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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. well to be fair, a lot of the threads where monopoles came up had a lot more wrong with them than the fact they require monopoles to exist. most of them required them to be extremely common and dipoles to be rare.
  2. well, what is a 'standard diameter hose'? there are numerous diameters available. also tap pressure varies from location to location(even room to room). also, i'm assuming you mean celsius with the temperature? find the flowrate through the hose by timing how long it takes to fill up say a 2 litre bottle or something you know the volume of.
  3. i think those sites are a little on the biased side. i think you'll find if you read actual medical literature you'll find that site contains a lot of misinformation and downright lies.
  4. i have seen no reports of it crippling people for life. just the usual run of side effects, nausea, insomnia etc. etc. nothing permanently debilitating or fatal. can you provide links to where you got this information?
  5. i'm not going to have anything that can communicate to the outside world directly wired into my brain. to hell with that. i (and i'm sure everyone else is the same whether they admit it or not) sometimes have thoughts that i would never want shared with anyone. i don't want one of those popping up on my search history by accident.
  6. i wouldn't say people who embrace religion have a mental disorder(well, maybe some of the extremeists). i know plenty of people who subscribe to various religions and i would class none of them as having a mental disorder.
  7. microwave would do it unless you counted that as an electric source. and how hot are you wanting?
  8. proportionaly doesn't mean linear. just means for an increase in the former you get an increase in the latter. it makes no distinction on how this relationship works other than that. i cannot remember which happens as i've not done any electrolysis in years. try it and see.
  9. i was not talking about education. i was talking about ability to perform a wide range of tasks.
  10. it'll be proportional to the current you have going through it the relationship with concentration tends to be non-linear iirc.
  11. are you sure it got submitted because a few of mine have decided to go walkabout because i closed the window before it submitted properly.
  12. there's no reason that it wouldn't stick to mass producing robots that can do all tasks. look at us for example.
  13. it wouldn't require a different voltage at all. it will only affect the rate of electrolysis.
  14. negligible benfit.
  15. actually, we do know what happens in all those cases. it just seems that it is you that is unaware of what happens and extrapolating from that that noone else does either. this is called 'arguement from ignorance' and is a logical fallacy
  16. you're not making any sense.
  17. yes, soil works. just stick it in the ground a bit whatever the ground is composed of. aluminium would work fine but it does not glow blue before being struck.
  18. do you mean 'cannot be understood using classical physics'? if so then of course its not. this is like saying the results of gravitation are not understood in the slightest by the theory of ohmic resistance.
  19. light doesn't accelerate. it can't go at an speed other than c
  20. it certainly seems that way.
  21. umm what?
  22. obviously i didn't mean a perfect blackbody spectra but its going to follow it closely enough. i'm trying to keep it basic and uncomplicated here, it is a valid generalisation.
  23. ah, soyou made posts that were completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. this is against the guidlines you agreed to when you registered so they are within their rights to delete or move the offending posts. that was your warning that you had breached forum policy.
  24. can you point(post a link) us to the post where this was indicated?
  25. specifically psychology and evolutionary biology.
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