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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. the furnace has a volume of just over a litre and i use it to make lava for my model volcano(okay, i haven't fired it up in while though but thats what i built it for)
  2. if nobody is responding that means nobody is interested.
  3. it a LOT safer. there are no known viruses in the wild and the only thing you still have to worry about are rootkits and hackers. the only way you can get a rootkit is if you install it yourself or your system is compromised by hackers. a good firewall helps here, ubuntu has one built in.
  4. if i could have buried the furnace in the ground like i intended i could probably have got higher temps. ie flowerpot doesn't provide enough heat. tried that and while it worked for my really small proof of concept model it did not scale very well. the number of torches needed would have been prohibitive. doesn't work. it'll melt. use fire bricks and wrap them in fibreglass insulation. partially burying the furnace helps a LOT. i have no idea either i used the approach of 'i know what temperature these things melt at, lets see if they melt in there' i don't think it would be practical to contain the gas, what you'll want to do is just have a constant stream going over it(some enclosure is necessary so you displace the air, sit another flowerpot on top of it or a dish). I use charcoal and coke as a fuel. it is more than capable of reaching the desired temperature if you pump air into it.
  5. Okay i looked up the process of artificial petrification: Soak in a bath of acid for 2 days(can be done at home, although arguably not safe) Soak in silica solution for 2 days(can be done at home) Cook in 1400*C oven with argon atmosphere for two hours(would be very very difficult and expensive to do at home) The biggest problem here is the oven. i made a smallish furnace for making lava and it only reaches about 1050*C(as near as i can tell its higher than 1000 but less than 1100) and its not so easy to keep it that hot for very long. its also not exactly safe either.
  6. i'm pretty sure if you had never used windows before you would have to put in just as much effort to get used to it.
  7. you will also want to devise a test that proves your assumption that conciousness is energy(and define conciousness as well). if your assumptions don't stand then it is certain that the rest is nothing more than a fairytale
  8. err... pound as in unit of weight rather than unit of currency.
  9. glad thats sorted out then. though it was a bit embarassing when i tried to get to the malware site on a virtual instance of XP and nothing happened. quickly found another one though.
  10. insane_alien


    generally yes. although some species have evolved so that the female can fertilise her own egg and the species has done away with the males IIRC.
  11. try googling to see if there is a site where you can report them. it definitely comes under unfair business practices.
  12. looking on their site, particularly here i think that they are the ones cybersquatting. thats probably what they want with your domain. fight them, you'll win.
  13. My advice is pretty much the same. 1/ Don't let a rejection get you down. (i've had more rejections than you can shake a stick at for an even greater number of reasons yet have still got a research place.) 2/ Be persistent. the more you try the more likely it will be You'll usually get an interview of some kind which is where you have a chance to sell yourself develop an ego several times larger than your head for this one. sell yourself, make out even small achievements to be massive triumphs. (as you've been fighting your way back to the top this will be seen as a VERY good thing. it shows that you aren't just going to give up when things get a little difficult) don't be afraid to pop in a few small white lies to strengthen your position, just don't make them outrageous(like you single handedly discovered a cure for cancer in your kitchen when you overcooked your pot noodle ). Also, in my case we had to get a letter from one of our lecturers saying that we were actually capable of doing the work. this is likely to count more than a grade point average. basically, just go for it. be ecstatic if you get a place, don't get to bothered if you don't, research places are limited, get in early for next time.
  14. well at least now it won't be completely negative thing. but the point that the asian company has no right to buy your parents domain unless your parents are actually wanting to sell it(and even then, they have exclusive rights on who they sell it to.)
  15. okay, so maybe it is the server problem. call them up, get it sorted. in the meantime, i'm actually using that particular infection to teach my parents not to believe everything the see on the internet.
  16. I do not think the problem is with the servers(although a call to them could be useful). I think what has happened is something that is getting scarily common, a false link has been created that looks exactly like a link to your page but redirects to a malware ridden site. is there perhaps a way to inform google of this?
  17. well for starters you have to precool the helium with liquid nitrogen then further cool the helium until it liquifies by multiple adiabatic expansions.
  18. i'm also voting yes. although to be honest i hope they don't but find something completely new and unexpected.
  19. its enormous NOW. in the FUTURE it won't be. much like trees on easter island. i'm sure the natives thought they were inexhaustable but then they had used them all up and the population crashed in a not so nice fashion. just because we are incapable of consuming all the resources available in a human lifetime doesn't mean we should treat them as infinite.
  20. It seems schottlender.net has been googlepoisoned. a google link to it takes you to one of those 'Antivirus 2008' sites which actually infect your PC with viruses. DO NOT GO THERE. however, going to the site it CLAIMS to be linking to http://www.schottlender.net/Comercio/NES.htm results in a valid page. also, as if you go there there is a lot more information than just an 'underconstruction' statement we can clearly say that it is not as unused as mayor or the company(which i strongly suspect has roots in malware) are claiming. they do not have a legal right to the site and they are actively trying to destroy the reputation of the owners.
  21. i didn't say ignore. don't put words in my mouth. i said defy which means 'acts against' much like pressure differentials are used to defy gravity with planes. yeah, that is rubbish as its electrostatic repulsion doing the hanging on more than anything else and all the gravity is still there. what causes you to feel really light is that there are certain positions you can get yourself into where you don't really need to use a lot of force keeping yourself in that position. (next time your at the beach bury your legs in the sand and see which is easier, standing up straight or leaning back at an angle) it is the same principle in rock climbing.
  22. well, it depends on the situation. the van der waals force can be used to defy gravity otherwise you would never be able to pick up frozen xenon or any other frozen noble gas as the solid is held together by the van der waals force. however, this just displaces the problem as the hover board would have to hang off something then instead of sitting on it and it would be a really weak bond. and the van der waals forces are attractive by definition.
  23. rhenium should be okay but dysprosium can cause skin irritation and probably not a good idea for a ring.
  24. just to quote the oxford english dictionary there, a dictionary that is up to date and often considered the most up-to-date and complete english dictionary. basically meaning if the word/definition isn't in there its not technically english. as PC's definition isn't there(and i can only find that definition on anti animal testing sites) i think its safe to assume that its utter mince and propaganda. not that it matters as we should be using the scientific definition which is clearly defined and cannot change less a few large libraries worth of literature have to be reproduced to cover that mistake. vivesection only applies to operations on live animals. if it doesn't involve cutting them open then it is NOT vivisection. Now, can we PLEASE move on from this unproductive and idiotic arguement as you have been shown to be wrong to exhaustion.
  25. yes but we are considering the multiple different flood myths around the world. not all of them involve (a) god.
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