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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. well. one is moving 30mph faster than the other car. so, the gap will increase just like the gap would increase if car 1 was stationary and car 2 was going 30 mph. this is how overtaking works.
  2. well it is obviously wrong as even the largest particle accelerators cannot reach it(darn close but no cigar)
  3. no, the gap will increase though there is no acceleration.
  4. bodies without rest mass can go at the speed of light yes, but you can't use them as a refference frame. electrons have mass. they don't really exist in neutron stars.
  5. according to relativity you CANNOT reach the speed of light. if you can then relativity cannot apply.
  6. how about your spelling of conscious? you seem to think it is spelled consence
  7. might get 5% i don't think they'd release it to the public(there is always an idiot out there) without a safety margin. my advice would be to slowly increase the concentration and stop once it seems to be getting significantly warmer. unless of course the exchange membrane is somehow temperature sensitive and it'll stop working al together.
  8. yes it would generate more power at higher concentrations. this however can be a bad thing. with more power comes more heat. seeing as this is not an industrial fuelcell equipped with insulation and a cooling system and probably intended for hobbyist usage it is probably helpful to prevent it getting hot enough it burn things including itself. especially with volatile flammable liquids around.
  9. at least thats what you're saying.
  10. still in a steaming pile of java that doesn't work.
  11. yeah, definitely can't make that one. i'm already too drunk to drive and i have a lab in ten minutes. then once it gets dark(and i've cycled a few units out of my blood stream) a bunch of us are going to g turn a field into a warzone. then go continue drinking. then go to uni the following morningg hungover.
  12. where the proof is supposedly embedded in a steaming pile of crap antiquated java that doesn't display on anything no matter what version of java is used(i have tried).
  13. it also has to do with the fact that the sun is not a point source of light. a shadow will be sharply defined when the leave is close to the ground but less defined when further away. it all adds up.
  14. update your java dude.
  15. i too have seen these photos and read up a bit about them. there was NO BLUE LIGHT from the darkmatter. it is a flascolour image to start with and the blue bit is where darkmatter should be from inferrences based on the gravitational distortion of light observed. dark matter doesn't emmit light. and for it to be cerenkov radiation, dark matter would need to be charged.
  16. its iffy. a metal is effectively a bunch of positive ions in an electron gas(as the valence electrons are free to move everywhere withing the material, what makes it shiny and a good conductor) the bonds aren't the same as the conventional bonds so cannot really be said to break or form. i'll go read up my metallurgy stuff and get back to you
  17. they are allowed to use their power but only when everyone else agrees with it
  18. 1/ that single electron in the outer shell is only weakly held because of sheilding effects from electrons in lower orbitals. it only 'sees' a fraction of the charge of the one excess proton. 2/you can touch Na with the uncovered hand, though if your sweaty then it will get quite warm. unless of course it is reffering to the layer of sodium hydroxide that would appear as a barrier. excluding that, you can even hold Rb in your bare hands as long as they don't sweat(or you wouldn't have any hands) i've done it though only for a few seconds as my hands were getting pretty warm by then. 3/metallic bonds are looser than ionic bonds.
  19. an electronegativity of zero would make it want to lose that electron extremely easily. much easier than say rubidium or caesium. the electronegativity is actually just N/A as no data can be gathered(since it does not form any lasting compounds) on it to place it on the pauling scale.
  20. nah mate, the air would be frozen too.
  21. its only 1.6 MJ. the only problem we have is focusing that down to two particles colliding. i'm pretty sure we could do it if money and resources were no object.
  22. helium can form ionic compounds under extreme conditions but even then, they are incredibly unstable lasting only nanoseconds at most. in practicality, no, He does not form any compounds.
  23. sounds like the guy left on his todd developed a case of schizophrenia. i would class that as a defect of the human mind.
  24. but this board's official stance(and most of the world,bar a country with 4% of the population) is SI or metric. i personally preffer SI.
  25. lol and people sitting in a living room where the whole family can see the screen. thankfully, they were all watching scooby doo.
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