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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. probably the second one. its a consequence of alcoholic teleportation, where you can cross vast distances in what seems like an instant with no recollection of your mode of transport or how many times you fell off it.
  2. i know it happens. but you didn't answer my question. you accept that various gases cause a warming effect but you do not believe that anthropogenic sources have any effect despite the vast quantity released in some cases doubling the natural levels. why?
  3. right, so you accept that CO2 and other green house gases play a role in keeping the earth warm. yet you refuse to believe that the increase in concentration made by humans has any effect whatsoever? even though it is an extremely significant rise?
  4. so you are denying that the global average temperature is experience an upwards trend? also, ice cores from greenland and antartica can provide data on the temperature, atmospheric composition and even certain types of solar activity. also, the climate models have been proven to be reasonably accurate both for prediction and retrodiction. just because YOU don't think it's true doesn't mean it is not true.
  5. the X-rays get absorbed. they get converted into heat.
  6. they also got the positions of the geographic and magnetic poles mixed up. and if the magnetic fields were anything like in figure b compasses would not work when crossing the equator.
  7. if magnetism were energy then fine. but magnetism is a force. forces do not flow as far as i am aware.
  8. and there are other ways to do that but the fact of the matter is that E is not zero and for c to be 0 is unphysical hence the thought experiment is flawed and does not correspond to reality. a flawed proof. so it really doesn't prove anything. another bit of unphysicalness. by definition the universe includes everything. seeing as this hypothetical observer hypothetically exists then he/she/it would be part of the universe.
  9. well, that all depends on how you list them. humans have about 9 senses altogether though most people not in a related feild only know about the five 'classical' senses. wikipedia lists them all and has no glaring errors. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense
  10. well, it's an unphysical condition. all matter might as well spontaneously turn into humourously shaped sponge cakes for all the difference it would make.
  11. boma, the general stance of this board(and many other places including the uni i attend) is that wikipedia is fine, as a starting off point. the references are usually of a higher quality.
  12. still wouldn't hange the velocity of a photon.
  13. oh god what have i done!
  14. your kids are going to hate you for ever. their peers will be getting bikes and RC cars and what'll yours get? a book about a 200 year old peice of paper. if you must get them a book, get one about dinosaurs or something cool. hell, i would take a book on math over a book on politics.
  15. yes. polynomials are a subset of equations. just like a poodle is a subset of 'dogs'. though i happen to think that polynomials are infinitely less daft looking than poodles.
  16. umm how are IQ tests culturaly biased? last time i took one i didn't see anything that looked culture dependant, just putting shapes in the right order and other logical problems. don't remember any part that would be dependant on your ancestry.
  17. t3h iNt3Rn3Tz0rs! does it have to be a book. i mean there are millions of web pages on this. and *cough* http://www.amazon.com/Constitutional-History-United-States/dp/1931313318/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-3098743-4492114?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1193424154&sr=8-1
  18. yes, this is true for objects at rest. can you tell me what a photon is not at? begins with an r ends in t and has es in the middle and is only 4 letters long. looks like your derivation faceplanted itself at the starting blocks without even making it to the first hurdle.
  19. i'll nick a couple of bottles when i'm on a site visit to a distillery next week.
  20. well, it is possible to have a condition which makes it harder for you to get oxygen(through decreased absorbtion rate, fluid in the lungs, shallow breathing, etc. etc.) so the easiest way to counter this is to use higher concentrations of O2 in the air they breathe. the oxygen bubbles through water so it picks up a moisture content. if you have ever breathed a dessicated atmosphere you will know why this is done. it is horrible to breathe a completely dry gas. your mouth is constantly dry and it can adversely affect your lungs. seeing as there is a problem with the lungs in the use case of high O2 concentrations, you definately don't want them also breathing a dry atmosphere.
  21. yeah, if you have a problem with one of the staff, talk to another staff member and they'll sort it out if there is something dodgy going on.
  22. So, i was in my plasticts engineering lecture this morning(10 am) and the lecturer was explaining viscoelasticity to us(fun stuff:rolleyes:) most of the class was a tad hungover(though strangely i wasn't) and i heard the weirdest analogy ever. 'viscoelasticity is like fisting an oversided baked bean tin full of syrup' . naturally it took a bit of time to sink in and ask 'did he really just say that? and it turns out he did. its not normal 10am discussion that. i mean the only real scenarios where that should come up is either if you're high or have some outlandish fetishes. but here i am making a thread of it. what other weird and wacky things have you heard teachers and lecturers say?
  23. maybe they could also make a spell checker one as well. i don't think people are going to appreciate chips inside them. the non invasive cane idea would be 1/cheaper 2/easier to implement and 3/ more selective.
  24. yeah it is roughly 1 atmosphere per 10m.
  25. you could get a tan(but no heat) up at the pole. also, something freaky would have to happen to atmospheric physics for that to occur.
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