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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. although it involves neither getting smart nor being quick about it.
  2. that only works for direct mapping encoding. enigma for instance would not always return T for D. the sequence DDDDDDDDDD might come out TXCAKJDJEM where as direct mapping would come out TTTTTTTTTT
  3. MAinstream science survives today because it adapts to fit the data. the theories called laws just now are only called laws because it was the word used at the time of their discovery. they also tend to be the most tested theories in science and not one single bit of data says they are false. if we find out that there is a way to circumvent those, then a new theory will take their place and the rest of science will adapt. but at the absolute minimum, the energy conservation laws are a staggeringly brilliant approximation.
  4. who cares what the heart thinks. reality certainly doesn't. just because reality follows a set of rules doesn't mean its dull. if you look around its actually pretty interesting and exciting.
  5. in my example the center of the vibration is still the house. but the peak displacement of the vibration is the corner market. you will still have to return to center and back out the other directions an equal displacement. vibration is a ocilating movement. the average position doesn't change but the instantaneous position does.
  6. It is the heat capacity of the air. wet air has a greater heat capacity than dry air so it can remove more heat from you faster than dry air with less convection. Density has little to do with it but as it increases the number of molecules hitting you every second it also improves conductivity.
  7. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Piri_reis_world_map_01.jpg high res images of the map. everything below southamerica ceases to look like a map and looks like no place on earth. lots of repetitive patterns. also, antartica without its icesheet is more a series od smaller islands than a solid coastline as depicted in that map. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/AntarcticaRockSurface.jpg
  8. they also don't like MSDOS floppy disks. you get a belch of acrid black smoke.
  9. seeing as it shows south america and antartica as joined, i am going to go for they made a mistake and went round the otherside of south america. alternatively, they could have been mapping the coast of the ice sheet. if it was done in late autumn then the ice sheet would match the real coastline within the error of that map. either way, seeing how south america and antartica are joined raises concerns over the competency of the cartographer.
  10. i already made a fully working volcano. i just need to devise a way of cleaning out the solidified rock without taking the eruption mechanism with it.
  11. i'm more concerned about the media editing in a different answer that a politician getting his facts slightly muddled.
  12. silicon based life has a lot of issues. especially at temperature where sulphur would be in a breathable form(liquid or gas). silanes are way too unstable and can form the long complex molecules carbon can. (they are limited to around 10.
  13. if the vibrations amplitude was great enough you could get to the corner market at peak displacement. and if the period is long enough you can even get a few things while your there.
  14. you can detect them anytime but they severely redshift on a monthly cycle.
  15. Don't worry about your grammer it is better than some of the native english speakers we have had here. If we don't understand you we will ask for clarification and if you don't understand us just tell us and we will try to explain it better.
  16. I have also never found this to be the case, only 10 years ago for me. I think i became a target because of my surname which was different from everybody elses and a teacher mispronounced it in a funny way an it all stemmed from that but i can't be sure as i was only about 5 when it started. My own personal view on it is that it usually starts over a small thing.
  17. By depositing the charge on the container wall it reaches a lower energy level as like charges repel. the negative charge of the container would not repel the gas as the electric field strength inside a conductor is zero.
  18. yes. although a negatively charged gas would not stay negatively charged for long as it would lose charge to its container.
  19. 2kg of mass gets converted. its 43megatons/kg yeah?
  20. not really, its only 94 Megatons. tsar bomba was designed to be 100 but scaled back to stop the fallout. destructive sure but it would not destroy most of the earth. a 'little' crater of a few kilometers in diameter is most likely.
  21. anyone know how to calculate the potential energy involved there? make the maths easier and say it is 1GigaCoulomb within a 1m diameter sphere.
  22. vlc works on XP. just point it towards the stream and select the format you want to save it in and it'll do it.
  23. there is but the density and pressures involved are so miniscule they can safely be ignored for local(within the solar system) operations and velocities. if you were planning on going a significant fraction of the speed of light or across the void between galaxies then you would have to consider it.
  24. 1+1=2 is 1/ very effective, it is the root of all mathematics 2/ very simple, it is the first equation you learn. it fits quite elegantly if i do say so myself.
  25. those were technological barriers rather than physical barriers though.
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