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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Have they really? i'm pretty sure that the deaths and injuries caused by nuclear power are still lower than those caused by other means of power generation.
  2. What you're hearing is people with non-rhotic accents. England has quite a few regions that speak with a non-rhotic accent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhotic_and_non-rhotic_accents its not a mispronunciation or a speech impediment or insecurities, its an accent. just like the southern drawl in the US or the nasaly tones of a new yorker. plenty of non-rhotic accents in the states too. now ends this foolishness
  3. 32-bit would be the safe option(it will work whether your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit) if you have a modern computer, chances are 64-bit. What processor do you have? To burn the DVD, you can't just write the file onto the disc, you need to tell your burner software that it is a disc image you are burning. if you tell us what burning software you use we can give you more detailed instructions. There will be no autorun, and there is no need for one. It is bootable media so all you have to do is leave it in your drive and reboot. your computer should then restart running from the dvd and not touching the harddrive.
  4. different sources for the images. the images you see from far away tend to be satellite sourced and upon zooming in they switch to aerial photography.
  5. Area 51 started life as a nuclear testing site just like 60 odd other sites in the general area. It ended up not being used because people finally figured out spewing lots of radioactive dust into the air wasn't the best idea. It then got used as a secretive aircraft testing base because of both is location in the arse end of nowhere and the fact it was big and flat. Sure, they probably have a few non aerospace projects going on there too because of the remoteness but I really really doubt that its anything like the conspiracy theories. I'm going for the real activities being both more realistic AND more interesting.
  6. not without knowing your resistance and the duration.
  7. silica gel in dessicant sachets usually.
  8. no, its not.
  9. or magnitude 8.9 earthquakes?
  10. the ideas ARE at a similar evidence level.
  11. carbon is not typically created or destroyed unless there is a nuclear reaction process involved.
  12. varies from person to person. thats about the most accurate answer we can give you based on the information supplied.
  13. i doubt you'd get an internal orbit in the sun. the friction from the surrounding dense plasma would be too great
  14. i'd probably move the e^2 into the Ln(x) and then get rid of the ln's and go from there. whether its the right approach or not, well, i suppose you'll find out.
  15. well, before the modern era where global travel has become common place, the amount of interbreeding among geographically seperate groups was low. so different mutations have cropped up between historical groups of people. So it would be possible to tell whether a sample of blood came from a native american or an asian. There are differences, but they are so insignificant its the same as having DNA for a different hair colour.
  16. yes, and the majority do but it is common knowledge that the primary coolant almost always contains fission product. Its a high temperature system, there is going to be some diffusion through the cladding whether you like it or not. swansont, i didn't realise the plan would be to have the catalyst outside the reactor.
  17. I can see a downside. Yes, a one time installation at the time of construction would be trivial. however, catalysts foul up really easily This isn't much of a problem when its just water but your primary coolant loop (which this catalyst will be in) will be full of fission products such as iodine and caesium among others. these, and their decay products will fould the catalyst and inactivate it. to replace the catalytic converter would likely require a shutdown. I think a better solution would to attach a simple flare system (well, maybe not quite as simple as a petrochem flare). I suppose you'd need to have it enclosed to prevent radiation release but its better to burn the threat in a controlled manner than have it explode on you.
  18. So? not that you can really define a main sequence for brown dwarfs as there isn't a whole lot of fusion going on. but, I'm no astrophysicist, so maybe there is an equivalent. If the main sequence DOES take longer than the life of the universe than all this says is that we should't observe any dead brown dwarfs. they should all be either forming orformed and burning along merrily. Funnily enough, this is what we've seen so far. an equivalent to what you are saying is " humans have an average lifespan of 80. the fact that there have been people born this millenium and it isn't 2080 invalidate birth"
  19. no, the surface facing the sun will radiate as well. the surface during the day will be at radiative equilibrium (minus a bit thats conducting into the plane which comes back out at night.) this can happen because even on mercury, most of the sky isn't sun and thats good enough for radiative cooling.
  20. ~9.31kW/m^2 depends on where mercury is in its orbit though.
  21. well, mercury will still have some primordial heat and will be heated internally from radioactive decay so it'll look much like a cross section of earth but wit ha greater difference in temperatures at the extremes. below a kilometer it would be impossible to tell whether it was day or night. probably a good deal closer to the surface in fact but i can't be bothered running the calculations.
  22. really? the US isn't exactly in the situation of Zimbabwe or Libya you know. I'd say its not doing too badly. look at the OP that is a birth certificate. this is like me saying the sky is blue while showing you the sky and you saying 'show me the sky and then i'll believe you while your staring right at it. except he isn't as he has shown all documents pertaining to his birth. If he were to retroactively create a modern document he would be criticised for that. All we have are the documents required by law at the time of his birth and they have been publicly released for all to see. why are you ignoring the facts?
  23. well, it seems that high doses of fluoride can cause hypocalcemia (low calcium) by creating insoluble CaF2 which can affect the nervous system. but the dose needs to be a few orders of magnitude larger than you get in tap water and food.
  24. you know what? Obama IS president, whether illegally or not, AND he isn't running the country into the ground, the people of the US voted for him so THE PEOPLE WANT him to be president. Ultimately, that is what a democracy is, the people elect who they want if sufficient people(lets say 90%) wanted an immigrant to be president(I grant you this is an unlikely scenario) they could easily ask and get congress to repeal the rules saying the president must be a natural born citizen. thats the point of a democracy. It is all mutable depending on the will of the people.
  25. even if mercury was made of diamond(the most heat conductive substance known) the dark side would still be cold. it is not enough for there to be only conductive material, there must be a short enough distance so as to allow a high heat transfer. copper is electrically conductive, but just go and see how much juice you can put through a 6000 mile cable with a 1.5V battery.
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