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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Gilded, thats perhaps the lower bound of tea consumption for being british. 17 imperial gallons per day seems to be about the average over here
  2. npts, yes deuterium is a light isotope when compared with things like U-238 or something but its twice as heavy as protium (H-1) which it would be replacing. smae can be applied to carbon-13. I suspect that the heavier the element the less difference there will be between the different isotopes.
  3. you mean a gas centrifuge? i suspect a membrane separator would be better for this as hydrogen leaks through pretty much everything. also, cheaper.
  4. strangely enough, talking to my ISP's tech support line. they guy i got actually knew what he was talking about and quickly came to the same conclusion i did and got it sorted out all within 5 minutes. although the solution requires a hardware replacement so i'm going to have to wait a few days to get rid of the problem(my cable modem).
  5. well then they'll evolve their asses away.
  6. the outside would become more concentrated in the heavier component but not by much. the added temperature will increase back diffusion considerably. its going to have to be an extremely large acceleration and would require multiple stages for separation.
  7. yeah... so if they are too small for us to measure, then how do we know they are there in the first place? if they have an observable effect then they are measurable. and things on the scale of elementary particles don't really have a definite size anyway. we don't measure the diameter of electrons(mainly because they don't have one). ether is bunk look up the michleson-morely experiment. and they were trying to prove the existance of the ether.
  8. perhaps because the ether doesn't exist as has been proven many a time. not only that but relativity actually describes reality very closely, the theory there doesn't. also, a book called 'Occult Ether Physics' is hardly a reputable scientific source.
  9. well, they don't have a very stong hold on the electron and the proximity of other metal atoms and thermal vibrations coupled with some quantum effects allows them to swap over to the other atoms. the fact that an electron leaving an atom will almost immediately be replaced by another electron also lowers the energy required for the transaction to occur.
  10. thats pretty much it yes. The 'sea' of electrons acts like a sort of glue for the copper cations.
  11. not only that, but a sample size of 15 people? there i's NO WAY thats going to give anything like an acceptable result.
  12. again we do not have access to your harddrive. stop posting filepaths.
  13. we do not have access to your harddrive yuri.
  14. the more you post the easier it will be to determine a pattern if there is one.
  15. agent, i also find the idea of sticking anything up anyones ass... distasteful but so what? just because you and i do not like the idea doesn't mean that nobody does. and its not going to warp any morality. you seem to think that this act immediately turns someone into some kind of sicko. it is not the case. your entire arguement stacks up to 'i don't like what they do so they should have no rights'. grow up and show some maturity or gtfo.
  16. i think you are perhaps missing the point of a discussion forum. is there a question like your title indicates?
  17. yes, and if you use them methods that they used in the proper medical studies stem cells work. this is not as simple as popping a pill that makes some stem cells in the the body. it doesn't matter how many stem cells you pump into someone. unless you give them specific and targeted chemical signals they won't do anything. pretty much like making billions of remote control cars and expecting them to start organising races without anyone controlling them. or making a load of bricks and having them organise themselves into a house. Can stem cells be used to treat/cure diseases and conditions? yes. will the stemtech method do any of these? no.
  18. so the site says that its the wonder drug but the disclaimer says they aren't claiming pretty much everything else on the website. this is a scam, it will do nothing.
  19. and Sayonara is getting paid protection money from all of them...
  20. the sun is hardly point like. it is further away but it is also bigger. and to about the same ration which is why we can get a total eclipse.
  21. yep. only parallel light beams will be focused perfectly. i think thats the definition of infinity focus.
  22. captain panic is right. although if you want to be super accurate about it or have a large temperature change where thermal expansivity of the solid becomes significant then you cannot assume they are the same.
  23. oh for fsm's sakeskeptic the western antartic ice sheet has been called such LONG before global warming was discovered. get off the damn name and talk about 2 million cubic kilometers of melting ice.
  24. yeah but you need the theory part to come up new and interesting experiments. i hated the theory part as well up until i discovered that if i done a bit of work on the theory side my experiments became much more interesting.
  25. just noticed but my contact lenses do nearly the same thing. it can be quite difficult to see them when they are in the solution but easy to see once you get them out.
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