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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. we don't know what magic smells like.
  2. realistic enough for there to be a multi billion research reactor being built in the south of france(along with all the other large fusion reactors that are about.)
  3. well, there is still light, but its a whole lot darker than being in full view of sunlight. if you look at the brightest point in each case, in one you'lll get eye damage in the other wou won't. well the same thing happens to the direct heat, in direct sunlight there is enough to feel warm but in shade the indirect heat isn't quite enough.
  4. yes they will. EVERYTHING has to obey the constraints of natural selection. the only thing that can change is the environment
  5. Yes, I am perfectly aware of this. Modern Synthesis replaces Darwinian evolution in the same way Einsteinian Mechanics replaced Newtonian Mechanics. While like Newtonian Mechanics, Darwinian Evolution can still be useful to think about, it is in fact wrong(er) when compared to the current iteration. The OP seems to suggest that natural selection no longer happens, well, it will always happen. Natural Selection will never go away but as the environment changes its impact will decrease as other selection pressures arise.
  6. darwinian evolution has not been the favouable choice in modern science for quite some time now (read nearing a century) modern synthesis is where its at as it includes all of the other factors influencing selection and introducing variation.
  7. dead link, try attaching the file here
  8. The point of this thread is to use gravity as an energy source, that does not show the generation of energy from gravity. gravity just plays an intermediate role in much the same way a shaft in a turbine transmits energy, you wouldn't say that nuclear power plants get their energy from the turbine shat would you? a turbine shaft on its own isn't going to get you any energy at all. with the tides what you are doing is extracting energy from the moon and the rotation of the earth, a tiny tiny bit but still thats where it's coming from.
  9. it doesn't matter if you store the energy, there just isn't enough to go around till the next lightning strike. lets say you have a swimming pool(standard olympic size) with a 10cm diameter hole at the deepest point, there is no input other than a random and infrequent flash flood that fills the swimming pool then stops. now, after one of these flash floods, yes the pool will be full. but that little hole will still empty the whole thing long befor the next one strikes. as has been mentioned before, there simply isn't a whole lot of energy there to harvest. even if you had a global network of lightning collectors and assuming they had effectively infinite storage capacity (although the only input to this is from lightning) then congratulations, you can infact power up a small city. but thats it. you've used up a few giga tonnes of steel, copper, oil, etc etc building this global network to harness lightning to power a single small city. the world would be plunged into a recession far worse than anything ever before seen and resources would be so tight that governments would tearing down your towers for raw materials. there was another thread where i actually done the numbers on this, I'm sure the search function will help you out.
  10. not enough energy.
  11. because you're basing this on flawed assumptions and improper understanding of statistics?
  12. please do not confuse nail guns with mobile phones. the consequences can be unplesant
  13. well, i'm sorry i didn't find that specific site, google only returned two results and said both contained malware. also, i got the thing about hong kong library from their website. apparently it is a law in your country.
  14. probably data from those who claim to suddenly be allergic the electromagnetic waves. despite their complete inability to determine whether an antenna is transmitting or not in double blind studies. also, it seems they only feel the effects when they THINK the antenna is on. not whether it is actually on or not. seems pretty conclusive that it is psychosomatic. but this has no bearing on the appearance of extra ribs. people have extra ribs because their genes tell them to grow some extra ribs. its not an uncommon mutation and pretty much every animal with ribs has members with an unusual rib count. also, extra ribs have been spotted since modern technology was a sharp rock (ie since so long ago that we weren't the species we are today) unless you think we were texting each other back before we had opposable thumbs then its feck all to do with technology.
  15. stack the two halfs of the table and climb over the wall.
  16. oh i'm sure they would if you presented a working example of one. all they are doing currently is refusing to accept applications that just come in on a piece of paper with no evidence. i wish they'd do that for the rest of the patents as well. many are just simply ridiculous or so broad that everything from the latest CPU to medievil door handles infringes on it.
  17. well, its an address. anything else? such as other books it may have published? a website?
  18. not even sure thats a legitimate publishing house. i can't find any record of it appart from in various blogs and forums posted by this guy. the ISBN itself is valid(checkdigit and hyphens work out) but it doesn't seem to be assigned to anybody. sounds like either you've got a fraudulent publisher or you faked the covers and used some other book to take a photo of the contents page. also interestingly, the prefixes indicate its supposedly a hong kong based publisher and as such they are required to submit 5 copies of the book tothe hong kong public library. that library has no listing of the book at all nor your name as an author.
  19. spurious at best, you need to be taking it 4 months before the cold and it only slightly reduces severity and duration and you need a fairly large sample population to show this.
  20. yes, i know, time is the vertical axis. so mapping out an object on the diagram would also have to consider the times it exists in, which is the vertical axis so it would be extended in the y axis and if it is moving it will have variation in the x axis. as the observer is also moving this line will shift under acceleration of the observer as you can only make them like that for inertial frames otherwise the cone would be distorted.
  21. but they are not. they are used to represent events. such as a door closing or a light turning on. these are not tangible things. you couldmap out objects on such a diagram but they would be long squiggly lines that keep shifting with the acceleration of the observer.
  22. they aren't events that pop into existance. when they cross the line thats when the light from the events gets to you. you'll notice they only ever go one way over the line.
  23. wow because that really clearly shows whats going on. heck it'd be easy to make a more convincing fake than that (and in crisp 1080p too)
  24. first off, your web design is terrible.i had to make my browser strip out all but the ext in order to be able to read most of it. but this doesn't count any way towards you being right or wrong. second, have you ever built this thing? i'm guessing no because then you'd know it doesn't work. third, have you took into account all of the efficiencies of these things? fourth, have you accounted for the different rotational velocities when under load? fifth, have you ever done an energy balance?
  25. its classed as a sweetner rather than a flavourer for some strange reason. i always thought of sweet as a subset of the supergroup flavour. to be honest, it doesn't much matter though. and at least the artificial stuff has to be held to a rigorous standard while all this 'organic' crap can be infested with all sorts of crap and still be okay to sell.
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