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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. yes, so its a tiny tiny tiny force. which causes a reasonable acceleration since the 'tiny's cancel out. foodchain, oh right. i'm not well read on the phenomenon. sorry for the error.
  2. nocrime wouldn't be solved by it but the equations that exist already can be used to solve the crime.
  3. velocity = volumetric flow rate/area i assume you can do basic unit conversion. change cubic feet per minute into cubic miles per hour and area into square miles and plug them into the equation. numbers are going to be horrible. but thats the imperial system for you.
  4. ahh right i see my problem. i was assuming some sort of absolute scale thingy. yeah it all clears up after that. thanks.
  5. yeah, that makes sense and i knew that already. i was meaning the actual size of the particles. umm its hard to explain. okay, try this. if space expands so it is double the origional size why wouldn't a meter be double the origional size. i think, maybe something like that. as i said, i'm kindof confused probably because i've got somethng pretter basic wrong.
  6. i know it won't reveal the text but it will reveal anomalies in the picture if you tweak it just right.
  7. there were also a lot of storage tanks around the building carrying fuel and such. its also not unreasonable that it was a transformer(not the optimus prime type) that got heated to combustion by debris and burning fuel flowing down the shaft. even if the shafts were airtight(lol what a joke) i think having a plane flying through them is going to compromise that somewhat.
  8. yeah, its like swansont says, your makeing a test that says either 'right' or 'wrong' there is a difference between a theory that says two objects will accelerate towards each other. and a theory thats predicts they will accelerate towards each other at x m·s-2. the first can be handwaved around to fit the data but the second one means it is either correct or incorrect.
  9. this question was getting to me last night and its annoying the hell out of me. i get that space is expanding and all that but my question is, why doesn't matter expand with it? like if you had a length of spacetime(okay, so, not physically possible) and a length of matter. initially they start at the same length. eventually the space time bit gets bigger but the matter doesn't. why doesn't it? it would seem to me that if space-time was expanding then everything(right down to sub-atomic particles) would expand also.
  10. well, they interact through gravity as they have mass so the direction can be slightly distorted but in general, yes. as easily as we can tell which star light is coming from.
  11. Whats to understand? its ggiving you what you need to work it out. the heat of vapourization is 0.9*(whatevever it is normally) and you don't have to consider heating the kernels up as they are already that hot.
  12. but we CAN detect the direction they can from due to the way we detect them. basically, we dig into a mountain, put a great big tank of heavy water. and surround it by a network of light sensors. when a neutrino interacts with a deuterium nuclei you get a cone of light in the direction the neutrino was travelling in. the detectors pick this up and can give direction as well. of course we only pick up on in every trillion or so(though thats probably optimistic.)
  13. thats poor understanding of radiation. even less than you can learn from a glance. 1/ some isotopes have halflifes in the billions of years. 1 even has a halflife longer than the age of the universe. 2/ it would be a decreasing rate of decay actually. the rest is bunk.
  14. oh, i just used the gimp to highlight differences. and you left it with a dodgy filename.
  15. to screen out half of the neutrinos in a beam you would need something on the order of a lightyear thickness of lead. the sun poses no obstacle.
  16. only if it wanted to waste a whole load of fuel. you can go faster on less fuel by going tangentally(you don't have gravity slowing you down. you don't have to go parrallel to the surface but a good bit of tangental velocity helps.
  17. umm, its not an extremely heavy iron nuclei. its just an iron nuclei. and they definitely come from elsewhere as they come from everywhere but the sun and planets a those shield against them. these o not bahave like light. the only cosmic radiation particles that can go through the sun are neutrinos. but neutrinos are produced in the sun anyway so the background signal gets lost.
  18. the movement caused by the planes would have been relatively small compared to the mvements caused by a strong gust of wind. i don't know what caused that bang but from the location of the camera (and i presume microphone) the dust cloud should have appeared before the sound. but i mean, its not as if any large chunks of building had fell down that could have made a lot of dust that could have been whipped up by the wind. and, from the fact that the towers still standing, people were still being evacuated. i think one of them would have shouted out about someone setting off explosives in the lobby.
  19. if you go straight up you'll just come straight back down again. if your going to fall and miss the earth(which is what an orbit is) then you need to be going really fast to one side. it is more efficient to start the angental acceleration before you are completey out of the atmosphere so you do not have to apply much thrust to kep yourself up there. the best way i can think of for you to see this is to go get Orbiter ( http://www.orbitersim.com ) this is a free space simulator and includes the shuttle(and then some) try lifting off straight up in any of the realistic craft and then trying to achieve orbit. you won't do it. then try and do what they do in reality and you'll notice that it is almost easy.
  20. mm its not hard to imagine the press taking a message of 'we think its going to collapse' and shoving it out as 'it has collapsed' because they misheard or something. even deliberately so they can say 'you heard it here first'
  21. certain cosmic rays have always been able to get to the earths surface because they are not affected by magnetic fields. the decrease in field strength is because we are coming up to a pole reversal(magnetic poles, not geographic poles) which happen every 10,000 years or so. this does not mean that the cosmic rays will affect us any more as the atmosphere provides a good bit of shielding. you'd still be getting 100 times more radiation from your own body than cosmic radiation then.
  22. the earth will screen out everything but neutrinos and particles that got pulled round by the magnetic field although, they get blocked by the atmosphere. everything else is completely blocked. with manmade blocks, there will be some slight interference from solar radiation but this can be accounted for sort of like how noise cancelling ear protectors work.
  23. well, radiation from the sun tends to come from, well, the sun. cosmic radiation comes from everywhere else. also, you get particles and photons that couldn't possibly have come from the sun as they are extremely heavy(iron nuclei) and have higher energy than the sun is known to produce. to filter out the suns influence(particularly in space) all you have to do is put some kind of block or directional filter on to your detector. a little experiment you can do to see what i mean(its basic but it works) go out in your back garden with a torch at night. the torch is going to take the place of the sun. if you look up at the stars(assuming your not in a big city) if you can only see one or two thats fine. the star light is going to be the cosmic radiation. now shine the torch across your face, you can see the stars anymore because of the glare. you need a filter so you can see the cosmic radiation, so hold up your other hand to shield your eyes. you'll be able to see thee starlight again. this is pretty much how it works. we block out or ignore signals coming from the sun so other things can be seen.
  24. thats a valid point to. there are harldy any earthquake proofing measures employed in NYC. and two 500,000 tonne buildings falling down so close is going to shake the ground.
  25. heh. i''m not a genius about structural engineering either. i know a bit about mechanics of deformation and fracture though. the conspiracy nuts always get basic stuff wrong. and completely ignore the more advanced stuff
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