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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. what was the speed measurement? if the speed measurement was 70mph the speed limit 60mph and the error at that angle +/- 10% then you've still lost as 70mph -7mph is still 63mph and hence speeding.
  2. there are a few nuclear civillian ships. mostly icebreakers. its mainly because nuclear reactors are complicated and difficult to maintain. not such an issue for a military who can afford to maintain it and have easy access to highly enriched uranium, etc. etc.
  3. not to mention at 50km you need 1000m^3 per kilogram of mass (both of the balLoon and payload.). I have a feeling that anything with such a low mass per volume would be quite fragile and be utterly unable to cope with surface pressures.
  4. so, who has access to your fridge?
  5. how do you know your food is being laced. Does this also apply to food you have prepared yourself?
  6. Yes it would be possible but almost entirely useless. for one it would be extremely limited it the proteins it could encode as not every amino acid could be coded for.
  7. no. while theoretically it is possible to have 2^17 instructions (or even 2^64 instructions) I think you'd be hard pressed to find 2^17 useful unit operations. thats more than every instruction set ever combined. also, the chip size would be huge as you'd need a circuit for each instruction.
  8. This has gone off topic, this is not a forum for buying and selling things.
  9. orly? luckily we have existing data to show that some functionality is better than zero functionality. parapelegia is a spectrum rangine form full use of the legs to zero. those with at least some basic functionality have a better quality of life as it makes some things easier, such as putting on a pair of trousers, moving from a wheel chair into bed etc. also, should we not try out new things as the prototype will inevitably never meet the standard of the finished product? heck, the first cars went slower than walking pace and often couldn't traverse the roads of the time. i suppose they should have gave up then. i suppose when someone is horribly injured in an accident they shouldn't have surgeries to repair the damage as they will never get up to the same functionality they had before. i'm willing to bet if you lost all motor control in your legs that you would be overjoyed to even twitch a toe. I know I would.
  10. This is full of truth. If i were to explain calculus but were to leave out negative numbers and subtraction then a lot of it would be absolutely impossible as the framework would not be consistent. the subtraction and negative numbers are necessary for it all to work. think of relativity like a machine if you remove a few gears(some relativistic effects like contractions and so on) then it will not work properly and will not represent true relativity but rather a broken version of it. This is a fine example of a strawman fallacy. Its a bit more subtle because it does accurately use a proportion of the theory but it does miss out vital components which means it is not actually relativity they are arguing against but their own modification and thus leading to support of relativity through their own thought experiments.
  11. he's not implying americans are stupid, he is implying they have a very US centered world view. which is generally correct as witnessed in more than one study and general conversations over the internet. now, it's true that not every person from the US has this world view but its definitely a large (>20%) proportion.
  12. depends on location. US spelling is without the he and he lives in the US so... I imagine you need an explosives license i think america tightened up on all that after 11/9/01
  13. well, the point of aerial explosions (which are extensively used to maximise the blast of nuclear bombs) is that the shockwave refelects off the ground, so where the shock front meets the ground you get a double shock (one direct from the bomb and the other reflected off the ground a few milliseconds later) but really, the radiation would already be enough to permanently disable everyone in the city.
  14. meanwhile the ice in canada will continue to melt, then flood the north atlantic with fresh water causing a shutdown of the thermo-haline circulation. seriously, you are again focusing so narrowly on one tiny part of to climate system that you aren't considering impacts on the rest of the world or the fact that you aren't actually helping solve global warming
  15. how is cooling the gulf stream going to cool down some unrelated ice? look, if you introduce a large block of cooling at any point along the gulf stream you are going to both weaken it and cause it to sink prematurely which will be bad for the UK and Europe.
  16. no, its not the warming of the gulf stream that will cause it to shut down, its the warming of some iceshelves in canada that are relatively unaffected by gulf stream conditions that would shut it down.
  17. agriculture in the uk and northern europe depends on the gulf stream being there and being warm. if you kill the gulf stream by the method you are proposing then the UK and northern europe will get much much colder. not only that but equatorial regions will get much much hotter.
  18. again we come to the point, you need to redirect most of the gulfstream to have a decent impact. and then there is the climate disruption to the UK and europe and the fact that its not economically feasible
  19. oh there will still be a general movement and you'll be changing the temperature of the water by quite a bit. especially as you are reducing radiative emission from the surface leading to greater heat retention. do you not remember the last thread you opened on this where we discussed the infeasibility of this project.
  20. now, i can't say with absolute authority because i'm not female but i get more satisfaction from putting in a bit of effort. I'm pretty confident that women are the same.
  21. if you suck stuff out the bottom and dump it on the top then you will end up with the stuff on the top moving downwards.
  22. while you may think piston engines are more complicated, well they're not. there are plenty of mechanics who can service piston engines, the parts are mass produced, the technology is old and well tested etc. etc. small jet engines are quite complex and have a high maintenance upkeep. the principle is simpler, but the excecution is not. incidentally, you do get a few gas turbine prop driven aircraft these days. still not too common though.
  23. intergalactic space is even less dense
  24. what i've seen most is that the people who work out the acceleration of the arrow coming to a stop don't actually believe the result so figure they've done something wrong when in fact they have the correct answer.
  25. reality check, the motherboard typically runs at a very different frequency to the processor (typically down around 133Hz i believe) the processor will be run faster than this by a set multiplier.
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