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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. the neutron/antineutron thing wouldn'twork as it is not an elementary particle for one. it is composed of quarks so you would need three quarks occilating together. and if it can happen in a neutron then why not a proton, meson or other quark composed particle.
  2. i thought sex was decided by the sperm(whether it has an X or Y chromosone) i could see it depending on the fathers diet perhaps but not the mothers.
  3. if it tastes like meat(be it chicken, beef, pork, that meat they have in mcdonalds that your not entirely sure if it even came for earth) and has the texture of meat then i won't be to fussy about where it came from. if the factory produced meat is bland and basically crap, then i would care.
  4. kudos to the russians for building a sturdy enough craft that i can come in backwards ans still survive. pretty damn impressive if you ask me.
  5. 'amazing' would be the implied meaning i think. i'm pretty sure thats one of the ones reconstructed using forensic techniques from a replica of the actual skulls.
  6. care to tell us the article? i'd be interested to read it.
  7. sometimes breaking the law can be justified...
  8. pirating it now. i don't want to hand money over to these prats yet i want a laugh even if it does mean i lose some faith in humanity.
  9. no it is not the same as a 9.6GHz processor. for one, a multicore would have much higher latency than the 9.6Ghz, but it would be able to run multiple apps faster as it reduces overhead by eliminating thread switching in the CPU.
  10. well whatever was before the austrolopithicus then. i blame the angle of the moon, my left nostril and my lack of knowledge of pre human species.
  11. both us and apes and monkeys are decended from a common ancestor species. this species was not an ape/human/monkey but something else (Austrolopithicus sp?). species can also form from geological separation while the ancestoral species remains. there is nothing preventing this from happening. and there is no set path for evolution. unless the apes are subjected to the evolutionary pressures that caused us then they will not become human.
  12. the degradation would be much more than that but essentially yes.infact, if it is air all the way down it'll pretty much 1 fall with a short(mile or less) fall the other way. on the other hand if its turtles all the way down crazy stuff happens.
  13. phi, 1 word: wormhole
  14. yeah, see i don't think that would have happened. anyway, if i'm driving i avoid everything, even painkillers. i don't think it would be safe to drive even if you were only slightly high.
  15. no, they were worse than i perceived them to be. i sucked at a game i was quite good at and took me a full 5 seconds to realise i had been hit by a boot in a related incident later on. the only thing i can say in my defence was that i realised that i was too monged to do anything requiring more than miniscule concentration.
  16. last time i was high(don't worry wasn't driving unless you count need for speed on the PS2) my reaction rates sucked ass. driving for real would be both stupid and dangerous as hell.
  17. well, cannabis and riving wouldn't work where tobacco and driving isn't really dangerous(unless it's those nutters on the motorway more interested in trying to light a fag than the road.)
  18. if it does turn into a problem for this person(starts affecting his/her work/social life) it would be a good idea to help him/her seek some help.
  19. well, it depends on how much the person is taking. if its a joint or two on occasion(not regularly) then chances are they'll be fine with no long term effects. if they spend all day bumming on the couch stoned out their skull then there will probably be long term effects. so, it acts pretty much like everything, in moderation its fine but in large doses its bad for you.
  20. a plastic crown of the same mass would not displace the same as a gold crown. that is the point. the crowns are necessarily of the same weight(mass) as this measurement is trivial and would be carried out to make sure the maker was not cheating the king out of his gold by using base metals. for this to happen, the crown will be slightly larger. if it was made of plastic, to acheive the same effect it would be noticably larger. probably hulahoop size
  21. i had mutations in mind when i wrote that last bit.
  22. there are species that can tolerate both or exist at medium saltiness. a lot would die but there would be a large number of fish that would thrive.
  23. isn't it obvious? it would have drowned them:P
  24. yes i know that, but they could be at a lower orbit and have more of them. it can still work.
  25. i'm not skepticlance but i'll answer, cosmic rays have been observed with higher energies than the LHC is able to produce.
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