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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. ah, i didn't know that, the only automatic gearbox i've seen inside had a clutch so i just kind of assumed it was standard. i suppose there are plenty of better ways to allow for disconnect between the motor and wheels.
  2. gravitomagnetism is not antigravity. its also not illegal in the US, or anywhere. the superconductor you are reffering to is not a liquid (we haven't discovered liquid superconductors yet) it is a solid. gravitomagnetism doesn't require superconductors either, the earth has a gravitomagnetic field (as does any spinning body) please, learn what gravito magnetism is and is not before you continue. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitomagnetism
  3. Auto cars DO have a clutch, its just controlled automatically (hence, automatic transmission). The clutch (in its simplest form) consists of two plates, one on the shaft from the mototr and the other on the drive shaft. These are brought together slowly and there will be a friction force between the spinning and non-spinning plate. pressure is applied slowly (relatively) to increase the friction force when the friction force is high enough, the car will roll forward and the plate on the drive shaft will catch up to the engine speed and then the clutch can be fully engaged with no issue. have you tried googling them? or looking in a dictionary? cars only need one clutch, it usually before the gear box. some cars however, do have multiple clutches although this is usually in high performance cars to reduce the time it takes to change gears or in heavy duty engines where many gears are necessary.
  4. you seperate them with different acids as greg suggested.
  5. not to mention the water out of wood is not liquid wood. its 'extract of wood' but its not wood itself. if i take the oil out of a car is it a liquid car? I really doubt you'd get people to go a long with that because it doesn't make sense.
  6. so juicing an orange is actually melting an orange? the OP is talking about melting wood. the liquid you are reffering to wouldn't be wood in any way, you'd have some of the components of wood, but not all of them and definitely not in the right composition. it would not be liquid wood.
  7. you can't provide something you don't have. if they never keep a record of it then they cannot provide it. there is no law stating that you must log IP addresses. anyway, in todays world unless you shell out extra for a static IP address, your IP address will change every few weeks/days anyway.
  8. sorry, looks like i misread it, ironically because my eyes are watering due to hay fever. sorry for the confusion.
  9. hayfever isn't an infection, it is an allergy. as to the parasite load, i think its any low key infection that works to keep your immune system responses concentrated on something useful rather than causing damage. (based on my observations that when i get ill in the summer my hayfever symptoms disappear or at least reduce until i am better.
  10. and 5 silicon has 4 outer electrons. to be honest I think the whole thing is pointless, there are no exceptions to the actual rules. There are however exceptions to the simplified rules of thumb, but thats because they are rules of thumb and not actual rules.
  11. My perception of germans (from those i have met however briefly) is that they're pretty decent folk, bit of a weird sense of humour (but they do have one, different doesn't mean absent) and, as with all nations on earth, they have their fair share of tosspots who let the side down (points to the waiter who mumbled something about 'f***ing british(didn't know the rest as i only know a little german) as he walked away and then came back with something other than what i ordered.) The only thing i find disappointing about germany is the lack of german restaurants in other countries.
  12. I don't think that'll work, having a cesspit like 'politics-lite' would just result in any good contributers getting drowned in crap. better to have a probationary period (say 100 posts) and access is revoked for any and all rule breaking.
  13. As you are a big bag of salty water, yes, you can influence radio waves. anything conductive can. by changing your position, you'll be changing the local pattern of waves slightly which may result in more favourable signal reception, or less favourable (I can recieve BBC2 if i'm lying on my bed but if i'm sitting up then all i get is static.)
  14. Actually, it isn't illegal to recieve an illegal attachment as you have no control over it (thats a bit like saying it's illegal to be stabbed) and like the stabbing scenario, there are laws being broken but not by the victim. however, if you keep the illegal attachment for longer than it takes to go 'oh thats not good, delete' or inform the authorities about the person sending the illegal material. then you're commiting the offence of possessing the illegal material. sending illegal material to the white house would be a bad idea, there will usually be enough information to trace the source of the material back to yourself, which will happen. and regardless of the legality of receiving the material, sending it is as sending implies possesion. of course there are exceptions when malware is involved as it is possible the sender is unaware their account is sending such material. either way, the law is not as ridiculously incompetent as you seem to think it is
  15. whiteboy, it sounds like you are confusing pop psychiatry with psychology. one is a load of mince and the other is a science (hint, psychology is the science) it may not have started out as a science, but it did develop into one.
  16. lets do a thought experiment: the same accident at two different sites. we have an operator walking along a corridor next to a live steam pipe (not the steam for running the turbines but utility steam, ie. high degree of separation from the reactor whether it is coal or nuclear, not radioactive). due to some unnoticed corrosion under a bit of lagging, the pipe bursts and burns the operator. a perfectly plausible accident and it has occured on many chemical plants around the world in one variation or another. which accident would make the news? the one at the nuclear plant which would get screamed at showing the inherent dangers of the particular fuel ? the nuclear one there is a certain amount of venom when it comes to nuclear. mundane normal accidents that are nothing to do with the safe handling of nuclear fuel get dragged into show how dangerous nuclear power supposedly is. the best one i've heard about is a guy got electrocuted from an improperly grounded hand dryer in an outbuilding of a nuclear plant. those pesky atoms!
  17. jeezo people seem to be confusing distinction with discrimination these days. you would have thought the difference between male and female was one of those necessary and appropriate distinctions. you know like girls have babies and boys don't etc. etc. by all means teach that homosexuals are normal people too but for the sake of the children don't make everybody out to be exactly the same. They're going to have to deal with differences sooner or later, might as well teach the how to cope with people different from them from the start.
  18. and still, what difference would it make. a multiplication by 2 is so trivial that it's not worth the bother to remove it. the current standard notation is to use pi. EVERYTHING uses pi. It'd be a fair effort to go back through the sum of human mathematical history and edit it to show tau. all for trivial benefit. an example of the pointlessness (despite any merit it may have) is if somebody decided e would be better when shown mirrored. you'd have to change all forms all sinage etc etc. to satisfy a triviality. if it was going to have some big massive impact that would make maths fundementally easier then i'd say go for it. but really all its doing is changing the way you write down '2*pi' its trivial lets define a millimeter at 0.01mm longer than it currently is because that makes hammers slightly easier to hold. etc. etc. seems like a lot of make work. i can't stand this type of stuff these days, it all seems like some buerocraticly minded person trying to make a name for himself by making lots of work for everyone else that ultimately gets us back to where we were before. 2*pi isn't broken and it's not so crushingly impeding that it needs fixing
  19. it would make no difference. if we switched to tau then we'd just have the same number of people complaining about tau/2 being in so many functions. if you can't handle multiplication or division by 2 then what the hell are you doing with pi thats so important?
  20. it is not amplified power. what is happening is that the bridge isn't losing very much energy at that frequency so it allows small perturbations to accumulate until the rate of energy loss matches the rate of energy input with a relatively large energy resevoir contained in the structure. think of it this way: you have a bucket and you put a small pinhole in the bottom. now you start dripping water in slowly. the water level will rise until the rate of the water leaking out the bottom matches what you are putting in at the top. you 'll even be able to get a full bucket of water if you balance the rates right. what you are talking about with the vibrating bridge is to do the bucket idea, and then have more water leaking out of the bottom than you put in. its absurd.
  21. Well whats more likely is that the field will evolve to meet shifting supply and demand. There will always be a petrochemical industry even if we do run out of crude oil reserves as the petrochemical industry does more than just fuel our transport.
  22. not that dangerous. you'll be behind a desk quite a bit (fair enough that desk may be in an oil rig in the middle of nowhere but still. there will be a fair bit of semi-dangerous work if your bringing in new equipment and so on but nothing extreme or all that out of the ordinary. impossible to say accurately (despite fear mongering documentaries.) I'm willing to say 150 years depending on utilisation of alternative carbon sources which will become viable later on such as bio mass
  23. thats a long long way away. as easily accesible sources disappear, more difficult sources will then become financially viable sources and petroleum engineers will be needed to utilise those.
  24. michel, yes, i am aware of that but if i left them on the outside then they would not be in my possession for very long considering the location i live and work in. consider my bike when i was 15. i locked the front wheel to a railing. went into a shop to buy some juice (5 minutes i was in there) came out to find all that remained was the wheel i chained to the railing.
  25. Actually I have an already marketed passive cooling system. Basically it's some mylar sheets that i put on the inside of the windows and they are quite effective at keeping the heat out (they also are actually passive unlike your cooling system which is an active cooling system). even with an adequate cooling system, if you are leaving helpless animals and babies in a car then you really shouldn't be allowed to care for animals or babies. and it will still fail. no really, go get a razor blade and drag it along some glass a few thousand times, two things will happen: The glass will get scratched and the blade will get blunt making it worse. Do not mistake dismissing a crap idea as pessimism. I'm pretty sure you'd dismiss the idea of having your brain blended to increase intelligence the same way i'm dismissing the razor blade wipers.
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