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  1. Wouldnt let me edit Also keep in mind there are different types of empathy. Each a level up from the other. Some of which can cause physical reactions. Husband getting symptoms of his pregnant wife or feeling scared/nervous for the innocent family in a horror flick. Then theres “The twin thing.” Which there is also no scientific evidence to prove. Myself and most I know have witnessed it enough times, that its not most likely all coincidental. Science can only prove or disprove the physical world at this point. The rest is personal experience. Unless your narcissistic. Which you can be wrong, even with solid evidence. Like the gay guy in here. Thats nothing meant to be negative. Just another example of seeing things that one shouldnt be able to. Probably even a grandiose. Who knows he is. Which is why I mentioned it. Borderline inappropriate, I understand. I can delete that part if necessary or you can if need be. I assumed its ok with no name attached.
  2. Are you sure about that ?😂Sorry I had to. Neuroscientist Marco Iacoboni of UCLA “Psychological studies started with the idea that a solitary mind looks at the world in a detached way. Mirror neurons tell us we’re literally in the minds of other people.” This morning. Ive asked noone since the last screenshot. …..and no, Im not into Wicca. Say, I wanted to do a study. Is there any info, other than the obvious. That I need to record ?
  3. “f you understood evolution, you'd know that it wouldn't take very long for a benefit like that to sweep through a population. ” …..or to disappear if its not used or needed. “This isn't correct. A horse has better hearing and smell than humans, so it often seems like they sense danger before the rider can see it.” they can hear and smell the weather and directions, people’s expressions etc etc too ? Ive been around them for almost 50 years. They know before hearing or smell is within reach. ”Peoplesmile 20-50 times a day.” same day different person in a car chat. ” Im in a weird place” why are you mildly depressed? Then a PM. “Im messaging you because your wording was spot on. How did you know.” The day before. Message a friend in Canada.(We do this every day to test each other) “Why are you feeling concerned ?” You feel that ? Similar situations every day for at least 5 days in a row. Believe what you want. Doesnt affect me either way. Im really thrown off by it myself. Which is why I took that screenshot and was looking for exactly what the OP asked for. Which is how I found this place. It seems to work pretty much every time. Except when asked to do it. I dont know if thats because of being on the spot or what. The physical Brain contains Mirror Neuronsthat act as reflective mirrors of another’s perceptions and responses. They read energetic information transmitted from another’s minds and then relays a copy of that information throughout the observer’s central nervous system cells, which generate sensations of empathy for another. Yet, when people are disconnected from heart and soul, they lose the function of Empathy and this state can digress into classic Psychopathy. Through our empathic connection we experience the emotions and feel the intentions of others around us, which naturally leads to experiencing forms of Telepathy.
  4. Your thinking backwards. It’s mostly extremely high and very accurate intuition. Which is not needed anymore. So its going away. Not more people getting it. Supposedly left over from before we were human. Like a horse knows danger before it can see or hear it. Some people can do crazy things. Often enough that its not just coincidence. When theyre correct 9 out of 10 times its more than luck. Example from yesterday attached
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