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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. so, your arguing against their capacity to assosciate the conditions preceding pain and the pain itself. because they do have the capacity to learn new behaviours, it jus takes longer than more intelligent animals like dogs. this does not mean that pain will not cause them to suffer. and i have seen humans do things that cause pain to themselves many many times. people with no obvious mental deficences at that as well. i should know, i display a similar behaviour myself. 179 230VAC electric shocks and counting.
  2. so are ours. it takes practise and repetition for us to even slightly surpress our reactions. the differencee between us and a chicken is we can train ourselves to supress instinct(though we can't eliminate it).
  3. it knows enough to react to it.
  4. well, if you are truly using them for legitimate uses(such as hobby chemistry) and they contact you, invite them in to look at what you do. be open and cooperative and there won't be a problem. i doubt 180ml is a suspicious amount by anybodies standards so you'll probably be fine.
  5. you need to have a certain postcount before you can access it. this helps prevents a lot of utter morons we were getting from trolling. a more elegant solution would have been desirable but alas there is now way round human behaviour and this at least filters it a bit.
  6. if your going to use SI prefixes you might as well fo the whole hog and use the full SI system like the rest of the world. Megagrams w00t!
  7. both i think. nostradamus seems to have used the shotgun approach, predict things happening many many times in vague ways long after your dead.
  8. and remember, according to nostradamus, the world has already ended several times in the last century, italy is at war with morroco and there will be a world war in 2015. inconsistend to say the least.
  9. calculus is used in the mechanical side of it(calculating stress concentrations and such) though i'm not sure how big a role this plays as i have never studied architecture. i have no idea what those calculus courses are so somebody from the USA'll need to help you on that.
  10. except they got that way by tasting the mercury unlike the hatters who just inhaled it.
  11. indeed, only kittens should be huffed. orange ones for maximum effect.
  12. yes i know about the liscence incompatabilities but i also heard solaris was considering a switch to GPL and that the GPLv3 would allow it(linux kernel is GPLv2, well, parts of it at any rate.) personally, i don't see what the fuss is, they are both open source so why should there be a problem(okay, i admit right now that i have a naive view on legislation regarding this sort of crap, it has never made much sense to me and i doubt it ever will as i have a very utilitarian veiwpoint.) i'm sticking to arch, might try the FUSE port later seeing as ntfs-3g functions very well for me. for the time being i'll stick with my current setup but i'm getting a craving for that drobo thing, looks cool if nothing else. maybe when i fill up my drives(again).
  13. if you start with an assumption of a 50% probability and then calculate the probability to be 65% then not only is your assumption wrong(hence making the rest wrong) but you done a whole calculation for nothing as you assumed the answer already.
  14. ahh its just he was saying that it's at 85% capacity a lot. as for ZFS, it looks awesome wonder if/when it'll be ported(properly) to linux
  15. Fine, i'll drop the whole iron sun thing and examine the precise points you made in your opening post. Claim1: What lead you to this idea? How do you explain the constant stream of fusion neutrinos from the sun when they should be pulsed if the fusion is indeed pulsed? how does the solid layer remain solid? what is it made of? how deep is this layer? Please, post a direct link so we can have a look at what you are talking about 'its on the SOHO site' is not adequate it could be any one of several images they have there. also, i see no mention of a solid layer on the SOHO site. and similarity in diagrams doesn't necessarily mean you are right. hold on, a paper about the inner workings of the sun can now somehow put a man on mars? how does that work? also, i have seen no evidence that NASA have even used your ideas. you'll need to provide evidence and even then it would be up to a court of law rather than a web forum to decide. things like that require more than 4 months before being put into action. and to be honest, it is hardly a unique idea drag chutes have been use to slow landing aircraft and other vehicles before. Please tell us how you overcame the various laws of thermodynamics that you have broken. I suspect that if you built a prototype it would spectacularly fail to do much of anything. no it can't, the patent office has concluded that anybody claiming to have broken the laws of thermodynamics is generally lying. so build it, damn your electric bill and sell some leccy back to the company for some cushy profit. Remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. please provide some.
  16. i'd be willing to put money on at least 100 planets. though that would be folish as i'd probably die before we could even detect even 1(other than earth) if they were that thinly spread. i'd say it is entirely possible for there to be 10000. perhaps more but i wouldn't be confident enough to put money on it.
  17. OH IMMENSE UNREFUTABLE PROOF! seriously, you are stating unproven things as if they have been fact. no evidence for it at all. and why can't universes be created in parallel? if that is possible then it is possible to create infinite universes in parrallel. it doesn't have to be sequential(create universe one, when finished create universe two.. yada yada yada). also, you'll need to prove that it takes time to create a universe as well now. or even that time has anything to do with it. i'll ask again. please provide proof that infinite universes cannot be created at once. just because you can't imagine it is not a valid logical reason.
  18. actuall i was assuming that the solutions were initially seperate and then mixed as the OP said there was a reaction. if the two solutions were already mixed then it would be pointless as the reaction would have already happened.
  19. let it die man. this thread is hardly a great advertisement to new people.
  20. only because we do not have sufficiently powerful detection techniques to easily find the little ones. give it a few years. there are a lot of stars. a lot more star have planets than we thought.chances are extremely high that there are a few earthlike(though not necessarily life harbouring) planets in this galaxy alone. there are billionsmore galaxies.
  21. you could put a bunch of disks together with lvm2. i don't think you can setup hotswapping and redundancy of the type seen with the drobo(i am slightly suspicious of that video those first two drives must have been pretty small) but it would make the disks operate as one regardless of their size/speed/cache you could even chuck a usb/CD/DVD/firewire drive on the lvm array.] EDIT: hmmjust looking around on the site, with 4 1TB drives you would get 2.7TB of space for data storage. the rest is redundancy. i suspect it uses something like lvm with a virtual RAID.
  22. just put [aq] after the ions to sow they are dissolved. you have done states in chemical equations yeah?
  23. inside ballast will give more floatation as the volume of the vessel will remain a constant. removing the wet ballast will result in less as althought the mass decrease is the same there is also some loss of volume as well.
  24. no, because beryllium 8 does not undergo alpha decay. an alpha particle has to have 2 neutrons and beryllium 8 would be the only one able to to eject 2 alphas without any excess neutrons and such.
  25. it was the curies who discovered radioactivity. becquerel took it further and got a unit named after him whenwe went to SI. rutherford was a major player in the area of radioactivity as well.
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