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Everything posted by bangstrom

  1. I have been searching for the answer to the question of whether either observation or consciousness can influence the outcome of the double slit experiment for several years now and I feel I have made a lot of progress in understanding the problem but I have possibly reached the limits of my expertise to come to any definite conclusion except to say that this is an extremely thorny issue with no easy answers. It is my understanding that it is nearly the mainstream conclusion that observation and consciousness can influence the outcome of the double slit experiment. I have little interest in the philosophical or psychological aspects of this issue as long as the physics is remains in doubt. My gut instinct is that there is a simple laboratory experiment involving either QM or classical optics that can give us a definitive answer but so far any answer has remained elusive. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-trp-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=trp&p=fre+will%2C+consciousness%2C+and+the+double+slit+experiment&type=Y167_F163_202037_052821#id=59&vid=e8429fb72c2e23f62b116d966d534327&action=view https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-trp-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=trp&p=fre+will%2C+consciousness%2C+and+the+double+slit+experiment&type=Y167_F163_202037_052821#id=2&vid=04b26854bc21b244bfbacf0d96dec6d1&action=view
  2. I have always found it hard to imagine how either space or time can curve. Instead, I prefer to think of gravity a region of shorter distance and slower time. Distances appear shorter and clocks tick slower in a strong gravitational field than they do in a weak gravitational field. These are the two physical effects of that increase when entering a stronger gravitational field. These effects are invisible but they can be plotted on paper as curved lines so gravity is illustrated as curved spacetime. This is what Einstein called "Mach's Principle". Every point in space is influenced by the combined gravitational effect of every massive body in the universe. This is why a gyroscope orients itself with the distant galaxies rather than the local, and far weaker, sources of gravity such as the Earth or the sun. We tend to ignore the effect of gravity from the trillion or so galaxies because it is equal in all directions but it is the total gravitational field of the universe itself that determines our measurements of space and time. Ernst Mach explained that when a train stops suddenly the passengers fall forward because their attraction to the distant stars is greater than their attraction to the train.
  3. For an over simplified explanation, if a gas is heated until it nearly begins to glow, one atom can emit a light wave and that light wave can strike another atom stimulating it to emit a double amplitude light wave in the same direction. As the light beam continues moving through the excited gas, it grows stronger with every collision. This is light amplification by stimulated emission “LASE." What happens in a neon light and a gas laser is similar. A gas laser is different from a neon light in that it has a mirror on both ends of a straight tube. The vast majority of light that can be generated is light that can bounce back and forth between the two mirrors growing stronger with every passage. One of the mirrors is only mostly silvered, perhaps 90 percent silvered, so the light emitted from the partly silvered mirror is light that has been generated in parallel lines perpendicular to the two mirrors within. It is not random light that has been “pulled together” The light emitted by a laser is called “coherent” light.
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