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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. what he didn't say was it was only 3 seconds from actually arriving at the top of the cliff to him toppling over the edge.
  2. well, you see you don't fall 8,848m. the slope of the mountain will intervene quite violently sometime before that. also, due to terminal velocity, falling 8.8km would take substantially more than 42 seconds. probably about 2-3 minutes.
  3. insane_alien


    take a lump of iron. chuck it in a bucket of hydrochloric acid. job done. if you want to separate the FeCl2 from the water, either wait for the water to evapourate leaving crystals(they will probably be green due to water in the crystals) or place in an oven to speed up evapouration. to get anhydrous FeCl2 use a dessicator. anhydrous FeCl2 is offwhite and will regain a greenish colour on exporsure to moisture from the air.
  4. or maybe he was normal. my writing style varies from day to day. sometimes class to class.
  5. so you meant two interscting planes.
  6. dude, the guy just said 'a salt solution'. that could be anything from a single sodium ion and chloride ion floating about to it being mega over saturated. and anyway as i said 'IF they come out of solution it will be in equal proportions'
  7. maybe pioneer will volunteer to be covered in cuts we can apply the acid and neutral (and alkaline to be rigorous) solutions to those cuts. it should probably be an hourly application to keep reasonably constant concentrations.
  8. well, seeing as it is left undisturbed i assumed that also meant temperature distubances. it is true that if you did cool it down the solubility of salt would decrease and there could be precipitation. but assuming constant conditions then there would be no precipitate.
  9. neither. if they precipitate at all(which they won't assuming the jar is truly sealed and water vapour cannot escape) it will be in equal proportions.
  10. and that he was banned 5 years ago.
  11. yeah, but those guys got help from the western andromeda galaxy.
  12. maybe he means intersecting planes?
  13. maybe a sort of proximity sensor? have the cars give off a shortish distance radio signal when moving that a detector(say in the blind guys cane) picks up and signals to the blind person perhaps by vibrating based on the proximity of the car.
  14. a very very annoying banned member. he is a troll. he makes crap arguements for no other purpose than to annoy people. he has been permenently banned under several different aliases.
  15. or it could be various enzymes involved in the healing process. hydrogen peroxide will fizz if you drop it onto a suitable catalyst. does that mean the catalyst is acidic? no. not really, it could be copper dust.
  16. what type of diagrams? there are vast amounts of different diagrams used in chemisty.
  17. maybe if you dropped one on your mother boardand shorted out some vitals...
  18. There is also a disparity between the definitions and common usage. If you asked most chemists what was in a salt molecule they would go 'sodium and chlorine' but if they were writing a paper on it they would likely reffer to salt crystals as sodium chloride lattices. and anyway, lattices can be molecules also. look at diamonds.
  19. Wikipedia is a good place to start. but remember, it is only a breif, often simplified, overveiw. the references and external links usually provide much betterquality and indepth information. and you can always ask specific questions here.
  20. well, you don't go from tin can + radio transmitter to interglactic hyperdrives in 50 years.
  21. it only fails because we can not gather and process information on every tiny wind eddie and current. all these can influence bigger systems ala the butterfly effect. we get it right 80% of the time any we are getting better at it.
  22. computer illness isn't a problem for me (i'm using linux and if i want to be really secure i could run it in a virtual machine) but the fact that you never get what you want is a big negative for using it. i still use Bittorrent though. BT rocks.
  23. Enthalpy is energy. its is sort of like the potential energy contained ithin a molecule. we chemical people tend to think in changes of enthalpy rather than any absolutes. it makes the maths a lot easier. but, as a rule, the enthalpy of formation of an elemental substance is 0kJ/mol reactions release or absorb energy. it is a molecule(or more) changing configuration and energy level. usually from a higher energy state(unstable) to a lower energy state(stable.). the heat in an endothermic reaction goes into the structure of the molecule. usually where bonds are under some stress or it is an unfavourable configuration. i think i remember covering this stuff way back in third year(heh, just a thought, now i'm back in third year, just a whole level up in university ) of highschool(here thats 13/14 years old).
  24. the earths albedo changes from day to day. i can't veiw the documentary. but more clouds does equal cooler temperatures as not as much radiation is absorbed by the earth.
  25. the whole thing is a pot of lies(as opposed to a pot of gold) monatomic gold IS possible, it is NOT possible to rearange the orbitals QM doesn't work like that. it is not white, it is not superconductive(at room temperature, i think gold superconducts at low temperatures like most metals), it would probably give you heavymetal poisoning if anything.
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