is an unstable element and these atoms have weakened and turn into hadronic rubbish. Potassium it's hadrons with photons and stardust. 20. Calcium. ( Melting point 840 degrees , good conductor of electricity) Calcium contains a lot of solar energy, so it conducts electricity well and is not toxic. 21. Scandium. (Melting point 1500 degrees. Poor conductor of electricity) Scandium contains particles that attract and dissipate electricity, and also in Scandium there is little solar energy, this also affects electrical conductivity (scientists have proven that the number of photons containing solar energy affects electrical conductivity) I do not want to prove in each chemical element that it does not consist entirely of atoms, because this is obvious, firstly, too rough methods of purification of chemicals, secondly, the atom is unstable and over time, under the influence of internal and external factors, it loses energy. Scandium, as in most elements, there are some kind of atoms mixed with stardust (particles that could possibly become part of atom if there was energy) 22. Titanium. (Melting point 1670 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Almost not conducts electricity.) Titanium has too high melting point, which indicates a small number of atoms. Perhaps in its original state, titanium (titanium dioxide or rutile) contained atoms, but scientists in the process of isolating pure titanium exposed it to such number of influences that not one atom can withstand and, as a result, titanium is just mass of hadrons and stardust particles. Atoms there is no more than 5%. Scientists went the wrong way, in order to isolate a pure substance, its atoms must be restored with the help of electricity, prolonged exposure to electricity, you can add some material as a reducing agent so that the atom can pick up building material for its formation, but nevertheless they got a good metal, suitable for use in industry, even if it does not consist entirely of full-fledged atoms. Its particles contain little solar energy, so it does not conduct electricity well, but Titanium is hypoallergenic, which means it does not contain quark decay products and heavy particles that take energy from the body as particles of heavy metals. 23. Vanadium. ( Melting point is 1900 degrees. Bad conductor of electricity. ) The multi-colored oxide film on the surface means that vanadium, due to the lack of atoms, is so hungry that it attracts sunlight more than other more energetic metals. Very high melting point also indicates of few number of atoms. Also, presumably, vanadium contains more stardust particles than other materials with a special energy charge that reflects sunlight and due to this, a multi-colored film is formed on the vanadium surface. Composition: stardust and possibly a small number of atoms. 24. Chromium. (Poorly conduct electricity. Solid, melting point is 1850 degrees. ) A high melting point means no dense atomic structure. The hardness of material indicates a strong internal attraction, which means that chromium can contain atoms with 40 electrons, for example. To form such atoms, needed particles of stardust that are heavier than particles of light atoms. If there were light atoms and particles in chrome, it would be softer and its melting point would be lower. 25. Manganese. ( Melting point is 1300 degrees. Reacts with acids, poor electrical conductor- few electrons. Weakly toxic.) Poor electrical conductivity and toxicity are indications of low number of photons and electrons. So there are few atoms in Manganese. 26. Iron. (Melting point 1540 degrees. Medium conductor of electricity.) According to scientists, there is iron in the center of the Earth, but they are mistaken, it is too light metal, in the center of the Earth there are the heaviest particles of stardust. Now there are no atoms in the core, they are destroyed, the planet devours itself, loses energy and dies, inside there is super heavy quark mass of the heaviest particles of stardust. Iron is a small number of atoms, quarks of destroyed atoms and stardust. 27. Cobalt. ( Melting point is 1500 degrees. Good conductor of electricity.) And scientists answered the question why the salts of different metals are colored in a certain color (cobalt blue). If chemical elements consist only of atoms with a different number of hadrons, then the reason for different color is the different structure of atom, but this is nonsense, the reason for different colors of materials in different particles of stardust with different charges that reflect different spectra of solar light. This means that cobalt contains more of these special particles than other materials. Cobalt is stardust and some atoms. 28. Nickel. (Melting point 1450 degrees. A good conductor of electricity, like iron.) Nickel contains a lot of solar energy, so it conducts electricity well. Nickel contains more particles with solar energy. 29. Copper. (Melting point 1080 degrees. Good conductor of electricity.) So, copper is defective weak atoms (or their absence) and stardust. A material that consists entirely of atoms has very strong energy charge, if we made a ring out of it, then person will experience discomfort, perhaps he will feel as if he drank too much coffee, as known to people metals, in particular copper, are neutral for the human body. Copper is one of the best electrical conductors, it contains a lot of solar energy and particles containing it. That is, copper has its special properties due to especially charged particles, which are more in it than in other materials, and not due to the structure of the atom and the number of electrons in the atom . 30. Zinc. (Melting point 420 degrees. Medium electrical conductivity. Resistant to corrosion.) Scientists write that zinc is useful for humans and is contained in many tissues of the body, but there is so much rubbish in body that if there were no harmful substances in man, he would not get sick, would not age and would constantly grow new teeth. For example, zinc oxide in zinc white paint is toxic to artists, I know for sure when my health problems started, I quit painting, I feel bad from paints, including zinc. Zinc is atoms and stardust. 31. Gallium. (Melting point 27 degrees. Poor conductor of electricity. Soft metal, like mercury.) When heated, it evaporates, gallium particles receive energy and are attracted by an oxygen atom. Gallium conducts electricity poorly because in its particles too much energy (not solar, another type), it repels electricity and partially dissipates it.) Gallium is light atoms, quarks and stardust, although quarks are also essentially stardust, but they probably differ in energy and weight. 32. Germanium. (Melting point 1000 degrees. Semiconductor. Fragile.) A semiconductor requires additional energy (heat) to conduct energy, which means that there is not enough internal energy. Transmits infrared radiation. Сonsists of atoms and discharged stardust particles that seem to absorb energy. When heated, germanium becomes stronger, which means that the stardust absorbs energy and the internal bond of germanium is strengthened. If germanium was composed of atoms, then it would not need to be heated in order for it to conduct energy. 33. Arsenic. (Melting point 800 degrees. Arsenic compounds (oxides) are highly toxic. Evaporates when heated. Poor electricity conduction.) It attracts the energy of the body particles and deprives the tissues of nutrition. Arsenic has little atoms. 34. Selenium. (Melting point is 200 degrees. Semiconductor of energy. The electrical conductivity depends on the lighting and the amount of sunlight falling on selenium.) It is difficult to say something about the material, I am not completely sure of the veracity of the information that if you put a piece of selenium in the sun's rays, then it will begin to better conduct energy, it must be a very powerful solar emitter. Or did they imbue a solution of selenium with light, a solution of which, in what did they dissolve selenium? There is very little information about chemicals in conventional public chemistry textbooks and on the internet. Selenium contains almost no atoms. 35. Bromine. (Melting point is -7 degrees. Does not conduct electricity.) Bromine does not consist of atoms with so large weight, bromine has too low melting point. If it consisted of atoms with 35 electrons, then its structure would be denser. Although I assume that bromine is discharged stardust particles attached to hydrogen atom. 36. Krypton has no more than 10 electrons, charged with additional stardust particles, so krypton can receive and transmit additional energy, working as an electrical conductor . This means that krypton contains particles of star dust (quarks) that are not in oxygen, these particles have different physical properties . Why is krypton after iron and copper, is it heavier and supposedly has 36 protons, electrons and neutrons? Do you really believe that there are so many neutrons in krypton that give it its hardness. Substance consisting of atoms with so many hadrons is a substance with metal structure, (possibly a soft metal) because these atoms create a mutual strong attraction and neutrons give hardness and gravity. And I wonder what happens to the atoms of krypton when exposed to a powerful electric discharge, a lightning strike, whether krypton remain the same or it transformed into some other atom. Because some of particles that make up krypton must burn. 37. Rubidium. (The melting point is 40 degrees. Soft as mercury) Soft structure that oxidizes and burns from water, plus little radioactivity indicates a weak internal structure, it is a defective atom with few neutrons or heavy stardust particles. It has little energy and weak attraction, so rubidium cannot hold stardust particles (beta particles) and they are separated from it (radiation), or rubidium does not need them and it tries to get rid of them. Rubidium is toxic because of these beta particles and because of the weak atom that cannot give energy to the body. Rubidium does not have a dense structure, it is too soft and its melting point is too low, therefore combustion in water occurs due to the fact that oxygen electrons destroy the weak internal structure of rubidium and it releases energy. 38. Strontium. (Melting point 800 degrees, dissolves in acids and water, soft, oxidizes in air.) If strontium consisted of atoms, then it would not give energy to water and would not dissolve in it so easily. low energy, weak structure and internal attraction, atoms may be present in small numbers, but mainly composed of hadrons and stardust. 39. Yttrium. (The melting point is 1500 degrees, reacts with acids, durable material. Poorly conducts electricity) It is composed of atoms and particles of stardust with strong attraction. 40. Zirconium. (Refractory, electrically conductive, poorly soluble in acids. The powder ignites spontaneously. hypoallergenic.) Provides solar energy and helps the body to function. There is no atomic dense structure, because the melting point of 1800 degrees is too high and the reaction with acids is weak, spontaneous combustion of the powder also indicates the absence of atoms, a lot of stardust, a lot of electrons and solar energy , and particles that accumulate it. 41. Niobium. (It does not dissolve in acids and the melting point is 2400 degrees). There is no atomic structure. Niobium is not made up of atoms. These are hadrons and stardust. This is an artificially obtained material, recreated from other materials. 42. Molybdenum. (Melting point 2600 degrees) Interatomic bonds between protons and neutrons are destroyed at lower temperatures. Consists of stardust and hadrons (or light quarks). 43. Technetium. (Obtained from radioactive waste. Technetium is radioactive. Melting point 2200 degrees.) There is no atomic structure, technetium has no stable internal structure, so it loses particles of itself and emits radiation. Used to detect cancerous tumors, I wrote that cancer cells appear when there is a lot of antimatter in the body, a substance that does not give up, but takes energy, this is a special type of stardust (heavy particles) or heavy atoms. Technetium particles rush into cancerous tumors due to this attraction. 44. Ruthenium. (Derived from nuclear waste and platinum mining waste. Does not dissolve in acids. Melting point 2300 degrees.) It does not consist of atoms, it is stardust and hadrons. 45. Rhodium. (Melting point 1900 degrees. Poorly soluble in acids. It does not oxidize in air, therefore it is used to cover silver jewelry.) No atoms, consists of stardust and hadrons (or quarks) But most of the chemical elements can be restored so that there are more atoms in them, then their properties will change and the melting point will become lower. 46. Palladium. (Melting temperature 1500 degrees. Conduct electricity. Poorly soluble in acids.) Palladium does not consist entirely of atoms, material consisting of atoms cannot be hypoallergenic and stable at the same time. In order to preserve the integrity of the atomic structure, the material needs energy, if it takes it from tissues of the body, it will harm health, there will be a state of cold and anemia, if material loses and gives up energy, then its atoms will collapse and will turn into quark rubbish, they will not have a nucleus around which electrons revolve. Besides, if material gives off energy, then it will begin to lose particles of stardust and this will be harmful to human body and lead to poisoning . 47. Silver. (Good electrical conductor. Melting point 900 degrees.) Despite the fact that silver has a low melting point, it does not consist of atoms. This is stardust and some atoms. Silver is neutral to human skin, which means that it does not consist entirely of atoms, because any material consisting of atoms will harm the body. 48. Cadmium. (Melting point 320 degrees. Good conductor of electricity. Toxic, soluble in acids.) Toxicity indicates the presence of hazardous stardust particles. Perhaps they come on the ground in this form, and perhaps these particles eventually lost some of their energy, deformed and became dangerous for ornanism. cadmium can contain some number of atoms. Cadmium is destroyed by sunlight. 49. Indium. (Very soft metal, melting point 150 degrees, soluble in acids, low toxicity.) Indium is not composed entirely of atoms, it is too soft. Indium is stardust charged with energy, hadrons and atoms. 50. Tin. (Melting point 230 degrees. Weakly toxic. At a temperature of -15 degrees, white tin is destroyed) Tin loses energy in the cold. it is possible that tin contains very few atoms, and the fragile structure of the metal is explained by the fact that in addition to atoms, there are many types of special stardust particles and the particles in tin have a weak charge. 51. Antimony. (Melting point 630 degrees. Toxic. Brittle metal. Dissolves in acids.) Antimony is fragile, if it consisted of atoms, then with such weight it would be stronger. Antimony is composed of stardust particles (including quarks) and atoms. 52. Tellurium. (Melting point 450 degrees. Semiconductor. Powder ignites when heated.) Fragile - has a weak internal structure. Toxic. Poorly soluble in acids. Tellurium has no atomic structure, but may contain a small number of defective atoms, and the rest is stardust (including quarks). 53. Iodine. (Not conduct electricity. Melting point 113 degrees.) There is no iodine atom, weak structure, weak internal attraction, too low melting point ,does not melt when heated, but evaporates, that is, it joins an oxygen atom, this can be explained by a special type of solar or stardust from which contains iodine particles. 54. Xenon. Isolated by the method of separation of oxygen and nitrogen. it is assumed that it has 54 protons and 77 neutrons, ha ha, the gas has 54 protons and 77 neutrons)) if xenon atom had such number of hadrons, it would be a metal, at least in the conditions of earth's gravity. The fact that xenon glows suggests the presence of solar particles in it that can take on a strong electric charge. I still assume that xenon is 2 damaged nitrogen and oxygen atoms ( may be hydrogen?) and they have also attracted some kind of particles like stardust. It still needs to be checked. Also check in what xenon turns into in natural conditions, whether it decays or remains intact. 55. Cesium. ( Active and soft metal. Melting temperature 30 degrees. Flammable in air.) There is no dense atomic structure. Cesium is light atoms and stardust with special energy charge. It has many light atoms, but it does not consist entirely of atoms, otherwise it would be harder and more stable. 56. Barium. (Melting point 720 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Partially Ignites when heated with a gas burner. Toxic. Soft as lead.) If barium consisted entirely of atoms, then it would not ignite, it is too heavy. 57. Lanthanum. (Melting point 920 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Solid structure. Conducts electricity well.) There are all signs of the presence of atom and atomic structure, which means Lanthanum is composed of atoms and stardust. In metals there are atoms that are active and that are in a dormant and disembodied state, but they can be resurrected if filled with energy. 58. Cerium. (Melting point 1000 degrees. When heated, 180 degrees starts to burn. In air, a piece of cerium turns into cerium oxide. Dissolves in acids. Bad conduct electricity.) There is no atomic structure because cerium is heavier than oxygen, which means its atom would be stronger and oxygen atoms would not be able to oxidize cerium so quickly ,that oxygen could quickly oxidize the material it needs to be crushed into powder, cerium has little energy and weak internal structure. Cerium is stardust 59. Praseodymium. ( Melting point 930 degrees. Dissolves in acids.) Despite the fact that praseodymium has all features of material with atomic structure, the fact that it emits ultraviolet light and has special radiation suggests that it contains a lot (more than other materials) of special particles of stardust that create this radiation. This is also used to create protective glass for welders, when welding metals, particles of stardust fly off from the metal, including those that can damage vision, but the particles of praseodymium reflect them with their radiation, if there was an atom in praseodymium, it would take some of the energy from these particles and praseodymium would not have the ability to reflect light and emit ultraviolet light. You can conduct an experiment, add a little metal to praseodymium, metall which has many atoms and see how the atoms affect the particles of praseodymium , it must lose some of their properties. Here's something funny I found about praseodymium in internet: "Nanotechnologists want to take advantage of the ability of praseodymium to emit ultraviolet light. To do this, you first need to move an electron from the f - sublevel to the over lying d - sublevel, and then its descentan electron is driven upward with help of light of orange laser; when it falls, it produces ultraviolet light." Why the scientists didn’t have a nose like Pinocchio, they deliberately lie, as if they were conducting an experiment with an atom of praseodymium, if in the matter there are atoms, they are only a part of its mass, and isolate these atoms from particles of stardust they still not learn. Often matter simply consists of particles of stardust (including quarks) and there are no atoms , scientists claim that atoms can emit ultraviolet light, oh god, give me job in some decent scientific center, my logic is much better than theirs, why do I work in Russia for $ 800 a month? ( medium salary in Russian) I promise several scientific discoveries a month, I will work out my salary in full. Atoms cannot emit ultraviolet light, it is emitted by special particles of stardust, they have a special energy charge. Praseodymium is a very energetic metal and you can carry it with you as battery or source of energy, if you choose a high-quality piece of praseodymium, it gives the cells of the body solar energy, I feel a surge of strength from praseodymium. I used to be fond of the properties of minerals and their effect on humans, I found a couple of useful stones, for example, Citrine relieves pain, I somehow had a very bad stomach, I took citrine in my hand and the pain subsided in 5 minutes, but citrine cannot be touched with bare hands, it is toxic, you need to wrap it in plastic bag. I was also somehow lucky to buy a magic stone, it was rutile on quartz (hairy), it was beautiful, when I saw it, I got a state of warmth, as if I met a friend and he was waiting for me, this stone looked like a piece of the sun, I think it has a lot of photons, he always filled me with warmth energy and calmed, my body and my psyche relaxed from touching him. After work, I am tired, nervous, perhaps someone ruined my mood and the feeling of dirt from the bad people I met that day, but this stone put me in order in a couple of minutes, as if it was wrapping me in warmth. But I lost him, he was dearer to me than a man's friend, it is very insulting, I want to kill the man who found him. However, stones of the same type still have different radiation, it depends on their age, I had 5 other rutiles on quartz and they did not give such effect, I am hunting for these stones, they are unique. Some decorative stones that are used for jewelry are very toxic, for example Azurite, it is beautiful, it has good energy, it clears the mind, gives freshness, but it has lead and I felt bad from touching it. Stones are like people, there are too young hungry ones who take energy, there are old vampires too, there are dead stones, to find a living stone that gives energy is a whole art, you need to take it in your hand and listen to your feelings, it will take a couple of hours in a stone store. 60. Neodymium. (Melting point 1000 degrees. Solid. Electrical conductor. Dissolves in acids.) Neodymium has all signs of having an atomic structure. 61. Promethium. (Not found in nature, an artificially synthesized radioactive element.) There is energetic chaos inside, so it disintegrates. The promethium is lack energy to come to stabble state. 62. Samarium . (Melting point 1070 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Solid. Absorbs ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Glows in ultraviolet light.) Samarium has special internal structure. And in Samarium, more than in other metals, there are specially charged particles. Samarium feeds on the energy of light in order to preserve its integrity. 63. Europium. (Soft as plasticine. Dissolves in acids. Melting point 826 degrees.) No atomic structure, it's just solar and stardust. With such large weight, europium would be harder if it all consisted of atoms with 63 electrons. 64. Gadolinium. (Solid. Melting point 1300 degrees. Does not conduct electricity.) This means that this metal has little energy compared to conductive metals. And energy in material is held by atoms and particles of stardust, which means that Gadolinium does not consist of atoms, it consists of starving particles of stardust (any particles, I think some of them are deformed and discharged, compared to their original state) 65. Terbium. (Melting point 1350 degrees. Solid. Dissolves in acids. Conducts electricity.) Terbium has all signs of having little atom. Terbium compounds glow in ultraviolet light, so haven't dense atomic structure. 66. Dysprosium. (Dissolves in acids. Melting point 1400 degrees. Electrical conductor. Attracts thermal neutrons.) Dysprosium is a phosphor, which means it contains particles that absorb infrared radiation. This means that the metal does not have enough energy. There may be a small number of defective atoms in dysprosium, so dysprosium it's stardust. 67. Holmium. (Melting point is 1450 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Changes its magnetic properties when cooled. Can be used to record a large amount of information, like a memory card.) There is no atomic structure in holmium, atom does not have such properties. 68. Erbium. (Melting point 1500 degrees. Poorly conducts electricity, which means there are few electrons, in erbium there is no atomic structure.) Аtoms in matter can be resurrected if you give the matter electrical or solar energy ,a lot of energy . But it very expensive. 69. Thulium. (Dissolves in acids. Does not oxidize in air. Melting point 1500 degrees. Poorly conducts electricity.) There may be atoms in thulium, but there are few of them. 70. Ytterbium. (Melting point 800 degrees. Average electrical conductivity. Dissolves in acids. Fully oxidizes when heated in humid air.) Ytterbium is a heavy metal and presumably its atom must have many hadrons, this is atom with a strong nucleus, but material with such strong atom should not oxidize so strongly in air, all ytterbium turns into oxide of ytterbium. This means that there is no atomic structure of normal atoms in ytterbium. There may be a small number of defective atoms. 71. Lutetium. (Melting point is 1660 degrees. Dissolves in acids. I did not find data on electrical conductivity, all the same, information about chemical elements on Internet is not systematized. But the fact that lutetium is radioactive indicates an energy instability in it.) Scientists are trying to cure cancer with lutetium 177, and cancer is mutated cells that have learned to digest heavy metals, because the body cannot remove this poison from itself and probably in lutetium 177 there are many particles charged with solar energy, because if give cancer cells of energy, then they stop taking energy from healthy tissues and the cancer cells become normal, not aggressive. The cancer cell has the energy to remove heavy metals from itself. Lutetium particles are probably what cancer cell needs to become normal. Other cells in the body do not need these particles, they already have enough energy. 72. Hafnium. (Melting point 2230 degrees. Poorly soluble in acids. Almost no electricity conduction.) So there is no atomic structure, there are few atoms in hafnium. Too high temperature of melting. 73. Tantalum. (Melting point 3000 degrees. Does not dissolve in acids. Conducts electricity. Non-toxic.) There is no many atoms in tantalum, but there is a lot of energy, it is not toxic to humans, which means there is a lot of solar energy and particles that get and give it. 74. Tungsten. (Melting point 3400 degrees. Almost insoluble in acids. Conducts electricity.) There is no tungsten atom, no atomic structure. It is toxic, I was broke the light bulb to get the tungsten, I got my hands dirty and the tungsten got into my mouth and stomach, after 10 minutes my heart ached, I had to wait until the water washed it out of me. This is a strange metal, it causes in me a feeling of panic fear when I am next to it for a long time, I think it has a special radiation that negatively affects the psyche. For example, if you hold tungsten near your head for a long time, you begin to lose memory, and at the same time, the feeling is that your consciousness is clearing. 75. Rhenium. (Melting point 3200. Almost does not react with acids. Conducts electricity.) Rhenium has no atomic structure. Too high melting point. 76. Osmium. ( Melting temperature 3000 degrees. Hardly reacts with acids. Conducts electricity.) No atomic structure, no osmium atom. Too high melting point. 77. Iridium. (Melting point 2460 degrees. Conducts electricity. Does not dissolve in acids.) There is no atomic structure, Iridium is not made of atoms. Too high melting point. 78. Platinum. (Melting point 1760 degrees. Does not dissolve in acids. Conducts electricity well. It is not toxic.) There is no dense atomic structure; but platinum may contain a few defective atoms. And also a material consisting of atoms must dissolve in hydrofluoric acid. 79. Gold. (Melting point 1060 degrees. Does not dissolve in acids, except aqua regia. Conducts electricity well.) It contains a large number of atoms with photons. Therefore, it has value for the human body. like other metals in addition to the atom, it consists of stardust particles. 80. Mercury. (Melting point -38 degrees. It does not dissolve in acids, only in aqua regia. Conducts electricity. It is highly toxic.) The question is, is there an atomic structure in mercury? So mercury reacts with oxygen and therefore evaporates, which means the atomic weight of mercury must be very small, but mercury is one of the heaviest metals and it is assumed that its atoms are very heavy, which means that mercury does not have atomic structure, otherwise it would not evaporate along with the atoms oxygen. Yes, there may be some atoms in mercury, but there are not many of them, and the fact that mercury evaporates means that oxygen attaches to itself particles of stardust, these are heavy particles with a special energy charge and they are hardly removed from the body. If mercury consisted entirely of atoms, then these would be heavy atoms and the force of attraction of their nuclei would be so strong that mercury would be a solid metal. 81. Thallium. (Melting point 300 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Conducts electricity. Toxic.) Thallium has atoms, but there are not many of them; thallium has an average electrical conductivity, few electrons. There are few photons and solar energy, so it is toxic. 82. Lead. (Toxic, protect from radiation, soft. Does not dissolve in acids. Melting point 320 degrees. low electrical conductivity.) Toxic, lead, like mercury, emits poisonous fumes, this is my personal sensation and I feel smell of lead. lead is chemically active so it does not allow radiation to pass through, radiation particles get stuck in lead. There is no atomic structure. Maybe there are a few atoms, plus some stardust. 83. Bismuth. (Melting point 270 degrees. Fragile. Does not conduct electricity, which means there are few electrons, less than in metals- conductors . Not soluble in all acids.) Such heavy metal cannot be so fragile, it has no atomic structure. Just stardust. (maybe quarks, hadrons, photons, any particles) 84. Polonium. (Radioactive (alpha particles). Melting point 250 degrees. Almost does not conduct electricity. ) Polonium is obtained from uranium ore or by irradiating bismuth with thermal neutrons, but no, what they call neutrons are not neutrons, neutrons are too light, I think these are charged particles of cosmic or solar radiation, fragments of stars, they destroy the energy structure of bismuth, bismuth an energetically stable material, and excess of energy in it generates reaction of destruction - explosion, it begins to lose particles by emitting radiation. lack and excess of energy leads to the instability of element and its destruction. In air, polonium can self-heat and glow, this is a process of destruction. And even if there are few atoms in polonium, it doesn't matter, because polonium is unstable, which means there is no dense atomic structure. 85. Astatine. (Radioactive. Melting point 230 degrees. It is artificially synthesized from bismuth.) There is little information about this element. Most likely it does not conduct electricity due to internal chaos, perhaps there are a few defective atoms. Can try to make this element stable by adding energy to it with the help of some particles. 86. Radon. Radioactive gas. This is not a gas consisting of unique atoms, it can only be hydrogen or oxygen that has attached stardust or stardust that has attached hydrogen to itself. But there is definitely no unique atom consisting of 86 protons and neutrons, there is no gas with so many hadrons under conditions of earth gravity. Scientists probably measured the weight of this gas, but they definitely removed foreign gases from radon? it seems to me that if they did it, then the radon would explode. 87. Francium. The most stable isotope lives for 22 minutes, in short there is no stable atom there, perhaps there is no atom at all. Scientists could not get even one gram of francium. Too little information about this material, read Wikipedia. I don't think he's worthy to pay attention to him. Francium is experiment of scientists on combining some particles together (photons, stardust, hadrons), I don't know what exactly francium consists of. I think it can be removed from the chemical table altogether. 88. Radium. (Melting point 1000 degrees.) Radium does not have an atomic structure, it collapses, If there was an atomic structure of normal atoms, then the atom by the force of its attraction would not let go of particles of stardust which scientists call radioactive. In radium there may be weak defective atoms that do not have enough energy to hold radioactive particles. I assume that these dangerous particles mutated on the earth, and did not come in such dangerous form from space. Scientists need to study the particles of space radiation, all particles that fly to the earth, and then compare with particles that make up heavy chemical elements, and then scientists will understand the exact chemical composition of chemical elements. Although these particles on the earth are transformed, they exchange energy with other particles, deform and their radiation changes. 89. Actinium. Radioactive element. It is difficult to mine, almost never used, little information. Most likely it's just a piece of stardust . 90. Thorium. (Melting point 1700 degrees. Poorly soluble in acids, except aqua regia. Radioactive.) Radioactive substance cannot consist entirely of homogeneous atoms. Atom is integral structure of energy -nucleus and hadrons, plus particles of stardust are attracted to the atom, which give or take away energy from it. If substance disintegrates, it means that it lacks internal attraction, some particles that stabilize it. There is too much energy in thorium and therefore it cannot hold its particles. 91. Protactinium. (Melting point 1840 degrees.) Little information is available about this substance, except that it is radioactive and is a byproduct of other radioactive materials. 92. Uranium. (Melting point 1100 degrees. Dissolves in acids. Weakly conducts electricity. Lights up. Radioactive.) Uranium has little energy, few electrons and few atoms. Scientists need to learn how to separate atoms from materials in order to obtain materials with a dense atomic structure, this is a delicate and complex work, also learn how to restore and create atoms by saturating matter with electricity, and if collect together the most precious particles of stardust, can get precious material. Plus, precious material must be handled correctly so that its atoms do not collapse due to energy loss, need to charge this material with energy, for example, solar energy. I can make a list of where these valuable particles are, then need to separate them from the chemicals, mix them gently. In short, this is a new higher chemistry. I think I can create new chemicals this way. 93. Neptunium. Neptunium. Radioactive, which means there is no stable atom, need to check if there is any atom at all. I think there is, why not. Melting point 650 degrees. Does not conduct electricity, I think the reason is not a small number of electrons, but in the internal chaos. 94. Plutonium. ( Radioactive. Artificially created material. ) Internal structure: possibly a small number of defective atoms and particles of stardust, including particles that have been deformed on the earth as a result of nuclear reactions and contact with other particles. In plutonium there is energetic chaos of particles, as a result, it cannot hold some of them and appear effect of radiation. 95. Americium. (Melting point 1200 degrees. Radioactive. Lights up. Artificially made material. ) I don’t know, maybe there’s an atom, but most likely it’s defective and in general it doesn’t matter ,who cares if there is atom there or not. 96. Curium Radioactive, I have already written my point of view on the nature of radioactive materials and it makes no sense to repeat it again, different radioactive materials created artificially apparently have different radiation and their difference from each other is in the structure of small number of defective atoms that are in them is, as well as the difference in the ratio of the number of certain particles of which they are compose. 97. Berkelium. 98. Californium. 99. Einsteinium. 100. Fermium. 101 Mendelevium. Аrtificial radioactive element. 102. Nobelium. Artificial radioactive element Scientists have received only a few hundred atoms of this substance, so they cannot measure its physical properties. But the question is, what did they create this is Atom? or is it an invalid atom or just a bunch of stardust particles, is there a stable nucleus around which electrons revolve? 103. Lawrencium. Artificial radioactive element. 104. Rutherfordium. 105. Dubnium. 106. Seaborgium. 107. Bohrium. Artificial elements that are obtained in the amount of several atoms living maximum of an hour. Or maybe there is no atom there. The rest elements are the same... 108. Hassium. 109. Meitnerius. 110. Darmstadtium. 111.Roentgenium. 112. Copernicium. 113. Nihonium. 114. Flerovium. 115. Moscovium. 116. Livermorium. 117. Tennessine. 118. Oganesson. 119. Ununennium. 120. Unbinilium. The question is why radioactive elements are the heaviest metals, there are none at the beginning and middle of chemical table. Аnswer is one, in radioactive materials there are special particles that are not found in other materials, they have a different energy charge, they create a denser internal structure of matter and, accordingly, the weight of material increases. 3. Structure of Cosmos. Astrophysics. This is what I found in Internet as one of the versions of the origin of Cosmos. ..“For a hundredth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe consisted of a mixture of electrons, positrons, neutrinos, photons, protons and neutrons, for each proton and neutron there were about a billion electrons, positrons, neutrinos and photons. about 14 seconds after the Big Bang whenthe temperature of the universe dropped to 3 billion degrees, almost all electrons annihilated with positrons.» I think this is old information, before scientists discovered quarks, first particles of cosmos were smaller than quarks. The big bang theory is wrong. I will explain why, according to the principle of ideal logic. Consider the law of attraction for analogue particles. Some of mini particles of cosmos are attracted each other. Why do these particles attract? Well, this is how the cosmos is arranged, without this law of attraction, the emergence of life would be impossible. Scientists are trying to understand how matter was scattered throughout the cosmos and assume that explosion is to blame. The answer origin of cosmos hide in nature of structure of galaxies. Atoms of different galaxies are not identical ( they have different, particles « Galaxion») ,scientists think that they know chemical composition of other galaxies, but this is not so, if matter in different galaxies were the same, then, according to the law of attraction, galaxies would merge into one large galaxy or cosmos would be one large single galaxy. If atoms are same in the whole cosmos, then after big bang in space one center- one point of attraction would appear, as center of galaxy, and stars would begin to form around it. If big bang was in center, then stars would begin to be born around this center, because in the center of cosmos, according to the law of attraction of same particles, something like nucleus was formed, like luminous center of galaxy. Atom is not born outside the galaxy, although there are also electrons and quarks. How many galaxies in cosmos there are so many types of " Galaxions", they have different radiation. But it would be strange if there were billions of different particles in space, all " Galaxions" have something common, which means that " Galaxions" consists of smaller particles, they have common particles thanks to which "Galaxions" performs the same function in all galaxies. But also there must be particles in it, due to which "Galaxions" differ from each other, these particles move and dance with each other in different proportions, creating different structure of "Galaxion". Analogy with atom, they all consist of same quarks, but differ in structure and radiation. So matteria in different galaxies have different radiation due to "Galaxion". If we teleported to another galaxy, then our galaxy by force of its gravity would take its "Galaxions" from us and our body would collapse. Maybe someone will think that I took idea that in the center of galaxy there is a special substance that attracts and holds the gravity of stars from Reihard Hanzel and Andrea Ghez (Nobel laureate), but no, I knew this many years ago, I wrote about galaxies as chakras of Cosmos have different radiation in my books about magic, yes, it's my hobby to study the world, and yes, in Russia there are people who are willing to pay money for what I tell them that in the past incarnation they were a worm, chicken or gray humanoid. Well, okay, I don’t want to talk about it, here I am considering the world from the point of view of scientist, not a magician. And I do not understand , is it a scientific discovery that in the center of galaxy there is center of gravity ? in my opinion it was seen and known by everyone who looked through telescope and saw an image of galaxy. Well, they ( nobel laureate) wrote that there is something in the center of galaxy, everyone said wow, what a fine fellow, he is genius, and I'll tell you what's substances in the center of the galaxy. Let's remember all examples of gravity in the galaxy: the core of stars and planets consists of a super heavy atom that attracts all elements, then this atom loses energy , leaving quark and stardust core that keeps gravity thanks to remnants of energy. In the center of galaxy is the core of the heaviest particles, plus electrons, plus "Galaxions", may be atoms. All theories of scientists are illogical, ideal theory of birth and structure of cosmos is needed, all its parts should be put together like a puzzle into ideal picture, I built this picture and I think I have assembled puzzle . Here's a scheme born of cosmos, by some chance, different particles are formed from smaller particles that make up the basis of universe, these particles, which I call "Galaxions", are concentrated in one place and give birth to galaxy, the life span of galaxy and its size depends on the initial number of particles of one type " Galaxions" and from the initial amount of energy , and also from external conditions, galaxies can feed on each other's energy, thereby prolonging their life. The death of galaxy occurs either due to the fact that its energy was absorbed by another galaxy or this galaxy flew too close to the Void, this edge of space, there is chaos, matter disintegrates there or galaxy itself is destroyed due to the fact that it has used up all its vital energy, apparently ..this is supply of some kind of gluons that she had from birth. Here is my version of origin of the cosmos. The life of cosmos is similar to the principle of many reincarnations, when, after long stagnation, movement begins, the origin of life, within the end ,when some kind of energy ends, particles of cosmos transforms - sticks with others particles, and can't be used for form of new galaxies, then cosmos dies and is again in stagnation until the next rebirth. So we know about existence of the smallest particles in cosmos, these are gluons. Scientists dream of catch and split them, they have mania to split everything, this is dangerous for the tissue of cosmos. Cosmos is living organism, it’s the same as if destroyed some part in person, he will die or become disabled. No need to split anything else, anyway, scientists will not understand what they are splitting and what part of cosmos this particle is, perhaps they are killing cosmos, destroying something important and sacred. So what is living cosmos, these are many various particles in motion and interacting with each other, forming the physical world, solid matter and large objects. Process of dying of cosmos: it's has vital energy, it is some kind of particles, thanks to it there is life, there is light, but in the process of vital activity these particles stick together with another's particles and energy becomes less. The body of cosmos is like human body, when too many harmful substances accumulate in the body, cells is die, then body decomposes, chemical reactions take place and then, in process of circulation of substances in nature, a new life grows on the basis of these substances. When there are too many mutant particles in сosmos that are unsuitable for formation of life, then cosmos will again enter in state similar to death, these particles will interact with each other for some time, decay into smaller particles suitable for formation of life and when bodyspace will be ready ,in some place the particles of vital energy will concentrate, there will be an electrical tension and there will be something like explosion, and cosmos from cold stationary state will go into state of chaos of particles and this will beginning for birth of new life, it will start moving again. There must be some kind of force that set the sleeping cosmos in motion, these are some kind of energy, vital energy of cosmos. Particles will begin to interact with each other, form larger particles, then the first galaxy will be born, it will begin to form atoms, give birth to stars and planets, then another type of galaxies will be formed, different from first galaxy and etc. This proves that centers of galaxies differ from each other, if particles due to which galaxies are born were the same, then we would live in one large galaxy, these particles, according to law of attraction of similar particles, would concentrate in one place, in the very first galaxy. I believe that there must be other divine gluons that are parts of our souls, perhaps our souls are parts of Cosmos, and when our cosmos die, our souls will continue to live as luminous dots, waiting for cosmos to wake up again. On the basis of my theory, atoms in intergalactic space are destroyed. Galaxies hold their atoms in themselves by the force of their attraction, only microparticles can fly out of the galaxy. *Parallel worlds, multiuniverse. Yes, there is such possibility of the birth of other universes. Behind the voids (chaos of microparticles there is cold dead space from which our universe was born, if enough vital energy accumulates in one place , then tension can occur and as result, another center will arise, new universes is born. Well, this is logical if there is no movement, then it is perceived as something cold, deathly, then tension and movement arose, chaos arose and particles began to order and give birth to galaxies, but behind the chaos I think there is cold space in which another point of concentration of energy can arise and another universe will be born. * Mass of space objects How scientists calculate the mass of space objects that are larger than earth, how can they measure their mass, if you bring these objects closer to each other, then since the star has larger core, which means its attraction is stronger, then earth's attraction does not work here anymore. Аnd how to measure the weight of star, imagine that we put star whose attraction is stronger on the earth's scales? Star on earth has no mass, I think this mass will be negative because star's attraction will stretch the earth. The core is super powerful magnet. It is difficult to measure its mass without knowing the strength of its attraction, it is a waste of time. The mass of earth is zero or even negative. Imagine the scales and we put copy of earth on them, but this is impossible, this copy also has nucleus with the same attraction, the planets will simply repel each other. ..the interaction of two identical magnets will give repulsion. We can only weigh what has lesser gravity. And yet, in space, weightlessness, mass exists only under conditions of attraction, if there is no attraction, then there is no mass either, the earth's double relative to the earth has its own attraction, which means it has no mass on earth. It is impossible to calculate the mass of objects that has attraction equal to or greater than of earth. Core of star does not consist of those metals that scientists described, which means that mass of core cannot be calculated. Scientists made mistake with chemical composition of the Earth's core and core of stars, so their studies are wrong. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSXEsmF27k/?igshid=1rze6gsxoxwpq The core consists of element unknown to scientists, this element is unique, it attracts all substances to itself, not one magnet or alloy of substances known on earth is capable of this. Scientists were mistaken about the composition of earth's core, there is no such substance in the depths of earth and on surface, and this is good because if it were on surface, then new point of attraction would arise, any material or living creature that appeared next to this substance would begin to lose energy and accordingly, atoms оf their body would begin to deforming. The core of the star and planet contains the heaviest stardust particles in the solar system. However, it should be clarified that the core of earth consisted of atom of this element when it was only in the womb of sun, but when earth separated from sun, after while atoms of its nucleus began to disintegrate, now there is mass of hard particles of stardust in the center of earth. I have already described process of destruction of atom. And in the center of sun there are still may be atoms of this element. But I suppose that the sun is too old and most likely in its center there is a mass of heavy particles and the atoms that have collapsed there soon too. *Magnetar neutron star. There are no neutron stars. Scientists write that if electron under high pressure is attached to proton, then neutron will turn out. But this is not so, neutron is а set of quarks that are united into temporary bond due to the energy of electron. As I understood, scientists call neutron stars those stars that are in the process of aging have lost part of their volume, they have decreased in size. Magnetar is star in which atoms of core are in the stage of energy loss and destruction, and its body does not consist of hydrogen, but of heavier atoms that also destroyed and lose energy, turning into quark mass. *Black holes. Hawkink's radiation. According to his theory, black holes not only absorb, but also emit energy, and some scientists suggest that energy can be obtained from black hole. Black hole does not emit normal energy, it can only emit waste, substances that it does not need for life. What is it? https://www.instagram.com/p/CF_-idLghqt/?igshid=19jywkf9axp3f What kind of drugs they smoke? By this scheme, if I fall into black hole, then the atoms into which I decay will fall into the past ? How is it, if we find ourselves near a black hole, then we will be sucked in, we will disintegrate into atoms, BUT, judging by this scheme, we will fall into the past, this means that when we are split into atoms we will find ourselves again outside the black hole, again alive, and then we will be sucked in black hole again and we will die and again fall into the past and again alive, some kind of "Groundhog day". The question is, how far can we go back in past if we jump into a black hole, for 1 minute? for 30 years and become young again? for 300 years, and according to the theory of reincarnation, we can find ourselves in the body of tree or worm that we were, well, someone may have been a worm or treeIs the Nobel Prize given for esoteric tales about trip to the past? I think this is a prize for literature, not physics. The damn term "singularity" I do not understand it, it is nonsense, that there is curvature of time and space, all around are different microparticles, I will described such termin as "time" later, this is only subjective sensation of person based on presence of time energy that fills him for new business, soothes and gives a sense of life. Like food, it fills us with energy because there are different particles in it. And in cosmos there is no such thing as "past", is only present. Time is particles that are attached to other particles of space, thereby limiting the speed of matter. Inside black hole no "past". The film «Interstellar» describes this theory, I watched the film 2 times and fell asleep 2 times in the middle, this is stupid. What is a black hole? This is not hole, is what remains of deceased star and now it is working in the energy collection mode to give birth to new star, the quarks or stardust in its center, by the force of their gravity, created core and new star is now forming there, like embryo in the womb. So it looks like hole, it does not emit light. The process of formation of new star takes place in a black hole, it is saturated with energy a core, if there were no core of new star in the black hole, then this black hole would infinitely expand absorbing everything in its path, and so black hole has stage when it core is nourished energy so much that more energy can no longer be accommodated in this core, and this core will pass to the stage when it will begin to radiate energy into surrounding space, and not collect. Black hole has limit of energy it can absorb, then new star appears in place of the black hole. Black hole is an old star pregnant with a new star, this is its reincarnation, but not all stars become black holes and give birth to new stars, only the strongest ones or those that could absorb the energy of another dying star. ..as in nature, only strong predators breed, the rest simply die of hunger. *Intergalactic space. There are no atoms, it is filled with destroyed microparticles from dead stars and other microrubbish, outside galaxies there is chaos of particles, man can never fly out of the galaxy, because matter of our body and ship will destroyed there and galaxy will not let go of itself part of her body by its attraction. *Voids If these black voids do not radiate energy and light, then it would be logical to assume that there is nothing there, this is the edge of inhabited space, this is chaos, behind which there is cold dead space from which chaos was born first, and then the first galaxy was born from chaos. *Time. And what do scientists mean by the termin of "time"? They themselves do not understand what it is. It is too complicated and at the same time simple. "Time" is special particle - " chronon", it attached to some of particles of cosmos and it limits the speed of movement of some objects. Chronon is something like energy, when man has a lot of it, he feels the fullness of life, time flows slowly for him, he feels every moment and succeeds in everything ,when man has few chronons, life flies by imperceptibly like one moment. So that, for example, a spaceship can overcome speed barrier and particle of time does not have power over it, need to learn how to destroy, or rather drive away these particles, probably need special engine that will study special vibrations and radiation that will push away chronon particles . Motor should be in the form of rotating discs. And then spaceship can be in any point of galaxy in a minute. But space travel is not possible, in order to create ship that will not destroy cosmic radiation, need to spend on it the entire supply of the most valuable metals on earth and planet will return to the Middle Ages. I think people need to forget about space travel with pilots inside the ship, it's very, very expensive. Maximum that can be done is unmanned ship that is protected from radiation and equipped with video cameras. Humanity will never master Mars and moon, these planets are radioactive pieces of garbage. If astronauts arrive on the moon or Mars, they will not be able to get out of the ships, radiation will kill them, and it is almost impossible to make spacesuit against such strong radiation, it will be impossible to walk freely in these suits. To withstand cosmic radiation, need special metal , it is very rare, the ship's bodycar must consist of atoms of this metal, it is special, its advantage lies in the fact that it is one of the most energetically strong metals. For example, when another atom or particle flies up to the quark of its atom, this valuable atom will simply take energy from dangerous particles and foreign atoms or cosmic particles will not harm it. *I want to create a video in the style of the BBC Discovery, 3D image the device of atom, how it interacts with other atoms, as well as video of how the cosmos was born and how it works. Videos on chemistry, nuclear physics and astrophysics. I certainly can't create it myself, only with computer graphics professionals, but I can be a screenwriter . *In short, at first there was cold space of microparticles, the remnants of previous Universe, then energy was concentrated in the center and electric voltage occurred and there was something like an electric explosion that created chaos from microparticles, then divine particle that gives energy began to attach to itself other microparticles in different proportions, so different " Galaxions" appeared that gave birth to galaxies. Center of cosmos is located at the point where this electrical voltage occurred, which generated chaos, there is energy center from which galaxies received energy for life, the more galaxies, the less energy in the center and the sooner cosmos will die again, conclusion, living beings and space objects are biomass and parasites of cosmos that someday will be eaten it. So nuclear war that will kill the planet and all life on it is a blessing for God and cosmos. You see, if I strain a little, then I can create a sect of Lord God suicides . Kill yourself and others for the sake of Cosmos and God. Or not, it is necessary to kill the vile creatures that defile God with their emotions, thoughts and appearance, because he wants to be beautiful. I love the film « Purge». Tragedy occurred in Russia in May 2021, a 19-year-old boy shot children at school and before that he left a message "I am God, I realized myself as God, I want people to recognize themselves as my slaves. And also killed 10 people and committed suicide ..no living creatures should remain in the world, this is a mistake of the universe. Today I will kill a lot of bio-rubbish. I came to this world in the form of a man to get rid of all of you". In my opinion, this boy has logic. And God really wants to be cleansed ,people do not respect him, do not bow, they only ask, demand, take offense, curse God, they never thank him for what they have (life, body, health, mind, energy), all these are gifts of God. They are selfish, they thank only to ask for something more. People pollute the body of god (space) with their dirty thoughts and emotions like cancer cells. _____ I will explain to make it clearer about the cold dead space. How it happened that the energy in it concentrated in one place and gave rise to chaos and our universe. Why these particles of energy were scattered and then concentrated in one place. These particles were scattered because before was another universe that also had energy center from which galaxies received energy to create life, these particles of energy stuck together with other particles and could not be used for birth of new galaxies, and when energy in the center ran out and died last galaxy ,cosmos has stopped giving birth to new galaxies and fell into cold dead state. Gradually particles of his energy separated from other particles and became again suitable for use and creation of life, they concentrated at one point and tension occurred and new universe was born. It is like decomposition of dead body into chemical elements that will then become again suitable for creation of new life. Physical body of cosmos turned into a corpse, chemical processes took place in it and decomposition into smaller particles that gave rise to new life . So Roger Penrose made mistake. There are no vibrations from the previous universe, our universe was not born immediately after the death of previous universe. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSV_aGlmNE/?igshid=2sy526sogtq9 I now think that if cosmos consists of ideal particles and particles of chaos that eventually destroy any structure when the energy runs out, then maybe our souls are also is energy structure and don't think that it consists only of divine particles, look how many nasty creatures around, and when energy ends, then soul collapses and some part of it then flies in the Void space and sings, "bzzz, I have collapsed", in my opinion this prospect is more terrible than Christian hell. So the only way to prolong your existence is to take energy from others, for example, a sacrifice ritual, not to pity anyone and to dominate others . Well, atom exists thanks to energy, atoms are part of our body, in order to live we need this energy, the question is how to get it energy. The more of this vital energy we have, the healthier and happier we are . Or our souls are particles of galaxies and when galaxy dies, then the soul dies too. Part 4. Chemistry and living organism. 1. DNA 2. What is aging. 3. Cell mutation. 4. Add and even atoms. 5. Parasites 6. Viruses 7. Cancer 8. Clean living environment. 9. Nutrition. *Here is my story of how I began to learn chemical world in practice, before that I lived normal life of healthy person without attaching much importance to the chemical composition of food I eat and the environment around me, it seemed to me that my body would withstand everything, this is fearlessness and carelessness because of which most people end up losing their health due to poisoning with chemicals around us and they do not understand the causes of disease, moreover, modern doctors cannot help them either. Because of chemicals in the body, people become disabled, lose their eyesight, their kidneys fail, they die from heart attacks, strokes, their brain rots, they go crazy, they age and die. My rich experience of poisoning (2 times with mercury and 1 time with pale toadstool) and loss of immunity helped me learn to scan the surrounding space for chemical composition, I can smell, taste and touch different chemicals and distinguish them, I constantly develop in myself it's skill. Not all chemical's, but many. Life without immunity on the verge of death is very difficult, you cannot wear 80% of clothes and shoes sold in the store, i was suffocate on it and lose consciousness, pain in heart ,cannot sleep on ordinary upholstered furniture, use blankets, only the most hypoallergenic fit, cannot tolerate household chemicals ,plastic products, even the room in which you live should be made of hypoallergenic materials, for example, wallpaper, when I was doing my own repairs, out of hundreds of different wallpapers in the store, I found only a few types that did not smell of anything and which did not make me dizzy. My brain is most perfect chemical analyzer of any objects in this world to determine their composition and safety for human body. The first time I was poisoned with mercury, I breathed it for an hour, the dose of mercury was about a teaspoon. I felt dizzy, there was a fog in my eyes, I felt cold, I ran to the hospital, there my internal organs and brain began to feel cold, convulsions began, but doctors gave me a dropper, they said me, "that's ok" and let me go home, at home I got warm with difficulty. In the next few months my stomach weakened, I could not digest many foods, I fainted from them, my immunity weakened, I felt numbness in my legs, because mercury was stuck in the lumbar spine in the spinal cord, but gradually I began to recover. Then I brought home a pale toadstool, these poisonous mushrooms grow along the roads in Moscow and St. Petersburg. I wanted to poison my stepfather, my mother's husband, who for 18 years threatened to kill me, beat and harassed me. I didn't want to kill him openly with a knife, I didn't want to go to jail. Police and my mother did not protect me. He is the ugliest man in the world, he looks like a pig, and his nose is like an egg. Since I was 12 years old, I lived in the same room (1 room 16 sq. m.) with my mother and her husband, she brought a homeless beggar, alcoholic, a murderer, a thief, a pedophile to our house for kill me, now I realized that if someone threatens you, then you need to answer immediately, I will kill a person who dares to threaten me ..if you allow yourself to be humiliated, then life itself will kill you. In Russia, I experienced the most terrible physical and moral torment, the army and prison are paradise compared to what I went through, they killed all light things in me, I hate this country and the people who live in it. There are no people here, only animals. I forgot about it toadstool and it was rotten in my backpack, when I pulled it out of my bag, it smelled strongly, I realized that it was poison, I threw it away and began to realize that I felt bad, I threw the backpack into washing machine, but it did not get rid of this poison, I poisoned the washing machine, this poison cannot be washed, it stings the skin, clothes on which this poison is not allowed to be worn, it kills the nervous system, the brain rots and the person goes crazy. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGe9RmZFiie/?igshid=1caajj20meh72 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGe9PZsFZMc/?igshid=1f89b6uhzztc2 Smell from rotten toadstool filled my two-room apartment. It was terrible, I could not sleep, my brain collapsed, I felt that I was going crazy and now an uncontrollable scream would burst out of me, my kidneys began to hurt badly, the poison came out through the kidneys. I opened all windows, I could not stay in the apartment, I spent the night at the train station and with friends, I ventilated the apartment for 3 months, all this time I slept on balcony, it was winter and temperature was -10, I was like bum. After this poisoning, my brain rotted by half, I started to have pre-stroke states, I could not even buy myself new jeans and shoes because I felt bad about the material they are made of. I'm thinking, but many people have dogs, they run on the grass where these pale toadstools grow, then dog carries this deadly poison home. Then I was poisoned with mercury a second time. In Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2017, someone specifically decided to poison people with mercury. In all supermarkets, the floors in the water section were treated with mercury and iron coins of money were stained with mercury. It lasted 2 years. I'm not lying, I'm serious, people brought mercury home on the soles of their shoes and then breathed mercury vapor, they stained their hands and clothes from mercury on the money, and then washed their clothes and contaminated the whole house. No one noticed this, but I know the radiation of mercury, I can feel it at distance of several meters, I know its smell, I know how it feels to the touch. I wrote letters to the administration of supermarkets, I complained to the Russian government, but all in vain. You know that water in plastic bottles absorbs all poisons from the air through the micro-holes near the cap. Therefore, all water that was near the mercury vapor was poisoned. After 2 years mercury in supermarkets disappeared (perhaps the one who did it got scared or was threatened) and the water department began to smell like another poison, I passed by and my head was spinning, the water there was poisonous, I choked on it. And just recently I figured out the secret where it came from. There are cleaners in supermarkets, but they are not employees of the supermarket, they are employees of cleaning services with which supermarkets conclude an agreement. It is one large cleaning service that serves all supermarkets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it belongs to one person and he secretly pays the cleaning ladies ( womans from Uzbekistan) for poison the floor in the water department. ..I wrote a letter to the offices of large supermarkets so that they most to find a small bottle of poison from this cleaning ladies, I think they scared these cleaning ladies and after week now in the two supermarkets , when I go to several times a week ,in the water department there is now clean air and there you can buy water. So I figured out a criminal plot. I distinguish the quality of the water by its taste, I immediately determine whether it is poisoned with something or not, it can be poisoned with arsenic or another poison in the store and warehouse where they stored water. Somehow I drank water, it was a new bottle, one of the best brands of water in Russia, it was at night and after an hour I feel that my lips are beginning to swell and blood vessels are expanding, and some kind of mad atom is ringing in my body, I looked in the mirror, my lips have doubled, apparently it was something poisonous in the water. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYHkj8lHpP/?igshid=t7o7selpxuel Water needs to be packaged the way Nestlé does, then even if it is stored in a poisoned place, it will still remain clean. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYHqy0lDjd/?igshid=1gqb1rzo1af13 Okay here's detailed history of my second mercury poisoning. I went to the bank to pay the bills, they gave me blank, and then I understand that it is stained with something familiar, mercury, but mechanically I put it in the pocket of my new coat, it was a wonderful long gray Nike coat, very expensive. And then I understand that I made mistake, I stained my coat pocket with mercury. (by the way, in order to infect room of 50 square meters with mercury and make people living there disabled who will die from heart attack or stroke, enough very small amount of mercury, less than one ball, the size of a grain of sugar). I came home and decided to wash my coat with my hands, as a result I breathed in mercury vapor, my head began to spin, I stained the bath with mercury, I could not wash my coat and so as not to infect other things with mercury I threw it away. Then with drops of water from the bath, on the shoes, I spread mercury throughout the apartment, the floors in my house began to evaporate mercury, I realized this at night when I felt some kind of ultrasound from the floor, I started to feel sick, I started having spasms in my intestines, this is the first sign of poisoned of mercury. I had laminate on the floor, I tried to wash off the mercury, but in vain, it is not washed off with the laminate, it is absorbed into the laminate, but mercury can be washed off the tile. So, with the help of hired workers, I had to remove and throw out the laminate from 2 rooms. I know from where there was mercury on the bank's blank, from the money, someone gave the bank employee money contaminated with mercury and she got her hands and her desk dirty, these days in all neighboring stores the sellers gave me change with coins that were soiled with mercury, and my life turned into mercury hell on the next year. Then in the store I go to the water department and I hear a strong whistle from which my ears get stuck, the weather was wet and floors in the store were wet, in the water department the floor was stained with mercury, I stepped there with my shoes and stained the sole, just as I did not try to clean sole of the shoes I did not succeed and then I come another store I got my shoes dirty in mercury again in the water department and I brought it home and as it happens, we are reckless, we come, put our shoes on the doorstep, put on house shoes, accidentally step on the dirty floor where there were street shoes and carry the dirt that was brought from the street throughout the apartment. I brought the mercury home on the soles of my shoes from store where someone was doing mercury on the floors every week in the water department. So in the next month I soiled my clothes, bedding, bath, hair, body, chairs, bed in mercury, I had't to call a special service that would remove mercury from my house, because they use such strong chemicals substances ,so I am with mine half-rotten brain, I could not live in apartment after this and I would have to live on the street in winter, so I fought with mercury for several months myself. I washed the floors 5 times a day, it was hell, take disposable rags , wipe 50 cm of the floor and throw away this rag stained with mercury, then again and again and again, the same place must be washed 5 times with different rags to wipe the mercury off the floor. When the floor becomes warm to the touch, it means it is clean and there is no mercury. I lost a lot of money to buy so many rags to clean the apartment, I had to throw away a lot of clothes stained with mercury, in vain scientists say that mercury is not absorbed through the skin, but it is perfectly absorbed through the skin, I ate mercury, I wore mercury on myself, I breathed mercury , my lungsand it paralyzes, I could not breathe, my heart and immunity weakened so much that I could not wear clothes except for a pair of T-shirts and could not hide with a blanket, I was dying from the materials they were made of, and it is winter outside and the windows in apartment are open , I have no bed, it is stained with mercury and I'm trying to sleep near the gas stove on 2 chairs. I had to quit my job. I was crying from despair on the floor, it was winter, the windows were open so as not to suffocate and I put on one T-shirt, but the gas stove warmed me up. I couldn't eat, every piece of food could be my last, some damn piece of banana could lead to stroke, I could only eat 200-300 calories a day, only fruit. I pulled myself out of the death a minute before falling several times a day for year, using water. And no one could help me, I myself had to clean my house. This is some kind of nightmarish chain that has no end, when one thing stains another with mercury, and for several months you spend whole days wiping your body of mercury with paper rags and (water does not wash away mercury from skin and things, you just stain the bathtub and spread mercury out of the bathtub with drops of water on other things, only paper rags wipe mercury from the body and objects). You can still evaporate mercury over a fire, I evaporated mercury from my clothes by hanging it above gas stove, as a result I breathed mercury vapor and I almost started a fire when my jacket fell on the fire. I evaporated mercury from my body and hair over the fire: winter, I'm in the kitchen, the windows are open, and after bath I stand naked over a gas stove so that mercury evaporates from my body, and it worked. This is not life, this is a crazy house. You think that I am a loser, but no, I think many people are constantly poisoned with something and die, but they do not know what they are poisoned with and cannot tell about it because they are dead, in ancient times entire cities died out from mercury, I think I am the only person who survived after that, without the help of doctors, but mercury still in my brain and it's hard for me to live. I have tried some methods of removing mercury from the body. "Unithiol ferein" injections helped a little, but they remove other poisons, doctors use it to cleanse people who have been poisoned with alcohol. I learned that mercury comes out, or rather moves in the body when another poison enters in body and the cells are forced to move the mercury to fight another poison, for example acetone. Dental anesthesia Ultracoin also removes mercury, there are several manufacturers of this drug, and not all of them work the same way, thanks to this drug I was able to move mercury ten centimeters from one part of the brain to another, closer to the exit. First my upper part of brain died out, then the right side of the brain rotted for a long time and I was on the verge of stroke, I sometimes lost control of the right side of the body, then mercury got stuck in the back of brain near the neck, now it is in the center of brain near hypothalamus , because of this I am often suffocate at night, water saves me, at least 5 liters a day. And I discovered that if drink from 10 liters a day, the body begins to excrete mercury. Plus, need a strict diet, food up to 1000 calories, only healthy foods, no sugar, from it the brain rots and immunity falls. I just have to take out quite a bit of mercury, and then the brain will begin to recover faster. If any of you know a drug that removes mercury, please write to me. -- A case in the subway, in one carriage opened the door to the driver's cabin, I was sat near and it immediately cleared my head, some kind of clarity and awareness appeared. Well, I'm an experienced physicist, I immediately realized that it was some crazy chemical particles that flew out of the cabin. I was fond of properties of metals and learned that tungsten has property of destroying the energy biofield of man and objects, tungsten creates chaos on the subtle level of energy fields, I dabbled with tungsten rings as in "the lord of the rings", I even have a whole collection of them from different alloys. And experimented with a tungsten lamp, when you take tungsten in your hand, it clears your mind. If you attach tungsten to your head and wear it for long time, then man loses memory and goes crazy, if you want to make someone an idiot, sew a piece of tungsten into his hat, this is very dangerous metal. This rubbish is hardly washed off from hands and objects. I then stained my hair with tungsten and in order not to go crazy with this metal, I had to shave my head again. I stained the washing machine, having washed things soiled with tungsten.. And also such radiation came from carriage of subway, as if there was mercury. In short, they have either radiation or tungsten there, plus mercury. I think the drivers will be crazy soon. And I also remembered that when i take some kind of fruit in my hand in store, my consciousness is cleared, as if there is tungsten on them, and there are mad particles on them, the fruit is probably irradiated with something, maybe with something nuclear or radiation. 1. DNA and cell. Take a cell and atom in it as the simplest unit of organism. We are interested in the reason for difference in the behavior of cells in different tissues of the body and behavior of cells with different DNA in one type of tissue. Consider the nervous tissue of the brain and its cells. DNA in these cells is not identical, they are divided into groups according to the parts of the brain, depending on functions performed, the state of human health and environmental factors, during life the human brain changes, cells in some department are replaced by others due to various factors ,for example diseases, when group of cells of the same type died and it was replaced by cells with other DNA or due to nutrition, but this is described below. Efficiency of cell depends on its DNA, it is its brain ,the quality of DNA depends on genetics and environment in which man lives, on his health, negative environment can damage parts of DNA. 2. What is aging. Aging is an excess in the body of antimatter, heavy metals and parasitic organisms that absorb nutrients and littering in the body, as a result, normal healthy cells do not have time to cleanse and multiply, their number are becoming less and less. I call decay products of atoms ,atoms of heavy metals and dangerous particles of stardust- antimatter, a normal healthy cell eat only certain set of atoms and particles of stardust ,in order for it to learn to eat poisons, it must mutate, rebuild the structure of its nucleotides, such cell lacks nutrients and it turns into parasite that takes these substances from neighboring cells. 3. Cell mutation. What is mutation? Is when cell changes the structure and number of nucleotides under the influence of external factors, environmental influences or the body's need for new qualities for survival and development, this cell becomes alien to its mother cell. For example, harmful substances enter the cell , the choice of nucleotides -either destroys them and kills the cell or need to adjust, increase the number of nucleotides and strengthen bonds in DNA, it is the brain of the cell, so then with change in the structure of DNA behavior of cell also changes, now it has different taste preferences, different relationships with the cells of the body. Can be traced by the example of animals, when they from their natural environment got into the human habitat and in order not to die from exposure to chemicals they had to mutate, for example, pigeons, these rats with wings drink from puddles with gasoline and eat from the ground, absorbing any poisons, their cells have learned to digest antimatter. What is antimatter in my interpretation. Poisons is a relative concept, but in cosmos there is norm for normal living organisms, a list of those substances that they assimilate. If man learns to eat only antimatter, then he will no longer be like man, he mutates into something else with a different consciousness and needs. We have already found out that atoms and other cosmic rubbish have different vibrations, and so the human biofield changes depending on his nutrition and substances that his cells assimilate. I admire cockroaches, they can eat cardboard and live, they are not living beings at all in the full sense of the word, they feed on antimatter. For the body to function normally, there must be minimum of antimatter, it depends on the external environment in which man lives, as well as characteristics of his body and his ability to fight negative factors environment, everyone has different genetics and health reserves. 4. Here is my theory about odd and even atoms in the human body. Scientists are unlikely to be able to prove this theory in practice, because they cannot separate a whole intact atom from matter and count the number of its electrons, and I do not think that they will ever learn. Atoms with even and odd number of electrons differ in their energy structure and influence on a living cell. If man consisted only of odd atoms, then he would be more airy, could fly and would have perfect health. Even atoms give the cell gravity because they have less energy than odd ones. Odd atoms have more energy and additional charge, so when they enter the cell, they feed it, it lives and moves thanks to this energy. If «even» atom enters the body, then it takes energy from other atoms and damages them. There are even atoms that are necessary for gravity and building a body, they are part of structure of cell, and there are even heavy atoms that are poison for body. This atom disables neighboring atoms that are part of living cell and body tissues. On the planet of even atoms, no more than 20%, the rest atoms have odd number of electrons, if even and odd atoms would be 50 to 50%, as scientists assume, then life on this planet would be impossible in the form in which we know it, only worms and cockroaches that can feed on antimatter would live here. In addition, for the atom to have energy and cell could eat it, the atom must have photon in its composition, most odd atoms in its composition have photon. There is an electron in the composition of photon, photon is particle that appears as result of decomposition of body of star, which consists of quarks and electrons. Photon gives energy to atom like electron. Atoms without photon are destroyed, they lose energy. They feed on energy of other atoms. Odd atoms - atoms with 1,3,5,7,9... number of elelectrons. Even atoms - atoms with 2,4,6,8... number of electrons. *Paired electrons. Scientists have already proven such phenomenon in the atom as paired electrons in energy communication with each other. I already wrote that all electrons in the atom are connected to the center of atom, they feed it, but atom must feed a living cell, but the energy of paired electrons is aimed at maintaining the integrity of atom, otherwise it will collapse. For atom to be able to give energy to cell, it needs a free unpaired electron or photon. Unpaired electron connected to the center of atom and thanks to it, the atom begins to emit energy. It becomes a precious metal. This is my theory, I know that there are more odd atoms on the planet than even ones, so that the body is healthy it should have about 5% even atoms, they are needed for gravity, but hard and complex heavy even atoms kill the cell. I will tell you why there are fewer even atoms on the planet than odd ones, and they are mainly located in the bowels of the earth where photons cannot reach, because they are destroyed due to lack of energy, they have no energy supply, they give their energy to other atoms, if they have photon or unpaired electron then they are live longer, which means an unpaired electron and photon in the atom performs a special function making the atom more stable. ..the most ideal atom is light odd atom with photon. Cell can learn to accept antimatter and "even" atoms, and it becomes parasitic, it begins to hunt for other cells, this leads to cancer, some people mutate with this cell, they do not die, but mutate, then the person turns into mutant like a cockroach. It is necessary to investigate cells of absolutely healthy people living in ecologically clean environments and cells of older people living in unsanitary environment, these people should have died from poisoning long ago, but they are still alive, they have mutated, many chemists who deal with different chemicals substances are also partially mutants. So it is necessary to compare how the cells of these people react to atoms of heavy metals and poisons. Or, for comparison, can take pigeons, a domestic pigeon of which was fed with natural healthy food and street pigeon in a polluted city, the cells of their body have different resistance to antimatter. My 95 year old grandmother who died would be ideal for these experiences. A few years ago I lived with her in the same 2 room apartment to keep an eye on her and help, for 3 years that we lived together, I accidentally first poisoned the apartment with fumes of pale toadstool, and then with mercury, I lived on the verge of stroke, and this 95 year old ghoul only wait and ask me when i will die and she like dementor would suck my energy. I think she would have survived if nuclear bomb had been dropped on us, she is like mutant - cockroach, her cells eat antimatter, and she died from the fact that she stumbled and hit her head on the edge of the table. Human health depends on how many percent of antimatter and even atoms in his body, if this substance many in the body, then older and more sick he is. So if cell mutates under environmental changes, then I want to write a little about the air we breathe. On this planet bad air, oxygen is not the best substance for breathing, there is too much of it in the air, it decomposes and oxidizes the cell, there is too little nitrogen in the air, if there were more of it, then our health would be stronger, when i smell nitrogen, i feel a state of lightness, freshness, as if you were starting glow from the inside. Hydrogen gives state of airiness. In vain ecologists will be hysterical about deforestation, humanity can painlessly cut down 15% of forests and composition of the air will change, there will be more hydrogen in it, but our cells will adapt in 10 years and we will be more airy. *Parasites - worms. So the source of parasites in the human body. Parasites can enter the fetus from mother in the womb, from close contact with another man, from domestic animals, from any animals with which person comes into physical contact, from street birds of pigeons, man can inhale the parasite egg when pigeons fly by his face, from food (fish, meat , freshmilk, honey), from poorly washed hands when man eats, from swimming in like or river, man swallows a little water with parasite eggs. They perform different function, there are parasites that feed on toxins entering the body, poisons, alcohol, decay products, these are cleaners. There are parasites that feed on nutrients from the body, they suck blood, they can bite man from the inside, causing vessel spasms and pain. Parasites in the body release toxic waste products that poison the body. They are in a sense reasonable, it's like stranger inside with their own consciousness and desires Favorite food of worms is sugar, milk, meat. Some of human cells have learned to digest the bodies of dead parasites, so some human cells may contain DNA from the worm, because the cell integrates the DNA of food which it constantly feeds on. Parasites and heavy metals in the human brain are the cause of such diseases as Epilepsy and Madness when man ceases to control and see himself. Parasites can bite man from the inside causing convulsions, seizures, epilepsy, blockages of blood vessels - strokes. If man tries to kill parasites with the help of some kind of chemical substances, then at the same time he poisons some cells of his body, killing the worm, he kills himself and still there are eggs of these parasites that will hatch through a week and man will again be infected with worms, and again he will have to clean himself, this is a nightmare, need to constantly poison yourself to be clean. If man were completely clean of parasites, then if he eats healthy food, his vision would immediately be restored, his hair would become 2 times thicker and stronger, bones and teeth would become stronger, immunity would become stronger. Also the presence of parasites and poisons in the body depends on how tall the child will grow, you can control the growth of the child within 25 centimeters. This is influenced by parasites that take away part of nutrients from the body and save many people from growing 2 meters tall, antimatter also affects the development and growth of the body and also the quality of the child's nutrition and the amount of calories consumed. If limit the amount of cholesterol (dairy products), then a person's growth will be less. Parents can decide who their child will become, a person of ordinary height, or it will be a tall person of model height 175-182 cm or it will be giant 2 meter basketball player. I know husband and wife, they are both thin and their height is 165 cm, but their son looks like a bear and his height is 190 cm, this is all due to nutrition. *Viruses. Almost all most dangerous for humans viruses mutate in the body of animals that are closest to humans, these are dogs, cats. I will give an example of the Covid 19 virus. Scientists examined his DNA and came to the conclusion that this is a virus either from bat or from snake, but man is not in the sphere of interests of snake, this virus mutated in the dog's body, he rebuilt the DNA department that is responsible for species nutrition of animal, and species food of dog is man, because dogs look at people as food. Dogs many thousands years eat humans meat. Also suspect that Hepatitis C virus is canine too. I was first to guess that Covid19 is canine virus, I wrote about it to many people and after 3 weeks I found in Internet that scientists assume that it is a canine virus, maybe they used my information. During pandemic and i get sick 2 times with other viruses, I think I breathed them in when the pigeons flew near my face and I think these are dog viruses, because on the ground there is shit from dogs and cats, and there are almost no viruses in pigeons, their intestines are filled with poisons from the fact that they eat all kinds of filth from the ground, no one virus will not survive there. The first illness was like flu, and the second ... I never felt this way, in a couple of hours my temperature rose and my brain began to burn, as if someone was devouring it from the inside, my blood vessels suffered and my head was spinning, but I realized eat ginger and it killed the virus, I was cured in 2 day. The third time I got sick and usually it lasts more than a week, at first a runny nose, sore throat, high temperature, after 6 days it goes down to the lungs and dry and wet cough begins. But this time I recovered in 3-4 days. It seems to me that herbal chamomile tea helped me, it clears my head and makes it easier to breathe, it kills bacteria, on the second day of illness I was walking around the store, my eyes fell on this tea and a voice inside said, "buy it, it will help " , althoughI usually do not buy tea bags, I suspect that waste and garbage are poured there. Scientists should test the intestines of dogs and they will find there the most dangerous viruses for humans. I call people who have dogs is dirty and zoophiles, if you have dog in your house, then your clothes, bed, floor, everything in your house will be stained with shit, parasite eggs from dog , and any chemical poison that dog will bring into the house from street. Besides, dogs often perceive one of the family members as a sexual partner, often dogs try to rape man, my friend was almost raped by a stray dog whom she stroked. Dogs are dirty creatures, they are disgusting to God, it would be better if they did not exist at all. And in the human body, dangerous for humans viruses do not mutate, well, that's how it works. During the Pandemic epidemic, just in case, I ate green radish, horseradish and red hot peppers, because they contain heavy metals and special substances that corrode living tissue in the virus, the part of his body that is responsible for reproduction is the most unprotected part of his body. After all, when we eat these products, they damage the mucous membrane of our mouth, which means they also destroy the virus, the main part of its body is protected, but the place that is responsible for reproduction is the most unprotected, like in many types of organisms. Green onions also kill viruses. Here are my thoughts on the AIDS virus and the immune deficiency syndrome. I think I have figured out the secret of this disease. There is no AIDS virus that can destroy the body of healthy person. The state of body of patient with AIDS is a weak immunity, the body almost does not produce immune cells and because of this the body cannot fight against viruses and microorganisms that enter it from the environment, and there are a great many of them, and likely there is a particularly harmful virus that can be called the AIDS virus, it devours healthy tissues, but it would not survive in a healthy body. The immune system stops working if organs responsible for the immune system are damaged. This is due to the ingress of toxic substances into the body that affect the spinal cord and brain, as well as other organs. To cure a person, need to cleanse his body and give him the best vitamins to restore internal organs. I understood this on the example of my body, I was poisoned with mercury and pale toadstool, my internal organs are affected and there is no immunity, I am allergic to everything, microorganisms and viruses constantly multiply in me, they devour me alive, because my food is sterile, I almost do not eat poisonous food that ordinary people eat (more than 70% of food in the store is poison for me) and my immune cells are not enough. I do not want to be vaccinated Sputnik V, it consists of 2 parts, the first is a virus that provokes the production of immune cells, but my immune cells are not produced like in an ordinary person, this virus will just eat me up ,the second part is poison that will weaken or kill this virus, but my organism is weak and I do not need poison , in Russia there are many varieties of Covid vaccines, some of them are useful for the body, but these vaccines are for selected people, for politicians and the military. * Diseases of nervous system. By the nervous system I mean brain, spinal cord and nervous system network ,because they are interconnected and dependent on each other. Diseases of the nervous system are tremors, epilepsy, nervous tics, paralysis, etc. Mental illness, schizophrenia, autism, dyslexia, sclerosis, insanity when man does not understanding what he doing, mental clouding. So after studying all processes that can occur in the nervous tissue , I came to conclusion that man cannot suffer from any of these diseases with absolutely healthy nervous tissue. The main reasons leading to disruption of brain and nervous system, which is reflected in other organs, is, firstly, intoxication or poisoning of the body and brain with various poisons, including heavy metals and of course, parasites are often the cause. When I was poisoned with a pale toadstool and 2 times with mercury, half of my brain died and couple of times when some kind of poisons from the environment fell into me and my brain and immunity could not cope, then I had a state that I thought I would now go crazy, just lose control over mind, but fresh air and plenty of clean water saved me. There is department in the human brain, if it is damaged, then the person goes crazy. Mechanical damage of brain and spinal cord, and any tissue of the body if it is not amputation or loss of teeth can be restored if favorable conditions are created for it, clean environment , presence of nutrients and clean water. *Cancer. Cancer is the cells of body with modified program of behavior, due to some factors, they have become alien in the organ in which they were formed. Cancer cells are born from the intake of antimatter into body, in some people the cells mutate and adapt like in rats and cockroaches, these people live for years in poisoned environment and live to old age, I have seen such people. In other people, cancer cells appear, these are cells in some organ due to the intake of harmful substances that they cannot feed on, mutate into an alien parasite cell, it forgets about function that it must perform in the organ and begins to harm of normal cells and intensively multiply. Also if there are many parasite worms in the body that pollute the body and take away the most valuable nutrients, then the cells do not have strength to fight antimatter and remove poisons. If there were no worms in the body, then man would cope with the garbage that enters him and would not get cancer. 2 most important steps to preventing and healing cancer. Destruction of parasites and purification of the body from their corpses and antimatter with the help of a large amount of water (6-10 liters) and nutrition with pure healthy food that does not contain parasite eggs and poisons. Cancer can appear because of the food that person eats, and because of dirty external environment. Clean living environment is a guarantee of health. Here I will give recommendations on how to make your habitat as safe as possible and perhaps this will save the lives of many people and extend their life for many years. *House. Interior decoration materials and cleanliness of house. I made repairs in apartment ,or rather ,for me this repair was done by hired worker. I decided to make my apartment super eco-friendly, I put tiles on the floor everywhere because linoleum stinks, the laminate absorbs any chemistry, for example, mercury is not washed from it. I decided to stick wallpaper on the walls, the paint will evaporate for a long time and harm to health, I have long chosen wallpapers that would suit me in design and are environmentally friendly, I took them in my hands, smelled and looked at my feelings, 98% of wallpapers in the store are made of toxic materials. And here's my discovery that helped me. Since I moved into a new apartment with a new renovation, I was suffocating at night several times a week, I saved myself with water, in my house I had a headache. ..firstly, the person who made me repairs stained my hypoallergenic wallpaper with glue and some other kind of chemistry, I washed them for a long time so that they did not smell of anything, and I finally understood the reason for my poor health, it is the paint on the ceiling that is to blame, it is mistake paint walls and ceilings in living quarters, even after 2 years the paint evaporated into the air and poisoned me, I sniffed the ceiling and realized that I felt bad, in the end I found a solution, I found the most hypoallergenic wallpaper in the store (this is not easy, 98% of wallpapers in store are dangerous and stink of creepy chemicals) I cooked glue from flour and pasted wallpaper on the ceiling and now it is easier for me to breathe in the house, I sleep normally at night and do not choke. If I am doing renovations in a new house, then I want to put tiles on the walls and on the floor, a seamless installation method so that there are no seams. I will have a stone floor and walls like bathroom and they will not smell anything, and on the ceiling or good wallpaper or some transparent panels that look like glass, which also smell nothing. A safe home can save life and health. And you know, I can work as an eco-designer, I will feel any dangerous chemistry in the material, I have a nose on my fingers, if I touch an object for a couple of seconds, I will immediately determine whether it is dangerous or not . And so I came to conclusion that living quarters need to be decorate with materials that do not emit any toxic substances, these are: glass (glass panels, there are many types of them, colored and decorative), these are tiles like in the bathroom and sheets of aluminum. it is more expensive than wallpaper and paint, but for the sake of health you can spend a couple of thousand dollars more. They are easier to wash and can be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner. When my ceiling was painted with paint I was suffocating at night for 2 years and I needed about 7 liters of water to survive, after I pasted wallpaper on the ceiling I have enough 2 - 3 liters of water a day and I sleep well. But the quality of the wallpaper is greatmeaning, now I want to decorate the ceiling with aluminum sheet panels. --- Any furniture or interior item needs to be sniffed in the store for several minutes to understand whether this material will harm you, if you want to laugh, then the material consists of toxic materials, they cause laughter like drugs, or you feel dizzy or you have difficulty breathing. Toxic furniture can seriously harm your health. I am against carpets, almost all of them are not environmentally friendly. And it is also important not to bring dirt from the street onto the shoes into the apartment, you need to separate the area at the front door where your street shoes will stand from the home area where your home shoes are and somehow try not to mix them . This will keep floors in your home clean and you can walk barefoot. From the street on shoes, you can bring home the eggs of worms , part of shit of dogs and the most dangerous poisons. But if you have pets you cannot do this, they will still stain their fur on the place where the street shoes are, and then they will crawl onto your dining table, bed, and into your arms. And you will eat mercury, arsenic, lead, gasoline, worm eggs and shit. *Household chemicals. Most household chemicals are not intended to be near a living organism without harm to this organism. Many of them cause cancer (like fabric softener) because the cell is unable to digest these substances. The quality of detergent washing powder or gel for clothes and dishwashing detergent is especially important. I can only use "frosch" to wash clothes. And for dishwashing some kind of transparent odorless agent. *Habitat environment. When I did not have immunity, I realized that almost all materials from which clothes, shoes, bedding, upholstery, blankets, mattresses are made from materials hazardous to health. I was especially surprised by the very low quality of IKEA products. Their mattresses are super toxic, it is impossible to sleep on them even if man has normal immunity, blanket fillers too. The fabric from which they make bedding is also synthetic waste. I even threw out the bed made of solid pine because it was treated with something toxic, from which I was suffocating at night. Better to buy steel beds. Hey Ikea, do not dare to argue with me and contact me, I am a chemist and I will prove that your products are hazardous to health, I can analyze any material and how its chemicals affect the body's cell, man cannot sleep on such mattresses, pillows, bedding, you kill people's health. Although possible you making quality goods for your stores in Europe and America, and you are bringing toxic waste to Russia stores. I was only able to sleep on your mattress after I covered it with 4 layers of fabric to prevent it from stinking. So back to clothes, in vain people think that their skin protects them from chemicals around, can't wearing clothes made of toxic materials or clothes that are stained with something chemical is also dangerous. After the purchase, I wash new things 3 times. And in general, I always wash all my clothes 3 times. I am surprised by the people who use public laundries. Before you in a washing machine someone could wash sneakers soiled with something super poisonous (lead, arsenic, mercury, eggs of parasites that are everywhere on earth) and then you wash your clothes in this dirty machine. If I didn't have my own washing machine, then I would wash my things by hand in a basin. I also often see people sit down on the ground, put their backpacks on the ground, and then put them on their backs, carry their pets in their arms that have just been running on the ground, sit on benches on which pigeons were sitting. And then women wonder why they have menopause, and it is in their bodies that poisons and heavy metals have accumulated and cells are not able to perform their functions. Although it is possible cosmetics with poisons are also to blame. Wherever I am going to sit in public places, I lay a newspaper, under me. Outerwear I wash once a week, I wash my backpack once every 2 weeks. I try to make my living environment sterile so that less poison gets into me, because I learned how fragile the human body is and how thin line that separates man from health to disability and death is. Just that you were super healthy and could eat 5000 calories a day, and tomorrow you got mercury or pale toadstool and you can't eat a banana because half of your brain has died and you live on the brink of asphyxia and stroke. *Cosmetics. Most modern decorative cosmetics contain dangerous poisons, this is done on purpose, I think this is part of program to reduce the world's population, because creating safe cosmetics is very simple, you need beeswax, mineral oils and food coloring, and some kind of safe preservative. There are safe natural alternatives, essential oils, strong-smelling herbs that can be dried, mixed with alcohol or oils. And neen safe it in refrigerator in the store. 5. Nutrition. Here will be described nutrition that slows down the aging of the body, because almost no harmful substances from food enter the body and cells have time to cleanse and divide. And also detailed description of each type of food and how it affects the human body. *Sugar Sugar destroyed cell membranes, blood vessels lose their elasticity, parasites feed on it, in the body of almost all people there are colonies of parasite organisms, which, like black spider web, multiply in body tissues, they feed on sugar and release toxic substances that poison body cells ,if exclude sugar, they starve and grow weak. When sugar enters the bloodstream, the body gives up its nutrients to neutralize sugar, if it did not do this, then the person would start to rot, see sometime how diabetics rot in the last stages of disease, for example, non-healing leg ulcers. But the problem is not with the sucrose itself, but with the chemical poisonous substances that remain in the sugar crystals after it is refined in the factory, sugar producers use hazardous chemicals to produce sugar. If do not eat sugar, then body directs these nutrients to restore bones, including the spine, teeth, organs, blood vessels, it is like white healing, antiseptic, full of microelements liquid inside. *Sweeteners. Absolutely all sweeteners are toxic, they poison the cells and inhibit their work, including stevia. Fructose is not much different from sugar, diabetic food. Can leave grape syrup and light agave syrup, there are useful elements, but after opening they must be stored in the refrigerator so that harmful microorganisms do not develop there. Date syrup, erythritol, and cane sugar are harmful. *Honey. Honey has a lot of useful elements, especially with propolis, which has an antiseptic effect, but honey is not a hygienic product, it contains a lot of parasite eggs, we get scared when a fly lands on our food, but hundreds of bees flying around the fields, on which shit animals , people are not embarrassed, a bee does not wash its belly and paws when make honey. Foxes, hares, mice, snakes, bears, etc. the eggs of their parasites end up in honey. *Milk. Milk affects the brain cells as anesthesia or paralyzer, they temporarily stop cleansing until the milk leaves the body, this is to blame the antibiotics that are used to treat cows, and preservatives that are added to the milk at the factory. So that the brain does not rot, begin to multiply parasites that partially neutralize this milk. Milk is rotten flesh. If you drink fresh milk, which was extracted from cow on the same day, it is delicious, there are many vitamins, but there may also be eggs of worms. Scientists are right about the benefits of milk, but they write about fresh milk, and store-milk is poison, there are preservatives, antibiotics, denatured protein, it interferes with the work of nerve cells, it is food for parasites and a source of mucus in the body. Cheese, it's a piece of rotten flesh, nothing useful. A good substitute for milk can be a smoothie made from raw oats, which restores cartilage in the body, banana and boiled rice, and then can add anything you want to taste, fruits, sweeteners, nuts. Vegetable milk that is sold in the store is usually poison, there are poor quality vegetable oils. Plus there are preservatives and there are oxidation and decay processes begin. *Salt. Our body almost does not need salt, for perfect organ function, man needs to eat salt no more than 2 times a week, on other days it is better to completely exclude products containing salt from menu. As a substitute for simulating salt, use avocado, egg and garlic sauce, for pasta or other side dishes. Salt contains particles with sun energy, it is good, but it also contains harmful particles, i feel it, even if i taste most expensive salt. Salt is excess water in the body, it deposits in the joints. * Dried fruits. Dried fruits are pesticides with which trees were sprayed from insects, it is dust and dirt from the hands of workers who were harvesting crops, it is denatured, semi-rotten cell. There are almost no vitamins. Only rot teeth. * Meat. So about meat, according to the conclusions of scientists, human is a fruit-eating creature, teeth, nails and the length of the intestine. But they missed an important thing, perhaps distant ancestor of man was a fruit-eating creature that ate vegetable food and all kinds of snails, but when this ancestor got down from the tree and begin to eat meat food, his brain and hands became his weapon. While preserving the external form of a fruit-eating creature, inside human partially became a predator. I explain that cells of the body have DNA, there is section in which the species of nutrition is recorded, special structure of nucleotides, when new substance enters organism, then part of cells mutates in order to survive, the DNA of animal meat enters the cell, and the cell has a choice, or die, or change the structure nucleotides to learn how to digest a new substance, thus it mutates, some cells incorporate parts of the DNA of animals that humans eat, and these cells become predatory. In human, under the influence of external factors, there are many different cells with different DNA, they have different species nutrition, some cells eat bananas, others eat meat. And if man whose parents ate meat and he himself ate meat from childhood suddenly becomes a vegetarian, then part of his predatory cells begin to starve and die, this harms the tissues of the body. We must admit that man is omnivorous. But lot of meat is harmful, 1-2 in week is enough, if you are not mongols or north inhabitants. An example of the harm of alcohol caused is Japanese marbled beef. This is very harmful meat full of toxins, because Japanese farmers give their cows alcohol every day and the muscles of the cows do not get enough nutrition, due to poor blood circulation in the muscles toxins accumulate and get marbled meat. Pork is the most harmful meat, there are the most evil worms- parasites, much more dangerous than in other types of meat. Chicken is the most useful meat, it is easily digested and tissues of the body grow from it. Now about the moral aspect. According to the law of nature, the most intelligent, dexterous and beautiful individuals should survive, the stupid freaks are not needed by cosmos. That's who likes pigs, cows and chickens. They are made to be food. But for example it would be pity to eat a panther, it is a perfect and beautiful creature. And it seems to me that the most useful meat is raw and fresh blood, reindeer herders drink raw reindeer blood, Mongolian nomads drink blood from live horse. If animal lives in ecologically clean place and eats well, then our body should instantly begin to recover from its blood, it seems to me that this is an elixir of health and youth. But the best blood is fresh blood of healthy human living in nature, I think German and Swiss farmers would be ideal donors. They look so healthy, pink cheeks, white teeth, mmm, when I think of their blood, I feel hungry. But they are too rich to sell their blood, maybe the villagers in Carpathians or in Ukraine would be suitable for gastronomic tourism, tourists would come to them to drink their blood. Can build a sanatorium there. Finland is suitable for vegetarian tourists, while living in St. Petersburg I realized that the Finns are either former trees or tree spirits, or trolls, their past reincarnations, so their blood is practically plant food. But most usefulis blood of little 1-2 years children. This is not cannibalism, because the victim will remain alive, although cannibalism is part of human history, if people in the past did not eat each other, then the population of the earth would now be several times less, you were born due to the fact that your ancestors ate each other. *Smoking. From my own experience, I know that 100% way to quit smoking is to go on long hunger strike, on the 8th day you start to feel sick even from cigarette smoke, you start to hate smokers. * Greens. Vegetables and fruits must be washed with a special means and peeled, otherwise there is more harm than good for health. And yes, grapes, apricots, peaches also need to be eaten without a peel, there are so many preservatives on it. Green, slightly unripe fruits contain the most vitamins, green bananas are superfood, oranges with greenish peels contain 70% more vitamins than ordinary orange ones. The melon contains some kind of toxin, which destroys some parasites. Passion fruit also has antiparasitic properties. Daikon- large white radish, red and green radish and horseradish disinfects the body from pathogenic bacteria and parasites. Daikon with a green bottom, contains heavy metal salts. It clinks when you take it in your hands, it is the radiation of heavy metal atoms. Ginger can cope with many dangerous viruses, as it saved my life, I was cured in 1 day. Oats flakes or a mixture of cereals (flakes of oats, rye, wheat and barley) just pour boiling water, cooking vitamins is simply stupid. The healthiest side dish is pasta. Cooking pasta for a long time is harmful, vitamins are destroyed, it is better to soak them in warm water for 1-2 hours so that they soften, and then boil for a couple of minutes. *Vegetable oils. The most useful are cold-pressed sunflower oil, evening primrose oil. I do not like unrefined olive oil, I bought several of the most expensive brands, they taste terrible, they are sharp and bitter, like poison, but refined olive oil purified from harmful impurities is much more useful. * Beverages. As for drinks, black tea and coffee is fried rubbish, although there are some vitamins in fresh coffee and can drink it once a week, green and red tea has average harm, depending on the variety and price, all the same, their leaves were dried and it is essentially rubbish. The main causes of aging are black tea, coffee, sugar, fried foods, smoking, parasites and lack of water that cleanses the body and gives life to new cells. Instead of coffee, can sometimes drink raw cocoa powder, there are many vitamins. It is believed that man needs 1.5-2 liters of water per day, tea and so on do not count. But in fact, man needs at least 5 liters of water so that the cells have enough and the body can cleanse itself, we takes tens of liters of water to wash the outer covers of the skin, and the internal organs also get dirty, and only water it can be washed, ideally needed 7 liters of water. If you decide, you will have to limit the salt, otherwise you will swelled and there will be bags under the eyes. This amount of water pushes even heavy metals like mercury out of the brain by some centimeter per day. After 8 liters, the cells begin to renew and cleanse completely. But every day can't do that, vitamins are washed out, need special nutrition. In short, for youth and health, need 5-7 liters of water per day. If you are very sick, then you need to drink 10 liters of water a day 2 times a week and your body tissues will be cleansed, my record is 13 liters. And now about the mineral water, because we need to somehow compensate for elements that will be washed out of us along with poisons if we drink 7-10 liters of water. I like s.Pellegrino. Sellters water is more like tap water in composition and taste, terrible quality. Water in glass bottles is better, after all, water in plastic bottles interacts with plastic and it is not clean enough. By the way, water absorbs from air chemicals through the holes near the cork, if in room where it was located smells of bleach, poison for parasites or something else chemical, then the water is poisoned there. * About GMO products, it works like this, the DNA of predatory animal is embedded in a plant cell, if the cells of human body allow this plant in, because they read it as a healthy food and integrate this DNA of predatory animal or insect, then the body cell mutates into predatory cell of that animal, it goes crazy, it becomes a foreign cell in the organ, because now it has a different DNA. In the DNA of such plants, the part that is responsible for reproductive function of the cell is damaged, the seeds of these plants for one harvest, then you need to buy a new batch if you eat this plants, some cell of your body loses its ability to divide . * Nuts. The most useful are raw cashews and hazelnuts, but they must be washed well, pumpkin seeds provide vitamins and make the body sterile from parasites, peanuts are all GMO and are hard to digest, almonds can contain hydrocyanic acid, walnuts are difficult to find raw , all sorts of pecans and macademia is an exotic poison to which our body is not adapted. And roasted nuts are pure poison. From proper nutrition, the body begins to rejuvenate, cleanse and recover. I realized after a few months that mercury comes out during fruit eating, brain cells can remove it, scientists write that body cells can't remove mercury, but this is with ordinary diet, and during fruit eating, there is a process of cleaning and building new tissues. In order for the body to recover, the number of calories consumed should be small, maximum of 800 kcal per day, then the body has energy for cleansing. * About the raw food diet. These are the weak points of the raw food diet. I have been practicing it for about a year. Dried fruits are not raw food, they are denatured semi-rotten fruits, it's acidify bodies and kill teeth. Many raw foodists are very damaging to their teeth due to the excess in the diet of sour fruits, dried fruits and nuts. *Starvation. I have experience with water fasting. 3 times for 10 days and once for 34 days, as well as many fasting for 2-5 days. I came to the conclusion that on prolonged starvation, the cells of the body begin to eat not toxins, as many write in the Internet, but cells eat to each other, a part of healthy cells perishes in the body, and in order to cleanse man must drink about 5 liters of water a day, I drank about 1,5 liters as advised by instructor yoga, in the end I almost died of intoxication and dehydration, I was taken to the hospital. After 24th day my liver began to cleanse, black mucus came out of me, in the sense that I sat with a bucket and vomited mucus, I tried to drink water, but it came out back, so I became dehydrated. I wrote these books in 10 months with a half-rotten brain and without any chemical laboratories and scientific instruments. Textbook on chemistry and astrophysics was enough for me so that, based on the mistakes of scientists, I could create a new textbook on chemistry, nuclear physics, astrophysics and biology. This book does not belong to Russia, I am not Russian scientist. If think about the future, then I want to live, work and study in Europe or America. In Russia, smart people have nothing to do, I don’t want to serve this country. If I am alive and I wrote this book, it is not thanks to Russia and the Russian people, but despite the fact that they have tried to kill me all my life. By the way, I forbid Russian scientists to use my information for their research. I mean those studies based on my knowledge that Russia will show the world for of its own benefit. Russia gave me nothing. No safe, happy childhood, no normal parents (my mother and her pervert stepfather tried to kill me and the police didn't care.) No education (the teachers didn't teach us at school, we had to pay money for good study. No protection from any psychos (I ended up in a yoga school, the largest in Russia, and there these gurus ruined my health and almost killed me, they specially gave people methods of cleansing the body that crippled and poisoned the body, they extorted money and provoked students to commit suicide, but the Russian government does not punish them, this sect has been working for 30 years, and it has many victims, people have lost their health, families, lives, many have become mad. I hate yoga and all gurus, I know ,them all need is power over people and their money, they are all villains. Because of them, I lived for 2 years constantly starving, 34 days, 4 days of dry hunger , 3 times for 10-12 days and dozens of times for 2-5 days of hunger. They forced people to drink iodine in large quantities, the toxic herb wormwood 100 grams per week, alcohol tincture, I didn’t know how I survived there). Then when supermarkets were poisoned with mercury and I complained to all government organizations, no one responded to my complaints and did not help me. When I went to the doctors on the verge of a heart attack 3 times and on the verge of a stroke, they just had to laugh over me, I survived only thanks to my efforts and luck. Here is my instagram. deleted
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