well, in many random systems we can see patterns emerge given a large enough sample size.
take rolling dice as an example. if we use a large number of dice (say 100) over a large number of throws (say 10000) and record the total value we well end up with a good normal distribution.
the patterns in QM are just a bt more complicated and the number of factors greater.
i don't know. i'm not even sure what group i would fall into. i'm sure you could find a terrorist organisation for it though.
this is OT back to variable speed of light.
well, electrons can have spin +1/2 or -1/2 same with the positron.
other wise orbitals would only hold 1 electon.
it is as athiest says, the conservation of charge.
no, it wasn't. most, if not all, people here know that it is only a few extremists that cause the problems. you could make the same joke about christians, the jewish, and every other possible group, they all seem to have terrorists.
ahh right. sorry.
say your going three quarters the speed of light relative to earth. you fire a cannon that sends a cannon ball at three quarters the speed of light relative to you.
someone watching you on earth would not see the cannonball going at one and a half times the speed of light. it would be going at less than the speed of light (0.95c or something)
c is commonly used in place of 'the speed of light' and the number before is the factor.
0.5c is half the speed of light.
i'm sure one of the physicist will explain how length contraction and timedilation account for this. i only know the basics of it but not well enough to explain it properly
maybe it was bad terminology.
but then again, paranoia made a good point with the levels of aversion which was kind of what i wanted to get at.
as such, my position on the matter is that i hate neither the creationists nor the homosexuals. i do have a strong opposition to the methods and tactics of the more extreme creationists though.
people who hate homosexuals. homophobes are predjudiced without reason, people who hate creationists tend to only hate the nutcases who try to force it into schools as science.
the anti-homosexuals are unjustified. the anti-creationists are justified unless they are the ones who apply a blanket judgement to everyone.
got a telescope?
well, while a lot of the pictures are intended for a scientific purpose, some of the imges are close to true colour. they are not actually true colour because the sensors will pick up stuff a bit outside the visible spectrum and have to be put through an image processor to make a picture.
technically any digital picture is not true colour.
well, we can't.
its not a possible physical condition(spaceships can't move at the speed of light) so applying the laws of physics is a useless effort.
pop on IRC. you can get a realtime discussion there.
the 'theory' (its hardly a hypothesis) implies a preffered reference e frame. there isn't one. also, velocities do not add linearly. 0.75c+0.75c != 1.5c
the red stuff may only have an (visible)emission band in the red spectrum meaning that under certain conditions it will appear red long before it reaches the blackbody emission temperature. this is what happens in lasers.
all visible light comes from electron interactions. gamma rays and in some special cases(like an MRI machine) radio waves come from the nucleus.
These phenomenon are well documented and tested throughoutphysics and even chemistry.
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