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- Birthday 03/05/1975
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- Quark
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Do you consider psychology a science or complete blasphemy?
PAL/SECAM replied to Capita's topic in Other Sciences
partly as a science and partly as a blasphemy: psychoanalysis - blasphemy humanistic psychology - blasphemy behaviorism - science cognitive psychology - science psychobiology - science -
it would be rather involution than evolution
Interesting interview, D.Everett saying that: "language is not innate, that there is no language instinct, and that talk of Universal Grammar or a Language Organ doesn't match up well with the evidence from evolution, language development, or data from the world's languages" is fully right I always thought that Chomsky's theory is a bunch of malarkey, about Transformational Grammar from Britannica: "also called Transformational-generative Grammar, system of language analysis that recognizes the relationship among the various elements of a sentence and among the possible sentences of a language and uses processes or rules (some of which are called transformations) to express these relationships. For example, transformational grammar relates the active sentence “John read the book” with its corresponding passive, “The book was read by John.” The statement “George saw Mary” is related to the corresponding questions, “Whom [or who] did George see?” and “Who saw Mary?” Although sets such as these active and passive sentences appear to be very different on the surface (i.e., in such things as word order), a transformational grammar tries to show that in the “underlying structure” (i.e., in their deeper relations to one another), the sentences are very similar. Transformational grammar assigns a “deep structure” and a “surface structure” to show the relationship of such sentences. Thus, “I know a man who flies planes” can be considered the surface form of a deep structure approximately like “I know a man. The man flies airplanes.” The notion of deep structure can be especially helpful in explaining ambiguous utterances; e.g., “Flying airplanes can be dangerous” may have a deep structure, or meaning, like “Airplanes can be dangerous when they fly” or “To fly airplanes can be dangerous.” The most widely discussed theory of transformational grammar was proposed by U.S. linguist Noam Chomsky in 1957. His work contradicted earlier tenets of structuralism by rejecting the notion that every language is unique. The use of transformational grammar in language analysis assumes a certain number of formal and substantive universals. " Let's take sentences: “I know a man who flies planes”, "I know a man. The man flies airplanes.", first is supposedly "surface" and second are a "deep" but in fact second sentences are saying exactly the same what first sentence, they aren't very different on the surface, they are practically THE SAME ON THE SURFACE, there is no any "deep" conception of Chomsky is idiotic as same as his political views - he is a sympathizer of anarcho-syndicalism In my opinion, language it is the same what illustrated dictionary, it is set of pictures-words (oldest language systems like Egyptian hieroglyphs are showing that), no more. Using of language consist in the juxtaposition of words from the dictionary - similarly like addition and subtraction in mathematics. Grammar is less important, it is another dictionary, a set of patterns how to juxtapose words from first dictionary, these patterns are conventional and steering only by economy of usage - grammar or we should say better many grammars arose as cultural custom. In most simple language there is no grammar, language consist in juxtaposition of pictures-words from main dictionary. of course addition and subtraction aren't innate, as same as language (and grammar)
Why is Tallahassee, Florida much colder than Haifa, Israel?
PAL/SECAM replied to seriously disabled's topic in Other Sciences
it isn't much colder at all, from Wikipedia: Tallahassee - "In December and January, the average high temperature is 64 °F (18°C) and the average low is 42°F (6°C)...The average summertime high temperature is 92 °F(32 °C)" Haifa - "The average temperature in summer is 26 °C (79 °F) and in winter, 12 °C (54 °F)." in winter average temperature is lower and in summer average temperature is higher in Tallahassee than in Haifa ! partly right answer was given by Cap'n Refsmmat - climate of Haifa is more moderate because of influence of the sea but Haifa lies exactly at the seaside, and Tallahassee tens kilometers from a sea -
antigravitational propulsion is probably impossible to build because antigravity probably doesn't exist and gravity propulsion is basing on gravitational waves (as has said Podkletnov), but - firstly, until this moment such waves weren't observed - secondly, such phenomenones concern only a very huge bodies with very huge mass, like stars - so building and practical using of such propulsion is very unprobable (maybe impossible)
Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
PAL/SECAM replied to PAL/SECAM's topic in Other Sciences
No, I have said that I was calling insane_alien insane because he is calling himself insane, and I could also call you Sisyphus because you are calling yourself Sisyphus -
Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
PAL/SECAM replied to PAL/SECAM's topic in Other Sciences
of course not only religion is causing psychosis, I don't know from what insane and Phi have taken such strange supposition no man, the author didn't say that only religion is causing psychosis (nb. if even water can do that so maybe can do also religion - if it is so easy to induce a psychosis) ? no he was calling you insane because you called yourself insane -
string theory is result of this phenomenon: Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
string theory is a metaphysical trash, it isn't science
a fight as a prevention not directly (fight with cancer before it will appear) like here - again article: "cancer rates tend to be low in countries such as Japan where people regularly consume green tea "
??? in article http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/green-tea-000255.htm from Medical Center of University of Maryland we can read: "Several population-based clinical studies have shown that green tea helps protect against cancer", we can also read there that Green Tea has many other medical applications. The same we can say about red, white and black tea.
Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
PAL/SECAM replied to PAL/SECAM's topic in Other Sciences
so read this: 'Psychosis and religion' - http://www.healthboards.com/boards/showthread.php?t=430197&highlight=psychosis%2C+religion -
Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
PAL/SECAM replied to PAL/SECAM's topic in Other Sciences
from the point of view of religious studies it is form of religion, as same as shamanism is form of religion (but this is a scientific point of view not point of view of welders and plumbers ) and insane... have written it is a personal and boorish attack your knowledge about philosophy is equal zero I have given a source in my first post it isn't philosophical but psychiatrical statement you introduced a critique and now allow to answer persons which can support presented theory -
Origin of psychosis, psychoses, causes, cultural sources
PAL/SECAM replied to PAL/SECAM's topic in Other Sciences
your name insane_alien describes very precisely your state of mind (I am sure that you really believe that you are from out there) your views on presented theory are narrowminded, wrong and illogical in the absolute sense, and completely ludicrous it weren't my views, I only put here some citations psychosis is very often basing on religious or philosophical ground and it is established fact by psychiatrists understand that if you do yoga you practice religion, as in the article: "1. All domain of esoterism, of yoga, of meditation can be counted to the area of primeval religion" so you should start to do it so you should start to do it some more from the article: "5. All field of religion, philosophy (which is in fact an only certain version of religion) and most of the humanities, are self possessed by morbid condition. ... The rising of philosophy in Greece distinguishes the appearance of the following ill figure, which was Pythagoras who created philosophy as the certain sort of absolutism (that is to say monotheism), so only as certain version of religion. Thenceforward, until today the most of philosophy exists exclusively as the certain sort of religion." we won't get any more stuff because you are unable to make any normal discussion, maybe somebody not insane will be able to do it -
Is it possible that religion is causing psychoses ? Is it possible that the same is doing philosophy ? Is it possible that religion is one big false and philosophy contains only nonsenses ? lately appeared new theory which is connecting religion and philosophy with mental illness, it is describing in text "Religion and philosophy as illness": " (the author of the text originates from outside of Anglosaxon lingual area) ... 1. All domain of esoterism, of yoga, of meditation can be counted to the area of primeval religion. It is the same what shamanistic beliefs and practices. 2. These practices consist in the obtainment of the state of trance, in the same way as meditation [frequency of brain waves attains level Theta/Delta 0,5-7 Hz, similarly as during a sleep]. Trance is the state of waking dream, in the same way one defined schizophrenia and in the same way can be defined paranoid psychosis. 3. Thus this domain does not lead to enlightenment, only psychosis, that is to say illness. 4. The illness appeared at the rising of religion, before tens thousands of years, and the illness appeared on following stage of development of religion and at the rising and during the development of philosophy. ..." about buddhism: "Buddhism for example consists in obtainment of the state of waking dream, which wrongly, similarly how in old shamanism, is taking as enlightenment; further it has to mean going out and the break up of elements of the mental life - in this it is visible nihilism; in fact the losing of consciousness in the state of nirvana is the same what the losing of consciousness after fall into a sleep, and the only abiding effect is developing paranoid psychosis, the same refers to other forms of yoga (the enlightenment is a fiction)..." about monotheism and absolutism: "The rising of monotheism ties in with the person of Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV, pharaoh of Egypt 1353–36 BC), which suffered from Marfan's syndrome and because of disorders caused by this illness modified exaggeratedly and pathologically well-known more early monolatry. Akhenaten was a real founder of monotheism. Middle East Aryans brought, during incursions, newly arisen monotheism to India. There came into being also the first philosophical version of this abnormal doctrine which we find in Upanishad, this is conception of absolute." the enlightement is a sick fiction, monotheism is a sick fiction, conception of absolute is a sick fiction etc., many psychoses can have probably their roots in religion, philosophy or humanities - it is worth to remember