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Everything posted by Anjruu

  1. Anjruu

    Mass @ c

    I don't think he meant singularity in the classic (read, correct) sense. I think he meant it as a monopole versus a dipole (is this correct usage?). He means that gravity is like magnetism, with two poles.
  2. Anjruu

    Mass @ c

    Not really, no, not since the mass is the source of the singularity.
  3. Anjruu

    Mass @ c

    Ok, besides diagrams that, to me, make no sense, and experiment you say you have designed but never performed, and anecdotal evidence. What support? Do you have? For your theory? For example, would this theory solve the problem between QM and relativity? How does this take into effect gluons and gauge bosons? What about the bending of light by gravity? How about a video of you preforming the expirement? Oh lord who art in heaven hallowed be thy name don't give us more of the same stuff we have heard before, such as diagrams and anecdotes. Also, Why not all the time? That’s not much of a difference, when compared to the difference between the moon and the core of the earth... Why not? Why not?
  4. Anjruu

    Mass @ c

    Ok. Now, define "thermal transfer resistance," and "polerization of the nuclei strong forces and froms the gravitational fields." I might be being slow, I often am, but I would like to take your theory step by step. IIRC, the current explanation for this is diffrent. It says that the heavier elements take more energy and more chance to form, and thus are rarer.
  5. Anjruu

    Mass @ c

    So, fluff and nonsense aside, you are saying that thermal transfer causes the four fundemental forces of the universe, the Weak Nuclear, the Strong Nuclear, the Electromagnetic, and Gravity? Is this correct?
  6. Well, it isnt always so negative about genetic enhancements. Look at the show your pseudonym comes from. At least, I assume it is Dark Angel, the one with shark-cat-people hybrids. Those kids have the moral right, and most of them treat the rest of humanity very well, and most of humanity, the ones that know them at least, treat the kids well. I forget the exact names, i've only watched it a couple times and I have a terrible memory for names.
  7. If and when Castro dies, its going to be chaos. Raul is not charismatic or politically astute enough to lead the country, so its probably going to be martial law. I think the reason that there is no unrest is because it is surreal for most of them. It would be like if suddenly the entire US government suddenly came down with an illness. Thats not quite it, but thats the general idea, I think. Most of them can not remember before Castro's revolution, Castro is just a fact of life. If he dies, then, once the reality of it sinks in, there might be unrest, especially with the exiles trying to return and the US putting preasure on the Cubans and the government trying to get along without Castro. I think its going to be bloody murder, especially if it happens during Mr. George "Kill em all hehe" Bush's presidency.
  8. Ahaha! Sorry YT, I promise I won't mention anything chemistry related again. For example, this is the last time I will mention the Zeroth Law of thermodynamics, or the Gibbs Free Energy of a molecule. Promise.
  9. Please don't patronize us. If you can't explain your theory in a convincing manner to a group of highly educated and intelligent people, then the fault is either with you or your theory.
  10. Battleworn Bunny, for a rock group. My November Promise, for emo. For techno, how about Techno Weasels?
  11. Incredible, its like entropy in reverse. (I know its not actually, but it gives the impression of it). Can you imagine how hard it would be to make it look like it was going forward, going backward? The people looked like they were just walking and moving, but they were actually doing all that in reverse. Must have taken major planning. I especially liked the part where he was taking rocks off the top of the pile and kicking them. Hmmmm...this more belongs in the psuedoscience thread, I suppose, but what says that our view off space-time is the universal one? Why couldn't there be creatures who live backwards in time, in the direction in which entropy is decreasing, rather than increasing? They would start out with a big nothing, and work thier way to a big crunch. Probably not actually feasible, but fun to think about.
  12. It can. And does. The experiment which was done had to have a experimental setup of rotating mirrors and lenses in order to magnify the rotation enough to be seen. It was a very very small rotation, but it was there. Furthermore, the attraction between a human and a space craft is there, but likewise very small. If that is true, then why did you say Fields of Iron rule the Universe? It should be rule the Earth, or the Earth-Moon system, or something more, rational. Sorry, I am going to go with crackpot with this theory. You haven't given enough data or coherent information to support your rather extreme theory.
  13. I have to say, I sorta like this idea. For example, something like addicting games would be in just one catagory, say, games/complilation/online/micro, (vrs macro, like EVE or WOW. I don't know about that, I just pulled that term out of nowhere). However, notpron would be in both games/online/micro and computers/teaching/tutorials or something. This would preclude the .extension though, because it coudln't be both notpron.games.online.micro and notpron.computers.teaching.tutorials. I like this very much as well. In fact, this may be better than the one above, because it would be easier for machines to track and deal with the information, and the web is too big to be dealt with manually, as it says in the RDF site.
  14. I think that infrared sensors work by collecting the photons that are given off by the electrons as they transition between ground and very low energy levels, which is caused by thermal energy, thus the relationship between heat and IR. More heat, more energy, more transitions, more IR photons being given off. These photons are the IR light itself. I think this is how it works, at least, I may be very wrong. Is this right Alien? You seem to know what you are talking, anyway. Sorry, but your post was a bit too technical for me. I do have to say though, your focus on iron is one of the major things that make me doubt your theory. Why iron? Why is that special? Why not lithium or nobellium or ununquadium? Furthermore, other and all materials have been PROVEN to have gravitational attraction. The only thing i can see that might justify it would be that there is a difference between grav. attraction and flux lines, but I don't think that is the case. Maybe if you expanded it to include other elements...? Or if you have an explanation for the gravitational effects of the other materials...? On a personal note, 150 posts! And at least three of them have been somewhat intelligent!
  15. I had thought that diabetes was not genetic, and caused by poor nutrition. I do know that if you are obese as a child you are more likely to be diabetic as an adult.
  16. Summary please? I think you are saying that mass, in your example, iron, creates fields of gravitational flux. Are you saying that ONLY iron does this, or was your use of iron more along the lines of an example? Have you preformed the experiment you outlined? If so, can you be sure that this motion is not due to a disturbance you make when you moved the insulator? Are you saying that only the outer core of the earth creates the earth's magnetic fields? What about the attraction between a block of granite and some sand bags? That has been done experimentaly you know. Could you distinguish between gravitational attraction and gravitational flux lines? I have to say, I was trying to keep an open mind until I came to this. How does finding a star of David in some piece of material prove your theory? Nuummm, heat isn't infrared light. Heat is the motion of particles. Infrared light may be given off by hot things, but that's it. What happens in the case of the gas torch is that the fire of the torch melts part of the iron. Its a state change, nothing to do with electron stripping... I may be slow, but I don't understand what the point of your post is. Summarize it in 50 words or les, if you don't mind.
  17. Anjruu

    new posts

    Perhaps the halo effect? People who would normally be posting in that area also would post in the 'banned' or 'proscribed' areas, such as religion or gravity. They stop posting in those, so they stop posting in chemistry as well.
  18. Anjruu

    Memes alive!

    I don't understand it. It me, it looks like the connections and relationships between world events. The stories are dropped onto the screen, and then the hook up with related stories. I didn't think that was memes, I thought memes were ways of thought inherited by your past. It does look freakin awesome, though.
  19. Anjruu

    new posts

    Not me, unless its something easy and very specific, like what wavelenght is the Alpha line of hydrogen. Usually I post here instead.
  20. How about a custom avatar, like a trophy? I dunno, something cool looking with "winner of the 2006 sci fi comp" on it.
  21. I don't think you can compare them. You are talking about analogue signals, right? As in the waveform of the signal is what is read? I dont think that its a number system, so it can't really be compared to base infinity.
  22. Well, I suppose then I'll stop annyoing you all. Oh well. I thought it was a cool idea .
  23. Read-write resources such as text documents, images, and multimedia, which are stored as a global semi-public supercollection, referenced by means of a Unique Resource Identifier (URI), and transported via the internet infrastructure. In that case, its the World Wide Web I am proposing to organize. I know this is going to sound like sarcasm, but have you tried Google's "Advanced Search"? I have, but I think the keyword search is too unreliable. For example, even here, I made a mistake posting something the other day. I did a Myers Briggs psychology test poll, not knowing it had been done before. However, I did a search for "Myers Briggs," but the old poll had been under MBTI, an equally valid name. So, the disparity of names and terms, and the impracticality of knowing them all, is why I am suggesting to do this. As an example, had I been smart and going through the forum index, probably under general or psychology, I would have found it. Which shows that this indexing or structuralizing is at least somewhat valid. Projects such as http://dmoz.org/ supply vast indices organised by hierarchial structure, although I am not sure how well this matches what you are proposing. Wow, I've never seen that one before. Ill have to look closer, but it looks generally to be what I was talking about. I guess this thread is basically useless then . EDIT: Well, I've glanced through it, and thats on the lines of what I thought to do, but there are a couple of issues in my opinion. First of all, there is no way to destinguish between professional or academic sites versus third graders sties, which I thought might be one of a couple goals of the system. Secondly, its not broad enough. Where would, say, http://www.addictinggames.com go? Or http://www.notpron.com or http://www.learn2hack.com? I mean, they might go under games, but those look to be more along the lines of non-internet or non-flash games, like board games, or video games. And the notpron and learn2hack might also go under computers. I realise this are kind of unimportant problems, and if you want, please tell me to stop bothering you all, but I think it needs a looking at.
  24. And do you have ANY idea how large a task this would be, and imo the result would not be that advantageouse. The domain system and search sites work fine... I have a good idea that it would never be implemented. But it could provide a framework for further developments. Also, I can hardly imagine anyone besides myself and a couple of other people here, if i get lucky, who would pay attention or care. . I disagree. Its too random. There should be a way to narrow your search so you don't either exclude what you want, or get results that vary from profesional researchers, to pornography sites, to pictures of a cat.
  25. Before I involve myself more in this thread, I would like to know if Anjruu is really proposing to organise the internet, which is a protocol/hardware infrastructure, or could he perhaps mean that we should organise the world wide web, which is a different thing altogether? Hmmm...I'm sorry, I don't quite understand the difference, but I think its the latter. I meant a 'tree' or structure which would make finding things on the internet easier. You know how the Dewey Decimal system works? Where there are 10 large organization groups, and in each group there are smaller groups, etc? Or along the lines of the classification of Kingdom-Phylum-Class and so on. Although starting out with those ideas may a bit restrictive... I don't know. Could you describe what the World Wide Web is in contrast to the internet? I have always used them interchangeably. Thanks! Here, let me try a different tactic. The internet started out very small, I forget the exact 'place', and then grew from there. So the result is more along a middle eastern town with the medinas, dark twisted streets without any pattern. The Arabs have an explanation for this, something along the lines of relieving town stresses by giving people an escape to, but that's a digression. What I am trying to propose is a way to pull the internet into more of a planned town, like Washington DC, where the streets are regular and easily understood, and everything is more orderly, and, perhaps more importantly, a plan for more growth which would not be as chaotic. Does that make sense?
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