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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. well, there are a few proposed neutron emissionless fusion reactions proposed but we have to overcome a lot of technical challenges before we can choose a specific fusion reaction to generate power from. current favourites are deuterium-tritium fusion as it can be done at lower temperatures than the rest.
  2. because the water is moving. you can get it to go uphill by converting kinetic energy to potential energy. much the same thing happens when a skateboarder uses a quarter pipe to get some air time.
  3. foodchain, an accident with a fusion reactor just means you have to resurface the inside of the reaction chamber. it very localised. even with fission reactors, they require poor design, insufficient contaiment infrastructure and the operators to disable all safety mechanisms before you get a disaster with global effects(chernobyl). and the radioactive waste from a fusion reactor tends to be shortlived, not very much of it and you only get it when you replace parts of the reactor exposed to high neutron flux.
  4. and how do superheavy elements supposedly create gravity waves(not that they result in pressure either)
  5. yes, i am aware that space is warped. but how to you warp it to creat a bubble? and we have made the lements in the 'island of stability' they don't last more than a few milliseconds and they don't have magical properties.
  6. wellat least if you end up short on salt in your salt shaker...
  7. there's no experimental evidence at all and the 'theory' hasn't been peer reviewed at all. try sticking to accepted science. mainstream science has speculated about FTL travel yes, but this does not mean it is going to happen. all it means is that it is an interesting intellectual challenge. i have seen no information on how the super heavy elements are supposed to warp space-time around the ship. just that they magically do.
  8. well for one. a TV is 60Hz, you could make an arguement for computer monitors being 120Hz is suppose. the brain produces many frequencies upto around 50Hz and it'll go below the 8Hz stated at the site. also, a salt crystal will not ionize the air unless one(or more) of these conditions is true 1/ the crystal has a very large negative charge 2/ it is incredibly(and we're talking thousands of degrees here) hot. also crystals have never been proven to have an effect on the body(and their resonant frequencies tend to be incredibly high a few kHz is more likely than 8-10Hz)
  9. why do you need resonance? what you want to do is dampen the waves. this means you are extracting energy. if you get resonance then you aren't extracting energy, you're reflecting it. as to reasearch on the topic http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=7&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpdf.aiaa.org%2Fpreview%2FCDReadyMIECEC04_858%2FPV2004_5703.pdf&ei=wh6uSt7WMeDTjAf5kuzTBw&usg=AFQjCNEl0AuxDNvgGdFiBqz4mwgPpjR8Tg&sig2=FxWoma7bY4ItqsYpdqqQOQ <there is a sample. just google it. its everywhere.
  10. and why do you want a radiative cooling solution anyway? convection and conduction are several orders of magnitude more effective AND you don't need to shell out for extremely expensive liquid helium(and thats just He-4, He-3 is worth more than gold) so unless you have the necessary equipment to capture the evapourating helium and recondense it(which in itself runs into the thousands) actually... this isn't really worth it at all.
  11. i've found a few crab remenants in similar condition that were obviously left there by animals(teeth/claw marks ). i'm curious as to why you said hoax?
  12. can you post supporting links. prefferably to a peer reviewed paper on pain response in animals.
  13. you biggest problem is having the strip upright. that won't do anything for surface waves. not only that but peizo electric generation from waves has actually been well researched. tell me, do you actually do any checking with your 'inventions' or just spam them out as fast as you can and not think about them?
  14. and they aren't going to enable a 'slip string' drive either. methinks you have read sci-fi as actual prophecy of the future.
  15. well, there have been a few unexplained disappearences but the same is true of anywhere. mostly it was just that disappearences in this area gained media attention in the 50's for some reason and it quickly developed into an urban legend. before the 50's it was unheard of as it was unremarkable.
  16. nothing special. there are no more disappearences of ships and aircraft in the bermuda triangle than there are in any other part of the world.
  17. what do you mean by a radio controlled transmitter and reciever? do you mean a transmitter/reciever for the purposes of radio control or a transmitter/reciever that can be switched onand off by remote control?
  18. the big bang and solar system formation are not part of evolution. nor is abiogenesis. evolution starts of with the assumption 'life exists' it doesn't care about how life started, just that it exists and can reproduce.
  19. no it goes back way before neanderthals. back to before austrolopithicus(sp?) they aren't really any less complex. they evolved to fit their niche (swinging around in trees eating fruit and the like) and we evolved to fit our new niche or living on the plains of africa after our ape like ancestors habitat died out.
  20. because we aren't decended from monkies. both monkies and humans share a common ancestor. we're cousins to the monkies.
  21. but in russia they're all as big as your mom so really its just like a fly landing on an elephant.
  22. i seriously doubt that emotional pain/trauma counts as a intense positive emotion.
  23. i understood it immediately but its still not that funny. besides, in soviet russia, moon lands on YOU.
  24. umm, a roundish rock found amongst sedimentary rock is not really evidence for humans at the time of dinosaurs. its FAR morelikely that this was a rock on a reiver bed that was eventually covered in sediments compressed and compressed until the sediments around it became rock and then dug up later. it doesn't resemble anything human at all. the comments on the picture also seem to think that someone thinks its the 1meter wide ovary of a dinosaur. also not human.
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