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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. DH just said that
  2. better than what i have in biology, you must be right. unless my introduction to biochemical engineering class counts for much(seeing as i nearly failed it then i doubt it.)
  3. yes, there are pockets of minerals in the earths crust but this is due to it being solid. the minerals are deposited in the crust by volcanic activity and the heavier minerals are brought up by convection currents within the mantle. and binding with other elements to form a less dense compund. for example, sulphur is a solid at room temperature, bind it with oxygen and suddenly it is a gas which is much less dense than sulphur. we understand the geochemistry of earth very well and it is nothing like biochemistry. go read a beginners geology book.
  4. it is possible. but it won't be random directions. the lighter stuff will go up and the heavier stuff down. the bigger the density difference the faster they will do this. this happens in labs all over the world and in chemical plants all over the world. it happens in the seas and it has even been observed happening in lava pools. all it requires is fluidity and time. the innards of the earth have got these in buckets.
  5. no it doesn't sound good and its probably not. it was the organic chem lab and there was lots of ether being used as a solvent. i do agree that ether fumes + fire = AAARRRRGHHHH MY FACE IS BURNING!!!!
  6. yes it is. it is perfectly possible. all you require is a difference in density and some time. the heavier stuff will diffuse down and the lighter stuff will diffuse up. infact, this exact process is used in iron smelting to seperate the iron from the slag. slag is less dense than molten iron so it floats up and the iron sinks, the slag is drawn off the top and the iron off the bottom. essentially this is what is happening inside the earth only more complex as the earth has far more substances in it. although, i will admit this isn't the most popular method for separating metals in alloy as it would take millions of years of settling time. luckily, the earth has had more than a few million years to get around to it. less dense things floating has been exploited by us for millenia why do you refuse to believe that this is what is happening in the earth?
  7. depends on the distribution of wave lengths on the water. sure, for the small surface waves you see on a calm day they will need to be close together but if you have massive long wave length waves then it'll work when they are further appart.
  8. mine does
  9. unless your really really careful. seriously, i've done maybe 2 distillations in my life that didn't have an open flame. and thats only because it was carried out in a room with an explosive atmosphere.
  10. i had a lot of talks with a chinese foreign exchange student on this over the last year, and yep, they're pretty much the same though in china there seems to be more of a focus on the maths than the other stuff. the guy (who's name i still can't pronounce right) was in my project group and while he was very good at the calculations, had no idea where to begin with designing a reactor or heat exchanger which our course here in scotland had covered the year before.
  11. as i understand it its full energy protons by september but only at something like 10% of the capacity, meaning only 1/10 of the 'bunches' of protons it will fire under full capacity'
  12. so why did you say it could destroy the world? nothings going to happen. anyway, the proton streams are just for testing, its not going to be ramped up to full power till september anyway.
  13. initial proton streams are injected tomorrow. that sounds so much like ghostbusters.
  14. MrGamma, if they were a trillion lightyears apart, assuming no other forces causing motion, they would drift together.
  15. not really. 0.002N would be totally swamped by forces from the waves and wind. although, if they were in a massive tank with no waves or wind then they would drift together. It would work better in a vacuum.
  16. wow. thats impressive.
  17. so you are starting from a conclusion. thats not how science works. in science, you make observations, then you form a hypothesis then you experiment and revise your hypothesis. this cycle of revision carries on and on by many different labs and scientists to make sure it is repeatable and then you get a theory. observations say, earth is not alive and space is not a soil. therefore your hypothesis is wrong.
  18. no to rain on your parade but that seems a bit complex for what it needs to do. i think i made a simpler one. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=278659 how about we have a competition to see who can make the simplest contraptions to get by a level. to have a scoring system for this have a point for every part you use. lowest score wins.
  19. same reason as they use sacrificial nodes. the sacrifical nodes(or wires running down the side.) supply electrons to the pipe to prevent it from oxidising(rusting for this scenario). for a sacrificial node this means that it will oxidise even easier than if it was on its own and has to be replaced every so often. for the wires, this means they have to handle a current dependant on the rate of attempted oxidisation.
  20. insane_alien


    iodines triple point is 386.65K and 12.1kPa it has a liquid phase at standard pressure. although unless there is appreciable iodine in the atmosphere it will evapourate too quickly to be noticable. case closed, back to CO2
  21. wow, argument from incredulity. quite with the fallacies. the grandcanyon bears all the hallmarks of being formed by water erosion. there is too much to explain away for it to be a tectonic feature. and then there is the fact that is NOT ON A MAJOR FAULT LINE. the area is quite stable from a geological point of view.
  22. the big thing against it being a rift is that it is not on any major fault line which would be necessary for the formation of a rift valley. i suggest you compare the grand canyon to the african rift valley.
  23. insane_alien

    My vote

    YT2095 of course. pro nuke, pro beer, pro chem.
  24. no they don't, they use sacrificial nodes. completely different principle to electrolysis. electrolysis would not prevent scales.
  25. i wouldn't relate a troll with culture. i am losing faith in humanity over that article.
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