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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. depends on how much moisture is around. if you keep it in a tin with a dessicant it should last for years. also keeping it reasonably cool (doesn't need to be fridge cool) is a good idea.
  2. tsk tsk, it should be green. glowing as well prefferably.
  3. yeah, theres usually a few tips and hints passed along when exchanging books. the system works.
  4. latin is dead, we'd have to import so many new words, update the grammar and so on. lets just keep our modern languages evolving. a big chunk of them evolved out or latin anyway.
  5. i recommend walking down the street in full lab gear, lab coat, gloves, testubes in the pocket, safety glasses/visor. people look at you as if your about to explode.
  6. or they use their own book. one of my lecturers did that, though to be fair, it was(and still is) an extremely useful book.
  7. and its also the currency of the UK £££ i don't mind it for the currency (although is does derive from a pound (lb) of sterling silver) but hopefully we will transition to the euro soon.
  8. theres a good system in my uni. basically, you put a notice up in the students union building and flog your used books to the people moving up. i've bought and sold most of my books this way although there are a number i went out and bought decent copies of because they were actually useful references rather than just looking at a couple of chapters and never picking it up again like a lot of the books i got. Actually, this reminds me, i need to get a new book of steam tables. mine is already falling appart from over use.(well, that and my bag is not a hospitable environment for books)
  9. There is a video of it although there are debates as to whether it was faked or not. i can't actually find anything beyond all the tosh that people have posted about it on the net(various crap from Bryukhonenko decapitating himself and his head being kept alive in a jar a la futurama to him working on aliens that crash landed in siberia) Here is the wikipedia article.
  10. waking up. myh bed was nice and cosy and i just lay there for about an hour before i moved.
  11. seein as no room temperature has ever been constructed in any lab on earth and that the high temperature (though still very very cold) superconductors have an immensly complex crystal structure i'm going to say, no its not possible in a highschool lab. as for using polymers, it may be possible but i do not understand the process of superconductivity well enough to make an educated guess on the subject.
  12. especially seeing as the majority of the voters are those in the lower tax brackets. perhaps mccain believes in the money fairy? either that or he's going to continue running the US economy into the ground. and if he is cutting that much tax, whats he cutting spending on? if its the war in iraq then i can see how such cuts could be viable but it think it will be stuff like eductaion and so on that will bear the brunt of it.
  13. and this is the problem with the old system: same units, different meanings. its caused several spacecraft to mis targets by millions of kilometers and planes to run out of fuel in mid air.
  14. yep, that is exactly how it works. i imagine its someone from a horror movie. japanese by the sound of it(though i tend to be really bad at determining the origin of names from the far east)
  15. obamas definitely seems to make more sense. how does mccain plan to support the US if he's taking $1,195 per person out of the budget? aren't you guys in enough debt already?
  16. use kilograms. SI is a brilliant standard used by about 96% of the world and there is only one kilogram. british and american pounds are not equal if i remember right.
  17. do you have a microphone? if you do go get audacity and record yourself saying these things and zoom in on the wave form.
  18. people need to thank you for making a good contribution or being helpful. it is not controlled by you.
  19. I have to take issue with this. I use the word species in my lab reports all the time and it has never reffered to something living. in chemistry a species is a particular compound, molecular fragment, ion, atom etc. Here is the IUPAC(the major standards body for chemistry) definition of it to support my case on this point (Lawsinium should note the presentation of evidence in order to support a position here). However, this doesn't mean that he isn't matching between two very very different things. A chemical species and a Biological species are only very tentatively related in general concept but further examination reveals they are incredibly different.
  20. but you don't need to produce it constantly. just average it. you can use batteries to store energy for when you need to be doing something else.
  21. theres no real biological distinction for 'race'. the most likely outcome is a shade of skin somewhere between the parents shades.
  22. then do so.
  23. i use openoffice. works great and it runs on anything be it linux, mac or windows.
  24. i know some mechanical engineers and some chemists and am studying chemical engineering myself and i would have to say, probably not. there are parts they would get on with fine but i would have doubts about them getting the details and the environmental aspect of it.
  25. i think its fine if its just a smack but full on beatings, especially if dealt with a weapon like a belt, should be considered abuse. i was smacked as a kid, pretty often if i'm honest, for stuff like going outside certain limits (like the end of my street or the neighbourhood) without telling my parents where i was going or when i first discovered the joys of swearing. pretty trivial things really and i quickly learnt to judge what was acceptable behaviour(basically, if i would get smacked for it). it was always a much bigger punishment than, say, being grounded. i mean, i always had comic books to fall back on there. or lego. as we would need a clear definition i'd propose openhanded smacks(but not to the head) are fine, closed fist or any implement is not.
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