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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. no, but only because of quantum mechanical effects. namely the heisenberg uncertainty principle. its the only thing holding us off 0K
  2. you can cool things below ambient easily with lasers. i think swansont does it.
  3. statements don't. theories do. especially if you are trying to replace an existing one.
  4. time is not an entity. it is a dimension. it has no speed. it is like asking 'what is the speed of left?'.
  5. well, my body sucks at dumping excess iron. but i donate blood so it shouldn't get out of hand. never heard of chelation.
  6. its based on obsevations and studies? well, provide some here then. also, just becase A does something does not mean B,C,D...X,Y,Z need to do it as well. that would be a logical fallacy. which makes us doubt the logical consistency of your theory. post the mathematical model you must have produced if you were planning on putting it up against cosmic inflation.
  7. turn off ipv6. search the ubuntu forums it is covered in threads about it.
  8. yes but it is not as simple as that, in this case, you cannot see the king(you have not looked at the proper theory) and you do not know what clothes are (you do not understand the theory). therefore you are completely unqualified to pronounce that the king has no clothes on.
  9. space did exist. thats how far back cosmic inflation theory can take us. there are various quantum interpretations can go further back but they are just hypotheses just now but may be elevated to theory if they prove to be true.
  10. you find it illogical because you do not understand the mechanisms behind it. it does not actually state that there was a singularity. just that the universe was an incredibly dense point about a planck length in diameter. also, the CMBR is the remenants of the gamma rays that populated the early universe. as space expanded the wavelength got longer and now they appear as microwaves. why don't you actually learn what cosmic inflation theory is about(not the popularized 'in the beginning there was nothing, which exploded' myth which is a gross simplification ofthe actual theory) before you try to discredit it which you will only succeed in doing with a logically consistent theory and a mountain of evidence and calculations. you have none of these.
  11. i agree that vaccinations are important. but i've never had a flu shot. i'm not in any of the groups at risk and theres usually a hortage of vaccines and well, i've never actually caught the flu. i've been around people with the flu for extended periods of time but never picked it up so i figure my immune system is good enough to handle it. let someone who needs it get the shot. obviously, if i fall into one of the risk groups which will probably happen eventually i will get the shots. and i had the MMR jab with the mercury in it, so did everybody at my school both primary and highschool. there was nobody who had autism. 1600 different people there. if there is a link its a tenuous one at best. a little bit of mercury once won't do much. its a cumulative poison need a decent amount over a period of time to make it affect you.
  12. yep we have known this for a long long time now. actually, these are predictions of big bang theory(proper name cosmic inflation theory). With billions of stellar furnaces out there it would be surprising if there weren’t background radiation. except we see a near even distribution even when there are no star visible. we should see a far more discrete distribution if it were just stars producing the 3K radiation. yes it is. we even have the tragectories of a large number of them. The red shift is caused because our galaxy in its’ orbit travels faster than some, thus the red shift, and slower than others, again the red shift. that would be sufficient for a local supercluster of galaxies but what about other superclusters that are not orbiting anything as they exceed escape velocity. local gravitational effects. big bang says nothing about how particles interact. just says the space is expanding. They don't need to. it is not relevant to the scope of the theory. the universe could be composed of uniformly spread neutrinos for all the theory needs to care. prove the galaxy is in an orbit first. This is debateable. we have made some indirect observations and there is some evidence for it. it cannot be discounted or fully accepted at this time. this is why research happens. umm we do count galactic motion into the calculations. and for there to be a central point you'll need to discount relativity. also, you have not proved there is no dark matter. physicists are well aquainted with how things move particularly astrophysicists who actuall study the way galaxies move. you have issues. numerology and unjustified assumptions. if the galaxies truely are in an orbit around some point then we would be able to calculate it with great ease. also, your point it outside the universe acording to recent estimates. Which you haven't proved exists. except we have evidence for Big Bang theory. flat earth has nothing. and another thing. even with galaxies orbiting in their super clusters(which has been observed ) it still doesn't disprove cosmic inflation. you never even provided any maths man, if the universe isn't expanding it is just basic orbital mechanics. especially since you have thrown out dark matter and dark energy too. you should be able to do this at the very least.
  13. it all depends on what your fissioning and fusing really. if its hydrogen you are fusing it will give more energy than the fission and the antimatter will give more energy than both put together. but as for power, with all three the rate of reactio, and hence rate of power output, can be controlled to some degree or another. but annihilation could give more than the others.
  14. ROFL windows 95 - Me were 16-bit OS's with a bit of 32-bit added on. the NT kernel line has been true 32-bit. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit <just read here. basically 64-bit is to 32-bit what 32-bit was to 16-bit computers.also, 64-bit has been around since 1961 so its hardly new. the only new thing is that its used in desktops now.
  15. well, 64-bit can handle complex calculations on large data sets better. meaning it will improve data throughput meaning you can have better effects and stuff on the stuff that isn't handled by the graphics card which have been 64-bit and beyond for a long time. most have multiple hundred bit data buses.
  16. insane_alien

    Oh Dear!

    i'm willing to bet its just the smart ones that don't take part in such polls. and statistics gathering. otherwise how the USA even managed to get a plane off the ground nevermind sending someone to the moon, i'll never know.
  17. it means it can utilize 64-bit processors more effectively and speed up certain operations. this is particularly noticable in A/V editing.
  18. i have no idea how the USA's government works but i thought it was democratic, get enough people to support it and they'd have to do it.
  19. maybe you could try and get a resolution passed that prevents them from wasting time and money with bull like that.
  20. we used to have a philosophy and religion forum, it descended into chaos regularly and without warning. they generally reduced the quality of posting and leaked over into other forums. they are now severely discouraged.
  21. sounds like a list off all the times the establishment clause has been breached. thought religion waas supposed to keep out of politics over there and vice versa
  22. some memory addresses are reserved for things like the PCI bus and operating system usage. thats why you can't access the full 4GB. its asically a relic from when 32-bit addresses were so far ahead of the times a few wwasted addresses were no big deal. there is a kernel option in linux to allow a 32-bit kernel to access more than 4GB of RAM but there is some performance loss along with it. not sure if vista can do the same. i'm also not sure what the software compatability situation is with 64-bit vista.
  23. yes it can be used but it is neither efficient or practical on any reasonable scale.
  24. who the hell uses S for area? and that only works for the end caps.
  25. okay, fine. your straight. no reason to blame him. seeing as the situation has repeated itself without him i doubt he was the cause of anything. listen, i've done the same thing before, its no big deal. just get over it and forget about it.
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