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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. press ctrl-alt-F1 to drop to a terminal and login. type 'sudo reboot'
  2. combining hydrogen and chlorine will not make crystals. HCl is a gas at room temperature. it is also a very exothermic reaction. combine them directly and they'll be picking bits of you up for days.
  3. because it is more stable when it is in the +2 oxidation state than the +1 state because it would then have a full shell on the outside. +1 states do exist but never for long(we're talking femtoseconds here).
  4. there was a thing in the news recently about sperm being made from a womans stem cells(or something, perhaps bone marrow cells) as well. so they really don't need us except for opening pickle jars. and they'll probably invent a machine for that.
  5. i said its not ALL about data rates. anyway, the denser the information is stored the quicker it tends to come through anyway. especially for the type of media we are talking about.
  6. boot up a liveCD if you have one, fsck the disk. all should* be fine. *not guaranteed but theres a 90% chance you don't need to splash out on anything tips for the future: wait till its shut down PROPERLY before yanking the powercord(the most common cause of this error) buy a surge protector if you don't already have one don't lick electric eels.
  7. wireless can be perfectly safe, WPA2 encryption makes all the difference. and the number of encrypted networks showing up is increasing all the time. routers are very rarely set to be able to update over an external connection(by default never) and there isn't much to a router so the possible flaws are few and far between.
  8. technically its physics. the chemistry would come in the making of the Sulphur Hexafluoride.
  9. its not all about data transfer rates but about capacity. there is the HVD's(holographic versatile disc) still in the prototype stage but expected to be able to hold several terabytes per disc. they already exceed HDVD and bluray by an order of magnitude. and flash drives are nowhere near that capacity yet. as for the new usb spec, what is going to be able to fire that much data down the cable, its faster than SATAII and that hasn't been saturated by anything yet. maybe we could daisy chain some external drives?
  10. you'll need more than that as the boron will not be completely stripped of electrons and there are neutrons on board. you would need a couple of MV at least. but particle accelerators tend to use magnetic fields anyway.
  11. indeed, a DVD on a fullHDTV still looks pixelated. not as much as with ordinary TV signals but still. fullHD looks frikkin awesome.
  12. basically what it says is that the time dilation factor depends on relative velocity not acceleration or anything else.
  13. i'm wanting one for my PC. dual layer writable bluray disk would be great for archiving.
  14. i own neither, probably won't get one for years either but bluray has the greater technical merits(higher capacity and throughput) and does seem to be winning the format war.
  15. i stand corrected then. must have been one of those myths. i have never really done much with microorganisms(appart from how to kill them effectively in food processing).
  16. the temperature of a fire depends a lot on what is burning. also the conditions it is burning in. what you'd want is a combustion reaction with a Heat of vapourization to heat of combustion ratio of approximately one(it will need to be in favour of the heat of combustion to be sustainable) and something with a high vapour pressure. it should also be burning in a pure oxygen enviroment, possibly with low pressure (depends on the stoichiometry of the reaction) and the flame should be kept as small as possible. with tweaking i don't see why you couldn't get a self sustaining flame below 0*C though the conditions would be incredibly far from normal atmospheric conditions. the correct answer to this is: it depends. also, paper will START burning at 451*F this is its ignition temperature. once you have it burning it will burn hotter as the reaction is dumping energy into it. this is the same with all combustibles. they have an ignition temperature and a general maximum temperature(that depends on conditions).
  17. i haven't seen any official reports on this but sperm can survive several days even outside the body so it would definitely be possible(and probably likely) that precum would contain a few hundred sperm or so. and seeing as it only really takes one to get the job done then this is capable of impregnating someone. of course, the less sperm there are the less likely it will happen. i'm sure there a lot more factors to it as well.
  18. or it could be a result of using the sun as a landmark. since it moves(appears to move for you pedants) across the sky your direction will slowly change with time. this does not have to be a concious decision.
  19. are you thinking of pneumatic tubes? because a vacuum tube is a primitive version of the transistor. if you are thinking of pneumatic tubes then they work by using a pressure differential to move the canisters. they do not affect the force of gravity in any way.
  20. it could be a preexisting infection thats is connecting somewhere else. while you are looking here. h
  21. all thats going to mean is that you have a more expensive elevator.
  22. still going to be a long list but a few orders of magnitude smaller. it the kind of thing you could spend your entire life compiling. not to mention the thousands of new compounds made/discovered each year.
  23. my password:******** yeah, obscurity does not always last. proper security should be aimed for.
  24. if it is for constant current then it would be speed. as in m/s
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