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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i have had one of those from the same company about my gmail address. scam.
  2. Floods happen across the globe. It makes sense that mythology would sprout up around them especially if there was a period of abnormal amounts of flooding. I propose that the flood myths are common because flooding is common. Through exageration and the odd major flood it has ingrained itself into many cultures, especially as cultures spread because of a common thread. i'm pretty sure that if there was a scenario similar to hurricane katrina back a few hundred years when it was just tribes of natives then they would pass the tale of the flood that covered the world down the generations.
  3. Thats one thing i don't do. i'm not a fan of salt. i only put it on food rarely(if its utterly bland or otherwise tastes crap) Gilded, just bacon wrap everything. even bacon. its all good. i even tried bacon wrapped icecream but while delicious it is a bit messy to prepare.
  4. my biggest unhealthy habit is that i drink too much. that and i'm quite partial to bacon wrapped chicken with melted cheese over it. don't smoke though and while i do occasionally partake in recreational drugs it is never a lot and never any of the more dangerous ones.
  5. i'd go for iridium and leave the scandium alone. iridium will be perfectly safe as it doesn't react with much and it wil last longer than gold, platinum and silver because it is not as easily scratched. scandium is probably a little bit toxic due to its position on the periodic table but it hasn't been researched enough to know for sure.
  6. spheres are best in this scenario as it allows for even distribution of the forces and has the least surface area for a given volume.
  7. Well, we don't know that the legends sprung up at the same time or even had the same cause. tsunamis likely accounted for all the coastal legends and there are several other major floods similar ot that on other continents from when glaciers were melting. some probablly came from exceptional weather as well. and you have to remember that the legends will be spread between cultures when the interact for trading or whatever so it didn't have to happen everywhere.
  8. Have you guys read the bit in the EULA that basically says you give google the rights of all the material you put on the web with chrome? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/03/google_chrome_eula_sucks/ you can't honestly say that there is nothing dodgy about that.
  9. the titanium oxide does not trap helium plasma. it traps helium gas. and helium is soluble in most solids.
  10. if your solution is simply better then prove it. so far all we have to go on is your word. and i for one do not implicitly trust any random person who claims he has overturned accepted scientific theory. therefore, provide evidence or go away.
  11. everything is affected by the moon. there are tides in the atmosphere(the waves are several tens of kilometers in amplitude) the water itself is also affected as evidenced by the greater than 1m tides in a lot of places. if you can back up your position then do so.
  12. i'm sure they can do the exact same things but i've never been able to achieve the results i can get from cinelerra in any of them.
  13. if my mates sister screams in your ear you'll think its going to kill you but this is far far different from psychokinesis. psychokinesis is where you move objects with your mind, not kill things with sound. yes, but it is not moving things with its mind. there are plenty of things to perform actions at a distance, psychokinesis is a very small subset of that where you need nothing more than your mind. (like if i were to make your mouse go and get flushed down your toilet merely by thinking about it. (of course, i could pay someone near you to break into your house and do it but that would not be psychokinesis, that would be bribery)
  14. vostok one carried yuri gagarin on the firstmanned orbit of the earth. it didn't get as far as the moon never mind outside the solar system. there have been 4 probes that have went outside the solar system, pioneer10, pioneer 11, voyager 1 and voyager 2. communication with these probes is very very difficult. they do not have the power left to transmit such huge distances. the radio signal by the time it gets here is absolutely tiny it takes several massive radio dishes to even pick it up.
  15. err. do you mean 'if it was orbiting pluto could it take pictures of things further away?' if you do then the answer is nope. there are a couple of reasons for this. 1/ it is solar powered, it would not work that far from the sun. 2/ several million kilometers sounds like a lot untill you consider its looking several billion light years. there would not be any appreciable difference. 3/it can already detect the most distant objects we know of.
  16. the mediterranean sea has dried up several times in its history along with a huge re flooding. i'm not sure if the last one was in human times though. but it its the closest thing to a world wide flood i can think of.
  17. the interfaces do take a bit of getting used to but they are very functional. and i'd pick functional but ugly over pretty but crap any day.
  18. well, there was no world wide flood but there have been plenty of large scale floods in human history. particularly at the end of the last iceage. it is likely that the great flood myths came from several of these and just got passed down generation by generation into what we see today.
  19. as said before, they were only looking at the dirty part of it. and high temperature minerals are easily accumulated as the comet flies around in space. simply because space is dusty and in need of a good vacuuming(horrible pun most definitely intended). i can roll a doughnut around on my floor and then examine the doughnut and find stuff that most definitely shouldn't be in a doughnut. same thing here(except with less furry stuff) yep. seeing as this has been happening for billions of years and is only going to get slower i think its safe to assume its nothing to worry about.
  20. 3 5 and 6 are wrong. the process of cooking anything causes a lot of complex chemical reactions to occur. most aren't noticable and merely result in a slight augmentation of the flavour, the most obvious reaction in pancakes is that they become solid. this is due to proteins breaking down and sticking to each other. luster is a physical property its to do with the physical characteristics of the electron shells in the atoms. odour is the detection of chemicals in the nose. this is achieved by a reaction and is hence a chemical property rather than a physical one.
  21. what exactly do you use your computer for? we might be able to help you more then.
  22. i'll reverse the question, is windows 98 worth having if it isn't connected to the internet? windows and linux do the exact same job on the computer, they provide an interface between hardware and software. as windows 98 hasn't been supported for some years now and was prone to being buggy and crashing a lot, it should be worth it to put a modern OS on the computer.
  23. did you not get a driver CD with your flash drive?
  24. download it on the computer you are on and wither burn it to CD there or put it on a USB flash drive and take it to a computer where you can burn it to a CD. put the CD in the drive of the windows 98 computer and restart it. when it boots it should boot into linux. and 96MB of RAM is fine. i've seen linux run on 4MB of RAM.
  25. i'd recommend SliTaz or DSL(damn small linux) for an old PC. http://www.slitaz.org/en/ <SliTaz site (get the stable CD image, the whole OS is around 24.8MB and uses up about 30MB of RAM when running(on my laptop anyway) http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ < DSL site, slightly bigger download(50MB) another alternative would be puppy linux ( http://www.puppylinux.org/ ) but i've never had much luck with it.
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