I'm building a rebase algorithm that I need some help with. These are the variables, constants, and constraints (the values themselves are just examples):
Set of variables 1:
a1 = 1934464428151493937044
b = 54802476401439357
c = 1e18
result1 = ?
Set of variables 2:
a2 = 1837741206733939183658
b = 54802476401439357
c = 1e18
result2 = ?
Final invariant --> result1 == result2
As you can see b and c are constants and the only variables shared between sets, so you can't use a1 during the operations of Set 2 and vice versa (a1 and a2 might fluctuate in value, but not b and c).
Also, result1 is not known during the operations for result2, and vice versa.
The idea is to have result1 to equal result2. Feel free to add more variables, constants, escalating factors, etc. if you need them in order to achieve the final idea.