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i'm going for my masters degree and its an engineering one so its a MEng.
its plenty possible, i've had 6 classes per semester till now. next semester is entirely project work though.
well that all depends on what enzyme it is, the plot will only be superficially the same for different enzymes. you would be best looking up physical data bout the enzyme you are interested in and then plot it yourself.
yay, a biology question i finally understand.
antimatter and dark matter are very different things. and we know antimatter is composed of positrons and anti-protons and so on. we have known this for quite a few decades now.
well there are other particles that have mass,
neutrons need not be part of an atom and they have mass, same with electrons and protons. quarks, gluons W and Z bosons neutrinos these all have mass and are not made of atoms. and i'm sure there are more. but i'm not too clued up on subatomic particles, i'm a chemistry man myself so i deal with atoms and stuff. and i can tell you right now that dark matter is not made of them.
and you've just killed your supersoldier from radiation exposure...
there is a minimum size where nuclear reactors can operate. submarines are pretty close to it as it stands.
it would only have a molecular formula if it were made of atoms. it is not made of atoms as atoms a really easy to detect even from very far away because they interact with light.
well, no, we have detected it. and detected it in enough detail to make a map of where it is. so it does have an effect.
dark matter is not made of atoms, it doesn't have a molecular formula.
yep, big giant electromagnetic rings. thats how they do it now, it just needs tweaking.
plasma can be produced easily, it happens in fluorecent light bulbs all the time. flames are plasma and if you have a microwave to spare you can make some with that too.
chemistry shouldn't be too bad on you. also the basic physics courses they make you take are exactly what they sound like, basic. as long as you make sure you understand the method behind the topics then you'll be fine.
i'm not going for my PhD so i'm just going to graduate in 1 1/2 years. and technically, if i decided to graduate now, i would have a bachelors degree, which is very scary as i know just enough to know just how much i don't know
not a nuke, no. but we can do controlled fusion. although we can only maintain it for a few minutes before the plasma destabilises. ITER should see some good results.
you do realise that by taking the kinetic energy of something in orbit and converting it to electricity will cause the object to lose orbit and crash into the earth don't you?
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