lol, so you want us to make kilometer scale aircraft with the ability to fly into the eye of a hurricane.
we haven't even made BUILDINGS that big yet.
also, the perpetual motion devices do not add credibility.
pfft your all wrong isn't it obvious the surface of the earth is the inside of a giant cosmic egg with the sun(yoke) at the centre and when that chicken starts growing then we're really fscked
well, it definitely triggers the hazmat rules as it concerns purchasing material where special training would be required if handling in a lab. i think from charony's comments that it is somewhat restricted which also swings me in favour of closing it. another reason i think that is that it is his one and only post.
how about E240(formaldehyde), E519(Copper(II) Sulphate) and E295(Chlorine).
hardly 'safe' chemicals. and thats just scrolling through the list (
you don't have to go far through it to find ones that are banned for carcinogenicity or something.
So, you have no proof, no evidence , no indication, statistical analyses that are decidedly not in your favour and that to you adds up to 'requires further investigation'
you do realise that since you even admit its not proof and then go on to state things you have admitted are also not proof and say that when they are put together then it is proof is a logical fallacy.
true but it doesn't stop people getting it injected into their faces making themselves look quite laughable especially when they try to display emotion.
although, botox has been found to have some theraputic uses, but its only actually useful in certain unfortunate circumstances ( a lot more unfortunate than a few wrinkles)
one thing you could do which is related to both of them, is to devise an effective fertiliser.
buy some seeds of something that grows fast(i have no idea what does but i'm assuming that different plants will grow at different speeds).
plant them and test out different chemicals to see how they affect growth. run this few a few stages of refinement and you should end up with a mixture that is an extremely effective fertiliser.
what you'll be wanting to look at mainly is potassium nitrogen and phosphorus content IIRC. specifically, soluble content.
the twin paradox is merely a misapplication of special relativity. you need to use general relativity when there is an acceleration. apply general relativity to the problem and the paradox suddenly disappears.
So? they would not be the first scientists to believe in crazy things with minimal to non-existant proof.
arguement from authority is a logical fallacy.
i can't stand the myth that ALL e-numbers are bad for you. everything you could possibly put in food(whethere its edible or not) has to have an e-number by law.
for example, E-948 is oxygen. if you ask someone 'do you think people should cut out their intake of E-948?' they will probably say 'yes, of course'.
well, it would offer a huge deterrent to people doing illegal stuff.
get busted, get tested on.
but i think you'll find that that will not be a popular thing
Most people if they notice something wrong with their penis there straight down the doctors(well, i do that at anyrate).
its not even that embarassing, you won't have anything the doctor hasn't seen before(and if you do you then thats even more reason to get it checked out).
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