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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. not something i would do. skydiving WITH a parachute is enough of an adrenaline rush for me. speaking of which, going again soon.
  2. which will use 30000xinfinty more energy.
  3. then the membrane separation equipment in my uni's lab is alive. it both possesses a membrane and responds to stimuli(changes in concentration and even if there is a voltage difference over the membrane. i wouldn't call it alive though. so that could not be the whole story.
  4. IIRC it is to the exact composition. it is accepted that it is mostly iron/nickel. the exact ratios and presence of other elements is under debate although this will never really leave debate unless we can get a sample of the core because of their small quantity.
  5. plants can move. sunflowers will track the sun as it moves across the sky.
  6. exactly. if it was just sitting on its own i'd probably lose it. if i put it in the drawer i know where it is. and just like our forum i have an excess of nuts at the moment.
  7. antimatter is extremely expensive as we have to provide the mass energy to make it. if you do the maths it comes out to a couple trillion dollars per gram. this price will vary with electrical costs.
  8. yes, everything is data. but not all data is relevant to a particular occurence. i assume the OP was talking about thought experiments relating to blackholes. while these give us effects to look for, they don't give us any ideas onhow they will actually behave. one example of this is the ancient greeks view of atoms. this was something purely derived from thought experiment but quite wrong in reality.
  9. the sky is the atmosphere of the earth. extends out to about 10000km above earths surface. space is generally considered everything above 100km though. that is the altitude where the velocity necessary to remain in flight by traditional methods(wings) exceeds orbital velocity.
  10. yes it can exist anywher in the universe but it is usually destroyed not long after its creation. it has been observed in solar flares IIRC. and yes, we can produce antimatter on earth though only in miniscule quantites.
  11. heres another way of putting it. in my garage there is a little drawer with the label 'nuts and bolts' (well, it has a size on it as well, but that is irrelevant) just because i put a bolt into that drawer, does not make it a nut as well.
  12. covering your house in tinfoil would reflect a lot of the radiation. keep your place nice and cool. though seeing as this is a 2005 thread, doubt the OP is around anymore.
  13. also, if you see the bully coming at you, wait till s/he is close enough and then lunge at them. tends to surprise them as they like their victims to be helpless. basically, do anything that will have a good chance of hurting them, fight fast, fight dirty. even if you are not that strong, a couple of average punches to the one area rapidly can hurt them more than a single punch with all your strength. also, know when to quit, you do not want to become a bully yourself. only fight in self defence. and try not to provoke anything.
  14. yeah ignoring it is so going to work because, i mean, how hard can it be to ignore 6 kids about twice your size kicking the crap out of you? And, unless things have changed for the better now, informing the teachers doesn't help either(i got suspended and one of those 'punishment' exercises for fighting when i told them). learning how to fight back proved much more useful.
  15. well, when you start forming clups they are going to be VERY loosly held together. even a slight force would be enough to move them appart. the tidal forces will do this. it is different for a homogenous body which the roche limit is usually applied to because there are other bnding forces involved.
  16. hence the roche limit.
  17. are you absolutely sure about that? because, that would mean it is entirely feasible to have it fusing thermally at room temperature. i think you will find much more electrostatic repulsion than that.
  18. the rings don't form moons because they are constantly tugged at by passing moons. this keeps them nice and dusty. you might want to look up roche limit for how this works.
  19. my experiment on reverse osmosis yesterday worked out quite well. our labs just got a £6.5 million revamp. there's NEW equipment! and it WORKS! still using an old pentium pro computer to record results though. this thing doesn't even have USB ports or a CD tray. how we get the results off it is to unplug it lug it up three flights of stairs to the nearest ethernet port as it strangely has a shiny new 100Mbit ethernet card. theres just no network access in the lower labs. the floppy drive is similarly busted not that it would help. but yeah, i got a straight line for the calibration graph! w00t w00t! nothing failed!!!
  20. well, you have to ask whats worse, kids having sex with each other but no unintended teenage pregnancies or a whole lot of kids having kids of their own to look after long before they are ready? you can't stop them having sex, they will find a way, might as well try and limit any possible damage.
  21. reality tends to be more interesting, weird and wacky than religion magic or even good old insanity can ever hope to be. focus on the science.
  22. it came out of africa because it was origionally a chimp virus SIV(simian immunodeficiency virius) or something of that nature. it probably existed long before the 1960s as well but never got discovered/reached and adequate infection level to be noticed by anyone, especially considering the poor healthcare system in africa at the time. not sure where the nazi link comes in. france, spain and grat britain had colonies in africa at that time too. why couldn't it have been them? simple answer to this, it wasn't.
  23. 'new ideas' does not mean chuck everything out and start again. it could mean 'new ideas in addition to...' also, an annecdote from a popular science book is hardly the best source.
  24. i'm sure drochaid is available.
  25. Blue of course. its the SFN party car. hence the big dent at the back from blikes parking.
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