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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. Dude, seriously, you need to stop talking absolute crap. there is a time and a place for speculation, it is in the pseudoscience and speculations section and the time is 4 am GMT. get a grip on reality dude.
  2. no, this is not an assumption. this is a derived effect. the escape velocity at the event horizon(the edge of the hole) is the speed of light. we have other equations that show massive particles cannot reach the speed of light, ever. due to these two observations, logically, matter cannot escape a black hole by normal means. there is hawking radiation but that works on a diffirent principle than the one you are proposing and much much slower.
  3. hear hear. though i thought you would have went for the language of chemistry with the periodic table as it's alphabet.
  4. Dak, for a pedal bike when riding at night you are required to have a red light on at the back by law. it doesn't have to respond to brake usage. just be constantly on.
  5. relativistic hyper unification theory? orbiting universes? nah mate. not going to fool us. i think you're just spamming for that site.
  6. yes there is very likely dark matter in your room. it just doesn't interact with anthing there in any noticable way.
  7. no its definitely solid. just like ice. ice is another solid that will deform over time. it is more correctly called an amorphous solid. granted the classification isn't as clear cut as most of them as it behaves very weirdly for a solid and ever weirder for a supercooled liquid. it does not however warrant a phase of it's own.
  8. ringworld come pretty close appart from a hyperdrive and a few materials that have exagerated properties. possibly the slaver weapons as well.
  9. because there isn't a homogenous intermediate form.
  10. nothing happened. no errors either. just sat there forever(longer than the usual connection timeout time). i left it for half an hour and nothing. it's working again now.
  11. but the rest of the internet is fine. just this one single site.
  12. okay this is getting weirder. i can't access the forums from a direct connection. i got here by using tor. it also works if i ssh to my gf's box and connect from there. hmmm..... gah connections have been crap since virgin media took over.
  13. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but 4/5 time the new thread button doesn't show. i thought i had been banned for a bit. anyway, to what i was going to say before... can anyone else connect to the chatroom? i've tried pidgin, xchat and (shudders) the java client on the boards. nothing is working.
  14. are you using the new 2.6.23 kernel? because i'm getting a bunch of similar erors for that one. 2.6.22 works fine.
  15. ah the 'i don't know so i'm not talking to you' method. very scientific. he raises an incredibly valid point against your pet hypothesis. and whats more its short like you keep nagging him about. if you ever submitted that for peer reveiw you'd get questions like that. so, an elementary particle with no charge. according to you shouldn't exist. but reality says otherwise.
  16. well this is still evolution. it has evolved fromone species to another. just because you would place it in the same class as a fruitfly does not mean biologist would view it that way. also, it's not as if it is going to go from a fruitfly to an iguana. if thats what you think then you have a very very crap understanding of evolution.
  17. but for a higher amperage you also need a higher voltage. I=V/R
  18. Explain? i see no resistance term in the bernoulli equations. well, they are in the modified equations for flow in a pipe but that doesn't quite apply for planes. also, if there was no resistane the effect would be much greater. the pressure drop is a result of the velocity of flow. the resistance would lessen this flow and reduce the pressure drop.
  19. i numbered the uestions to make it easier to follow. 1/ not very. most of the speed is gained where the air density is so low frictional heating is minimal. 2-300*C would be tops even on the most extreme launch trajectory. 2/ about 120*C on the sun facing side and about -200*C on the space facing side. rotation will minimise thermal expansion/contraction and temperature difference. 3/read up on orbital mechanics. you'll be wanting to do a hohmann transfer from LEO(Low earth orbit). 4/depends, what is the fuel limitations and equipment limitations. the apollo missions took a couple of days. some probes can do it faster, others slower. 5/ depends on the size of the craft. 6/ gravity cannot be tapped into. but you wouldn't need a constant level of thrust.
  20. no, they don't fly because of air resistance, air resistance is the reason they need to have the engines on all the time. aeroplanes fly due to the bernoulli effect.
  21. uhh... seriously look up antimatter. it DOES exist and not just in star trek either. and my feelings on the subject bear no relation to the validity of any matter. matter can easily be converted to energy.
  22. never heard of anti-matter have you?
  23. well, it was meant to be a tangible visualisation of it but obviously it didn't work. maybe someone else can explain it better.
  24. okay, take three points and a board. there is only one oreintation you can put the board in where it can touch all three points. these three points define the plane. if you have 2 points only, the board can rotate around these two points easily and still touch them. the two points define a line but there can be infinite planes that have those two points.
  25. if you only have 2 points there can be infinite planes that would satisfy it. they would just be rotated on way or aother. thats like saying you define a line with one point and you don't need any points to define a point.
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