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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. if you are simulating the entire brain then it does involve various areas of the brain. that is the point. if simulating it at a cellular level isn't good enough for you, with enough computing power we could simulate an entire human body down the the subatomic level with a similarly detailed 'world' for it to interact with. it will display emotions its behaviour will be indistinguishable from a humans as the exact same rules govern it.
  2. basically what john is saying is that errors are inherent to all measurements. take when you measure something with a ruler. if you take it to the nearest measurement point you could say it is 1cm +/- 0.5mm which means that the true calue coule be anything from 0.95cm to 1.05cm if i measure something that has an error of +/- 1 and i get an reading of 0.5 then the actual value could be anything from -0.5 to 1.5 including 0. until i find a more accurate way to make the measurement i can never know.
  3. well, the fringeshift is an effect that the aether should produce. the fact that they always fall below expected values is because without an aether fringe shift should be 0. 0 is in the error range for all experimental results.
  4. yes. especially if you go through with simulating a human brain. however, AI will probably take a different route but it could be taught emotions and how to appreciate classical music or whatever.
  5. rutherfords experiments on the structure of atoms was also before then. and his discoveries are reasonably close to modern day theories (small positively charged nucleus, cloud of negative charge in a cloud around it). there are older models that are less accurate as well.
  6. well the water is falling at a certain velocity if it is falling off a waterfall. water travelling at 20m/s is water travelling at 20/ms whether it is off a waterfall, water jet or whatever. it still has the same energy and it'll still be converted to heat when it gets slowed down by friction.
  7. well, firing a jet of water(to simulate it falling a few hundred feet) into a collection vessel with temperature sensors in the nozzle and vessel will do the trick. the more insulation you wrap round it the better.
  8. its possible but in the case of the niagra falls it is not a closed system so the water will lose the heat energy it generates. you could do it relatively easily in a lab though.
  9. i'm not sure how that it is supposed to refute the atomic model. i though the last of those went away when we actually took a picture of individual atoms. then again i would have thought flat earthers would have disappeared when we measured the diameter of the earth over 2000 years ago.
  10. err, it was actually a massive amount in a relatively tiny space. to do more mapping we would need thousands more telescopes and a lot of computing power. 1/ WIMPs may not be darkmatter. we do not know yet. 2/ at least we are looking for stuff rather than labelling it all bullsh*t please, for the love of the english language, and all languages everywhere, don't.
  11. get your facts straight. dark matter IS detectable as it interacts via gravity. whats more, it already HAS been detected.
  12. yes, we have looked at the data and we agree that handguns are an effective tool for commiting suicide. what we are disagreeing on is what action to take. I have already said i oppose the banning of guns because of this because they are not the cause of suicides. and i do not consider it a right for someone to own a gun(especially as i come from the uk). to treat a problem you need to go for the cause. guns are not the cause, they are merely the mechanism. the phrase 'guns don't kill people, people do' applies here as well. If we invest more in helping those with suicidal tendencies and treating the causes of those tendencies then i predict we will see a more dramatic drop in suicides across the board. eliminating one avenue will just push those to other methods which can be just as effective if you are serious about it.
  13. not really, you have the larger problem as it completely contradicts your proposition that galaxies are orbiting some central point. so that leaves us with expansion. for expansion to be accelerating there must be something causing it. we have labelled 'dark energy' as the placeholder, it may not even be energy it my just be a property of space itself. we are investigating. dark matter is required to explain the orbital velocity of stars in a galaxy. this has nothing to do with the motion of galaxies through space. your idea would still have to address this as it claims there is no dark matter. also, wwe have mapped the gravitational anomalies in certain parts of space and it does not correspond with visible matter. so SOMETHING is there and it is darkmatter. as to its exact nature we are unsure. it is possible that the LHC may shed some light(no pun intended) on this.
  14. Yes, lets get on to the discussion of what to do. we all agree that 1/ handguns will give you a higher chance of success in commiting suicide 2/ handguns are used in suicides. 3/ handguns are the tool of choice in suicides. now, i don't think you can justify banning the tool because someone misuses it. i have a screwdriver, i use it properly, it is an instrument of murder in many prisons as it can be made into a 'shank'. banning screwdrivers would have a very negative impact on everything. guns have their uses too. they are a tool. you cannot blame the outcome on the tool but only its user. to solve the problem of people killing themselves we need to treat the underlying issues. so, WHY do people want to kill themselves? of course there are no simple answers to this and they range from mental disorders to emotional stress. but research into these and ways to lessen their impact would do a lot for lowering the suicide rate. far more than a ban on handguns as that will just cause a shift in the preffered tool.
  15. umm, water actually fits all your criteria 1/ will become vapour at 100*C (less than 300*C) 2/ will melt at 0*C (between -20 and 200) 3/ is non toxic
  16. if galaxies were orbiting some point then not only should it be very very obvious(along the same lines 'the great attractor' is very obvious) but it should also be well within the visible universe(as gravity travels at the speed of light). this means that if we were to look towards this 'greater attractor' we would see a myriad of blueshifted galaxies very very far away from us. much like if we consider stars when looking towards the centre of our galaxy. and ignoring that, if all galaxies are in an orbit, the ones catching up on us (in a closer orbit) should be blueshifted and the ones we are cathing up to(in a further orbit) should be blueshifted. on the whole, there should be a roughly 50:50 ratio of blueshifted to redshifted. no, as the number of redshifted galaxies outnumbers the number of blueshifted galaxies like the earth outweighs a small child i think it is safe to say your idea is utter bollocks. i believe i also brought this up last time and you utterly ignored me. please do not repeat this.
  17. insane_alien


    unfortunately no, it only came up in conversation with my physics teacher some years ago. yep, i've lathed my share of wonky things that were supposed to have turnedout nice and smooth. basically, the shavings can jam up and/or put wear and tear on the parts. normally this isn't a problem as the shavings are not attracted to the metal of the lathe so just fall away. magnetised shavings will stick quite firmly and be difficult to remove while lathing.
  18. insane_alien


    i made those numbers up to illustrate my point that liquids align easier and to get the same field strength in the same amount of time you need a stronger magnet when it is solid. i believe there are physical limits to the strength of permanent magnets and it is really difficult to machine already magnetised parts as the shavings stick to everything.
  19. insane_alien


    yes, you do need a magnet at least that strong but the difference is in you need a magnet say 20% stronger for a liquid and for making it with a solid you need it 60% stronger than your target.
  20. use your mobile phone as a modem. that'll bypass everything.
  21. lol, bet if they listened to their customers shouting 'we still want XP' that wouldn't have happened as they'd still be supporting it properly.
  22. insane_alien


    handling extremely hot liquids isn't so difficult with a bit of practise, i've learned a lot about it from my volcano. as for the advantages of melting it, it allows easier alignment of the crystal structure than forcing them to realign when solid. this means your electromagnet doesn't need to be as powerful for the same effect.
  23. all spaceflights so far are experiments AND observations in favour of newton(einstein too if they were carrying a reasonably accurate clock). we win!.
  24. if it is so silly please provide proof. surely if it is silly there is some humungous logical flaw in it. bear in mind that all science has had to say on the matter so far is that the universe is expanding faster than before. something must be causing it. and proposed dark energy as one possible mechanism. all we know about it is that it doesn't interact like normal energy. hence dark. dark matter is not blackholes. it is something that doesn't intteract except via gravity. for your 'idea' to work there would need to be even more of it and then even more dark energy to cover the expansion of the universe.
  25. your signature it is reminiscent of lolcats
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