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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. why? it can only draw a maximum of 500mA by way of a current limiter in the USB socket. the worst it will do is smoke a little bit.
  2. molecules have no trouble being ionic. the fact that there is an immense amount of intermolecular bonding making up a lattice is also par for the course. on thing you notice about chemistry is that there is always an exception to a definition, even this one.
  3. John, you didn't give me that impression, because i know you well enough to discount the other way it could be taken. just making sure we make it painfully obvious to anyone who might get miffed.
  4. last time i used limewire(well, frostwire but it is the same network) it seemed rife with only 2 things, viruses and ummm illegal types of porn. if you use limewire you get what you deserve.
  5. yeah, i should have made that distinction. thanks ed.
  6. Mr Skeptic is reffering to the roche limit. if the stars were closer than this then tidal forces would rip the stars appart and for a single merged star. it would be really awesome to watch but probably deadly from the amount of radiation. if they are outside their particular roche limits(at all points in the orbit) then they will happily orbit the centre of mass of the system which will be a point in empty space.
  7. what about a portable gramophone?
  8. or it could just be a red algae. there are also algae that vary colour with pH (hint hint)
  9. uhh, how did you get that i was eight years old from my reply? i didn'tmention anything about my age. anyway, i'm 19. you might want to not just jump to conclusions, thats not a good practise to get into in science.
  10. Hey all new people. The unknown, you are one of the youngest. we don't make such a big deal of age here. it's more defined by how you think(or don't if that is the case). If you are unsure of something, just ask. someone will help you no matter what the subject.
  11. okay, gib. static magnetic fields do not create electric fields(and vice versa) but a changing magnetic field will create an electric field(and vice versa). the case of the prmenent magnet is of a static field.
  12. no. since there is a multiplication by an irrational constant(or division if you are coming the other way) the only way that could happen is if pi was rational.
  13. umm. i did not say she was majoring in it. i was merely suggesting that geek fashion does not coincide with 'normal' fashion. geeks like things with flashing lights. i know, i'm a geek. also, just because she is doing a degree in EE doesn't mean everything she makes has to be incredibly complicated. engineers like the phrase 'keep it simple stupid' also, enough with the ad hom. i do not appreciate being called retarded.
  14. what obvious purpose does it serve? i honestly can't see the point in wearing it. the closest thing to jewelery i wear is a watch. the watch lets me know what time it is. it has a purpose. what is the purpose of hanging things from the ears? seems quite pointless to me. i think you are trying to go along the fashion line i told you not to go along. the bread board thing was fashionable(only in the subculture of MIT but the students are not restricted to campus). so to argue that the breadboard serves no purpose but then claim stuff like earings have a purpose is quite hypocritical and contradictory.
  15. polymers is a good industry to get into. also, she should be looking for the job herself, not you. she will also know where her strengths lie. whether that be in polymers or cosmetics. there is really no shortage of possibilities, chemical and process engineers can find employment in petrochem, pharmaceuticals, food processing, nuclear industries ore refining, the list goes on and on. i am probably going to go the petrochemical route but i haven't made up my mind yet.
  16. well, they did kind of make an official announcement saying that they had demoted pluto. i can see where the confusion was.
  17. even the chinese think this is stupid. i'm studying with a couple of people from beijing and one of them is in the same project group as me. he shares the rest of the worlds veiwpoint on this as do the others from beijing. i think it is important we remember that there is a distintion between the chinese government and the chinese people.
  18. fair point, what about jewelery? that serves no obvious purpose though it could be used as part of a detonator to be assembled on board the aircraft. we should detain everyone wearing jewelery as potential suicide bombers. I know you are going to post it is for fashion purposes. so was the damn breadboard in question. not mainstream fashion but fashion none the less.
  19. well maybe you should have made that clearer in the OP. obviously, the salt does something to the chlorophyl in the algae. i would assume that getting some algae putting it in slat water in sunlight at home would produce the same effect. it would help if you knew the type of algae they used.
  20. no, the filings group into lines because they themselves become magnetised. there is still a magnetic field within the gaps. to have an electric field you would need to apply a charge to the magnet.
  21. the point is pcollins was infering that ANY circuit on a breadboard was an electronic detonator ALWAYS. by his definition, i have a bomb.
  22. refraction of light from disturbances in the atmosphere(wind currents and such) it isn' noticeable over short distances or with very bright lights(say, the sun) or with close objects like the planets.
  23. while not identically massed stars the nearest starsystem to us (alpha centauri) is a triple star system. binary systems are common though it would be rare for the stars to be exactly the same weight, one is often bigger than the other.
  24. i had a pre iPod .mp3 player. it lasted my perfectly till last week when i dropped it and te battery started leaking(i can still use the drive funnily enough though it is throwing out errors.) i know several iPod devotees who have went through around 6 or 7 iPods in the same length of time. not because there was a new iPod out but because the damn things broke. we used the respective mp3 players about the same number of hours per week.
  25. well, you can send binary over radiowaves. you just need to build a receiver that can work out what is a 1 and what is a zero.
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