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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. in low concentrations, yeah, it's fine. but excess can be harmful. the fact that it is a preservative(stops bacteria growing) kind of implies that it isn't conducive to life. i thought the ethanal was what caused liver damage in heavy drinkers(i'm no biologist, you probably know a lot better than me)
  2. not really, well positioned pivots and levers could conveivably spread to load enough to move it even with small weak levers(and if that doesn't work, use more than one.) and remember, you don't need to lift it the full 30ft at once, you could do a couple of inches at a time and take a few weeks about it. to say they can lift massive stuff? why build skyscrapers over 500ft? we don't need to. why not lots of shorter ones? we are guilty of the same showing off. every engineer in the world wants to show off(eg, my tower's bigger than yours, my machine is more efficient than yours, my car can go faster than yours etc. etc. this is really what us engineers want to do so we can brag to other lesser engineers) what the frick are you talking about 'the numbers support it'? i see an engineering problem the people constructing it would have had the necessary materials(wood) and the intelligence and resources to overcome. just because some people can't imagine doing it(usually because of inadequate knowledge) doesn't mean that a race of aliens decide to pop down and help the poor backwards natives lift a rock.
  3. well, it's not as if he will need to build a reactor with his bare hands(that's where nuke science can get complicated, designing those can be a bit tricky, especially if they're small). he just has to puch a few buttons when the needle starts edging into the red line on the dial (you are becoming an operator aren't you, ydoaps?) EDIT: okay, swansont says he's a machinists mate, that does involve a few nuts and bolts. but still, its not as if he's making one from scratch.
  4. the Carbon Dioxide phase diagram is usually used as an introduction for this. it has reasonable variations with pressure and is very simple to follow.
  5. i think it is mainly because it is a colloidal mixture rather than just the normal liquid-liquid mixture.
  6. if you run a current through aluminium you will get a magnetic field. it cannot be naturally ferromagnetic(like iron) because of it's orbital structure, it does exhibit diamagnetism like all elements though. just because an electromagnet has a ferromagnetic core does not mean that the core is required for it's function. ferromagnetic materials(not always iron, there are others) can intensify the field. kind of like a magnetic magnifying glass.
  7. ozone breaks down quite quickly at sea level. the only reason it exists in the atmosphere at all is because it is continuously produced in the upper atmosphere. an exposure to ozone for odour removal is fine for non-living things as long as ther is sufficient time for the ozone to break down back into oxygen before living things are hanging about them again. wouldn't want to use it while a human was in the same room though(i certainly wouldn't be standing there)
  8. along, with yoghurt, jam, butter(yeah, butter), paint, any type of spread, glue, ketchup, tomato soup(well, any soup with a thickening agent) the list goes on and on.
  9. okay, you know that stereochemistry concerns a point or bond in the molecule which has 4 groups(different) attached to it. it basically wants you to draw out all the possible variations.
  10. while in normal everyday usage it would be defined as an element it can technically be classed as a compound. at the very least a molecule.
  11. yes i do realise how much 800tons is. and i know that you never have to apply 800tons of force anywhere to lift it. levers are a wonerful thing.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate_equation <this is a good start. it seems to correpond with the various mentions of the rate equations in several of my chemistry/reactors books and knowledge on the subject. it's all to do with concentrations, stoichiometry and temperature(also pressure depending on the reaction)
  13. well, it just treats the symptoms, not the actual chemical hangover, you'll still have the ethanal flowing round your bloodstream doing damage. it doesn't eliminate the cause, just supresses some of the more insignificant effects. can't say i've actually tried this though. also, i tend not to get severe hangovers anyway.
  14. you can figure out sin cos and tan yourself. it's not all that complicated. just a matter of ratios. remember SOH CAH TOA ? that pretty much explains everything right there.
  15. that have that. though, it takes out tank shells rather than bullets. i'm sure they'll get there.
  16. it's not risky. just don't let anyone with a pacemaker touch it.
  17. i would rather a political leader make desicions based on what information is available and to listen to the experts in matters regarding their field. if they choose to not believe in evolution, what is to stop them ignoring the rest of science? i wouldn't expect them to necessarily have a deep understanding of science but at the very least a general idea of it and its principles should be mandatory.
  18. Nivvedan, you have to consdider that the object you used 100N on will have 900J more kinetic energy when it reaches point B. than the object that only got 10N and if an object is moving at constant rate and direction then there is no net force acting upon it. therefore no work is done.
  19. should read 'CuFeS2 is a single compound not a mixture of compounds' brain got ahead of my fingers there
  20. we can make a pretty good estimate. but it has a lot of factors involved. particularly because not all molecules are rigid. long chain molecules tend to be quite floppy.
  21. yes we know why. Solids: the bonds are strong enough to keep the atoms in roughly one place despite thermal motion of the atoms. Liquids: intermolecular bonds are strong enough to keep the molecules in an amorphous mass but not strong enough to hold them in the one spot. Gas: intermolecular bonds are feeble at best, they can neither hold molecules in one place or even keep them close together. plasma: thermal motion is so strong electrons get ripped fro the parent atom by the force of collisions.
  22. it may be evolved but i really doubt there will be any great quantity of it. acidic soil, isn't really all that acidic and CuFeS2 is pretty insoluble. it woud take a LOT of dust and a LOT of soil and a LOT of time for a decent amount of H2S to evolve. since there is likely wind unless you are living at the bottom of a mine shaft the H2S will blow away. not to mention that most probably it will react with something in the process. also, your equations are wrong, CuFeS2 is a single compound not a mixture of compounds.
  23. whether the PC brigade like it or not, there are some physiological differences(they are not good or bad but simply evolved traits due to differeing enviroments when we did not have quick and easy travel to the rest of the globe) for instance, people with really dark skin do not produce as much vitamin D and there are a few other small differences. normally these differences are unnoticeable but they can affect the chain of reactions a drug which can affect the potency of the drug. you could even take this down to individual body chemistry. some people are affected by drugs more than others. if we had the technical know how and resources, we would taylor drugs to suit the individual.
  24. amazing the lengths people will go to to keep their ignorance.
  25. it violates forum policy(and probably some international laws) to tell you how to produce hazardous materials. and besides, it all depends on scale. if the scale is large enough the aluminium can be in solid chunks.
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