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  1. Hi all my name is Andredi. I want to piggy back on this conversation and pose it a different way in a question form asking for a proposed solution, rather than discussing the limitations in the hopes that we may come upon a clever idea. 1. How can I send a 1kg object to the moon for under $10,000. All crazy ideas welcome. But seriously, how. Travel time doesn't matter. State of the object on landing or "hitting the moon" semi matters as all I want is for it to have the ability to let me know it landed and ping so i can determine where. Think outside the box please but using existing technology that is plausible. Also, the 1kg object can have accoutrements to get it to the moon that make it weigh a total of 2.2kg or 5lbs. I know there is a way. Looking forward to any ideas. Also, open to reconfiguring the parameters to make it a smaller object, even nano sized, with the caveat that it has to land and we can determine where it landed and identify it.
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