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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. YT, we all know you live in your lab. and your lab isn't even part of the space time continuum since that tragic doughnut/yorkshire terrier accident
  2. its cause he's made of ice-9. duh!
  3. seeing as it only manages to come close to describing singlet hydrogen-1 and even then fails quite a bit, yes we can say its wrong. its completely useless with anything with more than 1 electron. much better to use the current QM model.
  4. people getting close to going into a diabetic coma definitely look like they should be in a hospital. its not as if they are only feeling a bit sluggish.
  5. water is also a major constituent of bile. is that yuck? seriously, the taurine in red bull was likely manufactured in a chemical plant rather than extracted from gallons of animal bile and intestines.
  6. did kara get the choice in the first place?
  7. vedmecum, when someone is asking a homework question you do not just throw them the answer. point them in the right direction and throw out a few hints sure, but do not do their work for them. we go by the old adage 'give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry again' sort of thing.
  8. well, thats your own definition of logic and not the one used by science, knowing and understanding is commonly called 'knowledge and understanding' funnily enough. logic involves appling a set of rules in order to deduce something where you lack knowledge and understanding. for example, a scientist observes that if she lets a ball sit on a seemingly flat table, the ball rolls off. using logic, she deduces that the table is not as flat as it appears and that there must be a very slight lean. she would also get a spirit level to test this.
  9. you can store electricity which you can turn into heat with near 100% efficiency. alternatively, you can store the heat after it has been converted from electricity, i have a storage heater(electric as well) in my room, it heats up some very heat capacitive bricks inside it then switches itself off and the heat released by the bricks keeps the room warm. as for the efficiency of electric heaters, well, the only place the electrical energy can go is into heat(with some small amount forming electromagnetic fields and being lost to the transmission wires before it gets to your house) but since you want heat anyway, this is a favourable quality from an efficiency point of view
  10. for all we know you are one of them too. AGENT 398A/D-2
  11. it needs a tank, all you have said is that is to be powered by an air turbine, you can't just have a pipe out the front connected to the input of the turbine and the turbine exhaust sticking out the back, that wouldn't work at all. either 1/ you have a substantial tank of compressed air connected up to the input to provide energy 2/ you spray fuel in after compression and ignite it creating a small jet engine. what we need from you is much more information so we can give you specific answers without going way off on a tangent.
  12. are you actually reading phi's posts? are you actually reading your own?
  13. i'm pretty sure they'll have archives from their early days similarly filled with embarassments. yeah, because they'll be totally unable to tell which species are communicative and resort to a size based method of determining the communication abilities. although saying that we can't know if that statement is true or false as we have no evidence either way.
  14. in theory yes, in practice, nitrogen is cheaper and its not going to react with anything in hair unless under extreme conditions.
  15. that would be more technically involved than an inert atmosphere for the same result.
  16. possibly if you used an inert atmosphere(nitrogen) otherwise it'll just catch fire. although i suspect it will still decompose rather than melt
  17. nose deafness, you're so used to the smell of your own farts that you don't mind it any more. although, if you have a particularly foul one you'll still find it smells bad.
  18. its easy, a voltage is one and no voltage is zero. the basic unit of a computer is the transistor, if you apply a sufficiently high voltage(to use your numbers 5V) then it will allow current/voltage to pass through it causing another one down the line. and so on like that.
  19. these values are likely impossible to put any kind of figure on. for the quantity of knowledge in specidic fields, well... its increasing all the time, and at an exponential rate and do you want to count all the raw data or just the analyses either way its going to be massive but i suspect raw data inclusion will increase it by several orders of magnitude. we don't actually know exactly how much information the brain can store for one, nor how to calculate the size of a memory in bytes or whatever. That and experts will differ greatly in how much they know about there subject, not all experts are equal(infact, that tends to be what makes them experts in the first place) The last part doesn't even make sense, rate of memorized data as compared to what? the sum total knowledge of the field? if so then its absolutely tiny unless its an incredibly obscure field.
  20. yep, although, given time, integrated graphics chips will be able to outstrip it, for instance, the intel X3100 integrated chip in my laptop, in some circumstances, beats the pants off my Geforce FX5200 thats in my desktop. the part where the dedicated card wins is in sustained performance but thats it.
  21. that one should be fine. dedicated videocards will outstrip any integrated graphics solution by an order of magnitude or two.
  22. the point sayonara states about the lack of communication is a very important one, it doesn't matter if there was a stoneage genius who discovered calculus if he was never able to communicate it. also a factor would be recording the discoveries in a way that is not prone to corruption like word of mouth(play a game of chinese whispers to illustrate this point). although, it is entirely accurate to state that science has been there all along, there was just never the necessary framework, resources or community for it to be anything more than a disorganised mess until we started developing cities.
  23. there would likely be some loss of material. a significant amount in human terms(multi-million tonnes per annum?) but this wouldn't really be all that big in terms of a super jupiter. kind of like shaving a millimeter per millenium off of the top of everest.
  24. if the blades were stationary then a blade would be fine after getting impacted by a bird at a few hundred miles an hour, the fact that it is under lots of stress from spinning really fast(especially so under take off conditions where a higher throttle setting is used and there is a change in air temperature as the plane rises) makes it much more likely to fail when hit by something, like a bird. if enough blades are damaged badly enough, the engine will break apart and hopefeully the kevlar shielding on the inside of the casing will do what it is designed to and hold all the shrapnel in as it could easily pierce the fuselage.
  25. as i am going through a very heavy exam period my coffee intake has skyrocketed from 0 cups per day(i only started drinking coffee a month ago) to 6. There are definitely hallucinations but they aren't full blown OMG THE FURNITURE IS EATING ME hallucinations, just hearing little noises or it'll sound like someone whispered behind me even though there was nobody there or i catch a movement out of the corner of my eye where there couldn't have been any movement. although, equally said, it could be the stress. either way, this involves a drug and isn't really in keeping with the origional intent of the thread.
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