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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. really? then where do they fall in the periodic table?
  2. Flying Spaghetti Monster you may be right! If this occurs the end may be nearer at hand than i previously believed. I urge everyone on this forum to start stockpiling emergency provisions. Be extra careful to ensure that you do not use sporks or let the cutlery breed when it is in storage seeing as this will produce such murderous offspring as you see in the OP! Good Luck to everyone and i hope you survive the coming apocalypse.
  3. thats how they get you, the barbs on the knife contain a mutagenic substance that slowly and painfully turns you into a spork yourself when it contacts your blood stream. the only known way to stop this is to bombard yourself with sporks made of anti-matter. however, these run at several trillion per gram and you need enough to counter your mass exactly. having too much is just as bad as there will then be the anti-super-spork army which is equally deadly, a war between the two would surely destroy the universe and not just the world.
  4. well, we don't actually directly detect the particles, we detect how they interact with everything else. and anyway, if the scenario you propose happens then it is not the particle we would call the higgs boson, it would be something else, the third scenario i proposed.
  5. pretty sure he can speak for the muslims that can actually call themselves true muslims. i've never actually met someone of the islamic faith that i haven't got on with barring one fundy nut, but i don't get on with any fundy nuts of whatever faith including atheism. merry christmas! and for everyone else, merry thursday!
  6. you won't be saying that when our overlords are eating your brain with those super sporks
  7. infinite
  8. you're quick aren't you? i shall see to it that you are given a quick death by our new sporkulific overlords.
  9. Yep, the world will end in 2012 and i have concrete(well plastic actually) proof! mankind was not meant to harness this kind of power, surely we will destroy ourselves and the world in the upcoming spork wars. I for one welcome our new utensil overlords and hope that i can serve them in ways which do not require them to end my life. make the most of the last few earthly years you have.
  10. you know, if it was legalised and there was the regulated selling of it(similar to how alcohol is sold already) it would probably provide a much needed boost to the economy. especially to the fast food and snacks industries.
  11. never underestimate human stupidity. NEVER. it'll only lead to some poor fool dying a painful death.
  12. it doesn't have to go through the center, imagine it was a tunnel covered in magnets so you could levitate the capsule and it was frictionless, any such tunnel travelling between two points on the surface of a spherical earth would have a travel time of 42mins 12 seconds if all the acceleration was provided by gravity.
  13. well the polar front is the boundary between polar and ferrel cells. (hot air from the ferrel cell gets lifted by colder denser air from the polar cell) the different depths are due to temperature and to a lesser extent the rotation of earth causing gravity to have less of an effect at the equator.
  14. actually it would, because the heat input into the upper atmosphere would primarily be at the equator therefore the air above the poles would get much colder. as to your point about the air decending over a larger area, exactly, just so happens that this area is large enough for two more cells to form. i don't know if you have ever had it properly explained to you just why there are three cells, have you? there are two driving cells, the hadley cell which is driven by hot air rising at the equator and the polar cell which is driven by cold air sinking. the ferrel cell operates in the reverse of what you would expect from a heat driven process as the air is sinking in the warmer latitudes and rising in the colder latitudes, this is because it is driven primarily by airs viscosity and the currents of the hadley and polar cells. hope this makes it a bit clearer.
  15. i don't have any links but its a simple conservation of mass and energy problem, if i have a flow of gas from the equator at even a few miles per hour which goes all the way to the pole and then sinks it will have to be moving very fast as the area over which it has to flow will be decreasing rapidly. even accounting for compression as it sinks the velocity will be very large. as for the poles being colder in this case, you can actually see it with the hadley cell, the decending cold air cools areas such as the sahara, they would get hotter if it wasn't for the cooling effect of this cell. the reason it has a cooling effect is because the warm air radiates its energy out into space while in the upper atmosphere and doesn't get more until it gets close to the ground. corriolis forces also place upper limits on cell size, if they extended to the poles there would be permanent hurricanes at both poles. the shear forces involved tend to granulate convection cells.
  16. we know our definition of intelligence is crap, but its 'good enough' to engage in conversation about an artificial variety. while we can't define a specific boundary between intelligent and non-intelligent, we can definitely seperate those at the extremes. so while a not very intelligent program might get passed off as nonintelligent or a not very nonintelligent program might get passed of as intelligent a very intelligent program will be classed as intelligent.
  17. i know, and it wouldn't happen if i were around but some crazy people actually do this.
  18. no, the microwave weapons that have been developed cause a sensation of intolerable heat, not electric shock, as has been said before, consult a neurologist.
  19. but that wouldn't work, it simply wouldn't be stable and would require some impressive surface winds near the poles(a few hundred miles an hour). it would also result in the poles being colder as the air decending on them would be very cold from being in the upper atmosphere for so long.
  20. well, if you've opened the bottle and only have a little left, recorking will still result in oxidation of the wine. enough to destroy the flavour, freezing whats left will significantly lower the oxidation rate preserving the flavour for longer and you don't need to pour anything down the sink because its gone off.
  21. yes you can freeze it without messing it up although, it would be better to leave it in the bottle as there will be a small amount of oxidation, but if your making wine ice lollies before a party or something then its fine.
  22. which was completely irrelevant to the discussion, their use wouldn't even be considered in such a simulation yet you claimed it would be required.
  23. would you mind passing it on to the researchers then? when they built theirs it didn't magically appear like it was supposed to.
  24. its from MIT, it will very likely be a good resource. i had a quick glance and it appeared good.
  25. yes some of the members here are taken at their word unless making some extraordinary claim, this is because they have consistently shown that they have very good knowledge of whatever it is they are talking about. the reverse is also true, those that show they don't have a clue have extra scrutiny applied to them because they have shown themselves to be talking out their ass. you seem to be expecting to just show up say 'I am a scientist' and have everyone believe what you say is gospel truth and worship you like a god. this is not going to be the case.
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