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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. run an anti-virus? alternatively, a linux live CD will do the job. it is free of the restraints that cause 'undeletables' on windows.
  2. if that was the case Lord of the Rings would never have been as popular as it is. infact, Tolkien would probably have been hunted down and strangled with his own nostril hair.
  3. i know it seems ridiculous but under US copyright law(which the article is about) those are all valid copyright violations as everything produced by anyone is automatically fully copyrighted unless stated otherwise.
  4. you're right severian. i just couldn't remember how to spell it so i copied Chemsiddiqui. as long as everybody knows what it is.
  5. i was referring to the ones amod has 'discovered'
  6. embedded would be the same as sunk in. there are types of adsorbtion, physical adsorption where the molecule clings loosly to the surface as a charged balloon clings to a wall. and then there is chemical adsorbtion where the molecule chemically bonds with the surface that could be described by the snail slime adhering to the wall.
  7. okay, so i missed the part about the odd numbers. still, every d ending in 7 is divisible by 5 and there are a bunch of other non-primes in there too. not to mention is comes nowhere near listing all the primes. so, where are these 'better' formulae?
  8. the copyright laws only exist because the authorities only prosecute the more severe cases and the public tolerate this. i read a paper on ars technica(EDIT: no, it was slashdot) the other day that concluded that in a year the average person would rack up a few billion dollars worth of copyright violations. if they started prosecuting on this the public wouldn't tolerate it and the laws would be repealed. EDIT: here is the link http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2007/11/law_review_arti.html $12.45million per DAY.
  9. the colour palatte of computer screens does not cover the whole gamut of colour that our eyes can detect. that would be one anyway. it covers most of it though so the answer would be 'damn few'
  10. it might fracture due to thermal contraction but it wouldn't 'crumble' infact, it probably wouldn't fracture unless you done it a few hundred times. i don't know if you could still call it weathering though as this wouldn't really occur in nature. a common weathering process on rocks that does cause them to crumble(albeit slowly) is when there is a crack in the rock that fills with water, freezes, thaws and freezes in a cycle. that process can reduce any rock to dust.
  11. the number of atoms of a specific element on each side must be equal. when this is true of all elements involved then it is balanced. it is as simple as that.
  12. not really no. the process of producing the energy sort of mushifies some of the internals. it doesn't tend to fare very well after that.
  13. not really, the oxidation numbers are generally only used for metal complexes and even then you need to keep the prefixes(the tri- part in this case) so triidoure d'arsenic (III) could have been acceptable(or at the very least arguable). but without the 'tri-' it isn't.
  14. dunno, never used it before.
  15. thats about the best you can hope for at those prices. even if you do have time to spare, you're still looking at a shutdown ASAP scenario. you don't want to get even close to the limit. if the hardware on your server supports it you might want to look at forcing it to go into a low power mode to give you even more leeway.
  16. those possibilities aren't mutually exclusive. this is most definately an example of drive-by trolling by a racist fool. notice the low post count, other thread of similar nature and lack of responses from the OP that have any bearing on what people have said.
  17. and thank FSM that they're banished to the pits of firey cracked pottery.
  18. maybe you're standard erosion effects. or the basalt settled down after a magma chamber under it vented somewhere off to the side. there are a number of processes that cause depressions. not just a stonking great rock smashing into it.
  19. idiocy has mass
  20. the force does stay quite level. but you need to ask, why would that stop it accelerating?
  21. as john said, one tends to come out first. the electrochemical potentials have to be VERY close for them to come out at the same time.
  22. Chicken Chicken Chickens Chicken x Chicken = (Chicken)^2 integral(Chicken) = turkey
  23. melting point of what exactly? if it is organic solids then contamination is the cause.
  24. i'm confused, what is different about the photons getting absorbed by the ground and the photons getting absorbed by our eyes thats going to cause the universe to go kaput sooner?
  25. it only takes a little bit to dissolve a lung.
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