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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. if you use the turbine to turn an electric motor you will be able to get a potential difference between the wires. it should be enough to power a light bulb.
  2. i think you'd need more than 200g for that. with 200g your not even in pond territory.
  3. yes it is arbitrary, but one of them must have a negative quantity of charge as they cancel each other out. it doesn't really matter which one it is but we say electrons have a negative quantity of charge and thats the way it is. so, is it possible to have a negative quantity of charge? yes.
  4. good stuff. just to further emphasise the point, storing it all together would be a good way to have your wall suddenly develop a hole. as for stuff to do with it, i find that burying a bit a few centimeters(5-15cm) below ground and lighting provides a good demonstration of how craters form. also good for collapsing mole tunnels.
  5. you can have a quantity OF charge is what i'm saying.
  6. actually wait, my point with the electrons still stands. if you have a bunch of electrons you have a negative quantity of charge.
  7. egh... three days straight of mass and energy balances makes insane_alien go crazy.
  8. i am NOT talking about the NUMBER of the electrons i AM talking about the CHARGE of the electrons. as the charge is the exact opposite of a protons and if you put them together the charges cancel, one of the charges must be negative. it just so happens this is the electrons charge that is negative.
  9. i hope your not storing it all in the one place/container. also, for anybody casually browsing through: WARNING: Gun cotton is dangerous and not to be handled or even thought about if you don't know the chemistry behind it and exactly what you are doing.
  10. no it is not a negative proton, but the value for its charge is -1 fundemental charge(can't remember what it is in coloumbs -1.6x10^-19) or something and you can't say its just charge going in the opposite direction.
  11. you get negative charges. nough said.
  12. yep, the sun just evapourates water. however, its where this evapourated water ends up that is important. think about what needs to happen to get the water behind a hydroelectric dam. specifically of the whole water cycle. not going ot answer this directly because it is almost definitely homework.
  13. i'm sure if you played the same record over and over again till the diamond needle wore out you'd end up with a coil of vinyl instead of a disk long before the needle even got blunted.
  14. the inner and outer cores are conductive(being made primarily out of metal). if you take a nice big conductor(like the core) and spin it(also like the core) you get a magnetic field.
  15. anecdote or not it still captures the ridiculousness or homeopathy. although 1 fart/farm still has a higher concentration than homeopathic 'remedies'. 1 fart/universe would be closer to homeopathic concentrations although still a little on the high side.
  16. You should talk to YT2095, he's as useless as a tank made of wet tissue paper at maths yet is a very good chemist. i think he has also taken college level chemistry. search YT2095 and send him a PM but he'll probably post here at some point.
  17. its the energy gained by accelerating an elementary charge through a potential difference of one volt. the definition does not specifically state an electron.
  18. maybe you mean bose-einstein condensates? they were discovered a while ago.
  19. this is probably the closest thing to a decent analogy about it that we have, although there is an absolute value on how much you don't have. i'd like to add the following to the above 'And how fast don't you have it?' For the more observant of you you will notice this doesn't make sense. lack of money doesn't have speed. well, neither does darkness. it is merely the absence of something and therefore cannot have properties such as speed. you don't wonder how fast a 'not-car'(my attempt at turning cars into light where a car is a photon and a not-car is darkness or everything else) goes because it doesn't exist. there is no entity to be called not-car.
  20. i listen to rock radio at whatever time it is. its mostly just classic rock but theres usually some jokes and banter thrown in every now and then.
  21. there is no reason they can't hang around up there.and all layers of the atmosphere do experience occasional mixing so they can get up that high eventually.
  22. no method where they have actually followed a bacteria from the ground upwards. I'll show a line of reasoning that will show you how possible it is. Can bacteria be airborne? yes Are there events that would allow low altitude air to travel into the upper atmosphere? yes (thermals, volcanic activity, even hitching a ride stuck to an aircraft and then falling off) so i'd genuinely be surprised if there was nothing up there.
  23. if this is what you think socializing is then i feel sorry for the people you try to socialize with.
  24. no, our bodies adapted to allow us to walk bipedaly over time. it wasn't a case of one chimp forcing himself t owalk and then all his offspring could suddenly do it. it was a gradual change taking many many generations. the chimps that were slightly better at waling than other chimps had more of a chance of survival and reproduction. carry this on for a few hundred thousand years and you end up with a bipedal species.
  25. i'd go further and say it would differ if you merely wiggled the electrode in the earth about a bit.
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