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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. that civil war you guys had 3 years ago was a real biggie wasn't it?
  2. potential difference. it is analogous to pressure in a watter pipe. if one side is at 1.2bar and the other is at 1 bar the water will flow to the lower pressure. replace bar with volts and water with electrons and pressure with potential. electrons tavel at a speed proportional to the potential difference.
  3. 20% of europe is still a lot of people on a global scale.
  4. whoops sorry, i meant 20% heres the source. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39247539,00.htm finland has 38% hardly a 'barely used' case.
  5. not strictly true, 80% of servers run linux. servers are the most likelyto have goodies on them and cause the most destruction if taken down. therefore virus writer would want to target linux systems. linux has security by design which is why there are less attacks. also, firefox has greater than 50% market share in some parts of the world. mainly in europe.
  6. well, we could vivisect a psychic and find out.
  7. well, do you ant to have to consider aerodynamic drag(complete with a full model of the local atmosphere), nonuniform gravitational field, changing magnetic field, radiation pressures, buoyancy, quantum effects etc. just to estimate how far a ball is going to be thrown. idealized cases are only used in the teaching of something. they assume that the rest of the parameters are zero. if it is the only major force involved then the model will be correct to a reasonable degree.
  8. oh... the way i understood back in phyisic was that a field of a force was a force field. must just have been the way it was explained to me.
  9. thats a point, i hadn't even considered such minerals. here is a much bigger but similar looking object. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Mica-from-alstead.jpg
  10. looks like a small fragment of metal. WAY too big to be considere nanotechnology. the 'mystrious glow' is just a reflection of light. it could easily have caused the lesion by causing an infection it could have been embedded in the skin easily by whoever it was found in brusking against it. no big conspiracy required.
  11. i made no comment on that. but since your dragging me into this, since when did ham come from cows? i always thought it was our porker pals that provided us with ham.
  12. fuelcells can put out as much power as you want though they can get quite big in doing that. i've seen a few MW fuel cells and a lot more kW range fuel cells. enough to power a car in a small enough volume to be placed in existing engine compartments anyway.
  13. well, a magnetic field IS a force field by the scientific definition of the term. as are electric fields and gravitaional fields. if you are talking about something more like the scifi versions, google 'plasma window'
  14. i would think that H2 would be more than capable of being absorbed in significant quantities by the blood. i have absolutely no idea what these effects would be but they would range from 'not very good but temporary' to 'extremely bad and permanent'. do it with helium. it doesn't do anything but displace oxygen.
  15. its YT, its gonna be chem.
  16. in what area? i mean , you know a lot of skills are required i nthe lab. a few specific questions would help.
  17. insane_alien

    black holes

    Io, you are lying. we know you are lying. you do not have to make up stories here we are not going to talk down to you just because you didn't get straight A's(i never did) or even if you never took a science course in your life. just chillax. Now, i suggest you take your time, layout your ideas in a decent format, use a spell checker. In general, try to keep things as clear as possible, many people do not speak english natively. i do and i have trouble understanding you. And remember, ideas and hypotheses are judged on their own merit, not the merit of their creator or his background. If they are correct they will stand, if false they will fall.
  18. well, in food process engineering(i took a class on it just there) there are quite a few things requiring more complex maths than algebra. freezing requires a bit of calculus. granted its still not all that complicated compared to some other problems.
  19. yeah, its all good.
  20. looks good.
  21. well you need to compensate. you need 2 O's on the right hand side so multiply that side by 2. then you'll need 2 mor H's on the left side so multiply that part by 2.
  22. count up the atoms on each side of the equation, make sure they're equal. thats about it. it becomes intuition after a while.
  23. in the attachment is about 35 pages of a book. author unknown, title unknown. probably copyrighted, looks academic. contained in a DjVu image file. not checked it for viruses as i don't have an AV installed right now. most definitely a violation of copyright terms and terms and conditions of this site.
  24. actually, i think you'll find that when swabbing for residue on a suspects hand there is a large component of DHMO in the sample. it is usually also in the killers body as well.
  25. i'm happy pretty much constantly. it takes something pretty big to really bring down for more than a day. like the death of a family member. that'll bring anyone down. even then i managed to have a chuckle remembering some of the good times. and, according to IQ tests i'm above average intelligence not geeky enough to remember my score or percentile like YT but it was above 120.
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