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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Training a kid specifically to be violent and a game with violence do not seem all that similar.
  2. probably just the cdfs filesystem structure. that takes up a bit of space. or that could be the blocksize perhaps? there are a bunch of things it could be. seems a bit wasteful using a cd for 2kb eitherway.
  3. some vapours will come off it. do it utside or with the window open, if you can smell it, stop the reaction, walk away and wait for the fumes to clear.
  4. yeah, but you could at least try and put in something that takes other explanations a bit further and actually add something to the discussion. maybe you have a question or have spotted something another person left out.. it makes for very boring discussion when everybody is just repeating everybody else.
  5. The strength of the magnetic feild has little to do with it. it is primarily the gravitational feild strength of the planet that governs whether there is an atmosphere or not. take venus as an example, similar to earth in gravitational pull, no magnetic field, substantial atmosphere. according to your hypothesis that the atmosphere is magnetic field dependant, there should be no atmosphere on venus. specially as it receives more solar wind.
  6. The sun dies because of depleted hydrogen content in its core. the composition of the star will still be primarily hydrogen.its like extinguishing a candle by putting it under a glass. when the fire goes out there will still be oxygen, just not enough to sustain the flame. the star blowing up is like lifting the glass up a bit. look up solar system formation i'm saying that no body without a large enough gravitational field can aquire an atmosphere. I did say that the moon was rotating, it was the entire purpose of that bit. the moon doesn't have a magnetic field like the earth, this has been directly measured, this has nothing to do with the existance of an atmosphere.
  7. the way it cause people to start going on murder/suicide sprees is because those people were probably going to end up doing that whether they plaed violent games watched violent movies or not. it might be enough to tip an already unstable mind but it will not cause a well adjusted person to do it. and chances are some other event would trigger it anyway.
  8. the widespread doubts come from the medias susceptibility to sensationalism. it often happens that they take something nearly insignificant and blow it all out of proportion. it is more commonly seen with the 'THIS FOOD CAUSES CANCER ZOMG!!!!' news items. there is a scientific study that sort of hints in a vague way that people who eat one type of food get slightly higher cancer rates than another group. the media clamps on to this and swaps all the maybes to certainties. this is what the media does, they do it to get ratings/circulation/whatever which gets them more money. if they told the truth they would go bankrupt quite quickly i would imagine. though i would start watching it more.
  9. no, the sun and planets condensed out of a nebula that was formed from the death of a previous star. the moon will never gain an atmosphere, it is too small. and it is rotating. its just tidally locked with the earth so the same face always points towards the earth. it rotates at exactly 1 rotation per lunar month. no, the moons formed at pretty much the same time as everything else in the solar system. when the sun dies the inner planets will be destroyed and the outer planets flung into space.
  10. you're a victim of the media. micro black holes will evaporate nearly immediately. and there have been observed events with thousands of times more energy occuring naturally. if it was going to happen, it probably would already have happened.
  11. they relax me. i only play violent ones when i'm really angry at some one. after some serious zombie mangling and such, i'm usually in a much better mood.
  12. uh... no. the earth 'grew' when asteroids smashed into each other and stuck together. it is not alive by any definition of the word. there was no germination. i'm not even sure how planets would do the nasty. meteroids are not seeds. they are rocks. no attched photos. but the earth is not growing in layers. the layered structure in earth is entirely due to buoancy. when you put mercury water and oil into a container these wil for a layered structure but they are not growing like that. the core is red entirely due to the heat. if it was not hot it would be dull grey. the crust is brown, not white. i don't see any logic in this. Also the initial premise is wrong. therefore applying logic leads to nonsense. it sounds like you have thought 'hmm... planet... plant... the sound similar so they must be the same thing!'
  13. ethylene has a single double bond. i don't know where you got the idea there was 2. ethylene dichloride(systematic name: dichloroethene) has a double bond. dichloroethane does not. they are different compounds.
  14. yeah... there are mountains on earth that look more like pyramids than that.
  15. darkshade, why is it that you always just restate what everyone else has been saying without really adding anything?
  16. the big bang wasn't an explosion in the common sense of the term(a stick of dynamite or nuclear bomb) it was just an expansion of space, a very very fast expansion.
  17. we aren't going to help you break the rules of games. 1/ its not very interesting 2/ its probably against our rules 3/ when someone gets to the point where they have to cheat at runescape, they have no hope.
  18. or prevailing winds. possibly the jetstream. while the indicated airspeed would be the same the ground speed would be slower.
  19. no, you couldn't. the wire would be held together by electromagnetc interactions between the molecules. even if the tensile strength was for all intents and purposes infinite below the horizon, the photons that mediate the force wil be sucked into the hole before interacting with the other molecules.
  20. yeah. i'm not sure what you thought the sodium acetate would do. t would hinder the production of any acid as it is slightly alkali itself. and neither sodium or acetate are components of hydrochloric acid. you need something to supply the chloride ion. it will not just appear. juding by previous posts, your chemistry isn't all that great. you would be better off buying it. it can be found in hardware stores usually under the name 'muriatic acid'
  21. side reactions will be minimal. even with the bad quality of drain cleaner acid. you don't need to concentrate it. just chuck it on the zinc.
  22. umm, you won't get hydrochloric acid from that. neither of those contain chlorine.
  23. that is one type of drain cleaner. there are types that are primarily sulphuric acid.
  24. uhhh no. just no. the pH will increase. this is lowering the acidity of it. yes you would be able to fill the balloon. it would be quicker with concentrated acid though. some drain cleaners are caustic though. not acids.
  25. oh yeah. doesn't look equilateral though. and still doesn't mean it was man made.
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