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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. and you still haven't gave an example of oxidised fluorine.
  2. ...and that has what to do with this?
  3. a coma is where the individual is in a prolonged unconcious state and does not respond to stimuli and may have lowered brain activity(but not zero activity). brain death is when there is zero activity in the brain. may be inaccurate as that was achieved from 2 googles over a period of 5 minutes,
  4. easily if it is close to the lense.
  5. well, marriage at least has a psychological effect an added buffer which will stop at least some of them cheating. this is seen in male-female marriages so it seems logical that this trend would continue for homosexual marriages as well. not to mention a ring on the finger will discourage other people from trying to sleep with them somewhat.
  6. science doesn't mind chaos as long as it is actually there. 999/1000 it just turns out to merely be slightly disorganized.
  7. no marriage will not force people to be faithful but it will prevent some people from straying which would cut transmission rates at least a little.
  8. and how many democrat voters never turned up? loaded statement that. i wonder how they can support palin, especially after it has been revealed that she knows less about the world than well, bush. and i wish i was joking about that.
  9. yes it is possible to do it with an electrode but the OP wants to know if there is a substance that can oxidise it without the need to apply electrical stimulation.
  10. yep. but that wouldn't even come into play with the earth. pressure would be nowhere near high enough. 2000 bar seems a little low to me but i can't be bothered working it out but i will say it relies on faulty assumptions, the acceleration is NOT 9.8m/s^2 all the way down(or even all the way up)
  11. My respect for the US has jumped up a couple of notches at least. if he turns out to be as good as he appears(well, i imagine there will be some problems along the way so some leeway will be given here) then it will jump up a few more notches. he can't be as bad as bush at any rate can he?
  12. the magnetic part of the force will be absolutely tiny compared to the gravitational force though. much like the force of a flys fart being used to increase the acceleration of a A380
  13. i think calling it a portal is a bit misleading, especially after the release of a certain game with the same name. more quirk of the magnetic field interactions allows particles to leak through.
  14. and in not a single one of those is fluorine oxidised.
  15. look up 'thermistors' and wheat stone bridges, you can then set up a circuit that will keep it around a desired temperature. as for the heating coil, just wrap your tank in some wire, might be an idea to insulate it too. although, i think the temperature drop from firing a round is going to be more than the coil can handle. especially if you are firing off rounds in quick succession.
  16. 1/ i think this would count as cheating especially in competition shooting 2/ the temperature will still be variable with such a crude set up
  17. the fact is that if things worked the way you think they do then they would have noway to get unlost. but since reality doesn't work like that there are many ways for them to find out where they are to quite a degree of accuracy using theories that actualy describe reality.
  18. you really are thick aren't you?
  19. a reference frame is an arbitrary coordinate system where you can say if something has a velocity of zero with respect to the coordinate system then it is stationary. if you are saying what i think your are saying then there is a preffered reference frame that is absolute.
  20. so you are saying there is an absolute reference frame?
  21. big314mp, that is the right equation to use. why would you think it would give you a wrong answer? you have M,m and r with G being a constant so you can find F(which you have mysteriously labelled g in this case)
  22. big314mp, it would never be a fully gps system and not only that, but if every care depended on the GPS system for navigation it would be made far far more accurate.
  23. unless they leave a comment with their name in it then no, you can't tell. it is anonymous.
  24. well you can use computer vision systems to detect foreign objects but those are still very computationally expensive as well as financially expensive. cars would also have to 'talk' to each other as well so that each of them knows what the other is doing(for the same reason we have all those indicator and brake lights). we are approaching the stage where this is technologically possible but i think it will be quite some time before it is economically viable. also, there will be a bunch of people(me included) who will want to retain manual control of their car.
  25. basically, in science if someone has to make assumptions to figure out exactly what you mean then you aren't doing a very good job. if you make assumptions you have to state very clearly exactly what those assumptions are and possibly justify those assumptions to some extent. the less assumptions that need to be made the better.
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