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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. wow, the iphone worked in the blender for longer than i would have expected. made a good black powder afterwards too.
  2. while getting directions for a trip i came across this piece of genius from google. [ATTACH]1570[/ATTACH] anyone think i'll actually find a Mr Treublaan there?
  3. i don't know, i'm not a biologist. it might not be plankton i'm thinking about. its that organism that glows green when its disturbed like in the wake of a ship. i've seen that and it was kinda freaky. this big long green trail.
  4. because the electron has a wavelength it cannot be confined to such a small space. and even after that there are only set orbitals and energy levels it can be in without interfering with itself. i suggest you look at the bohr model of the atom. it is the simplest model we have that is reasonably correct. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_model this will also help but it delves into more complicated effects you might not be ready for yet. just ignore them till you get an understanding of the structure. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/quantum/atomstructcon.html#c1
  5. you're going to be looking at around 2 gigapascals. probably a good deal more. shoot for around 20-30GPa and it should be fine. this page should be helpful http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/phase.html also, it will not be the same as normal ice. it will not have the same crystal structure. if you want to build a container i would try getting a solid block of high tensile steel and hollowing out the chamber. then would would need to weld the plug shut. on the plus side, there are some ices more dense than water but the tend to be at extremely cold temps and high pressures so unless you have a bunch of liquid nitrogen around you won't get them.
  6. its just we prefer proper links over somebodies blog. its fine to have it in your signature if you want but try to refrain from sending people there when they are looking for information on something.
  7. or it could just be that we don't really care about it as much as you seem to.
  8. http://www.jamendo.com/uk/ <that has some good albums. and its all free!* *legally free, the music hosted there is under the creative commons liscence.
  9. no, i meant water (H20) and sugar(sucrose) as both can be used in the manufacture of drugs.
  10. even water and sugar? damn i feel sorry for you guys.
  11. yeah thats it.
  12. i don't know exactly why it happens. its not my field but thats the explanation i have come across that isn't utterly wacko. i get it when looking at logarithmic graph paper for some reason. but i don't get it with normal graph paper. it also tends to happen more when i'm sightly dehydrated but not always. i can't say for sure.
  13. how did you get this wrong again? UV, X-Ray, Gamma = ionizing everything else on the spectrum = nonionizing energy increases as wavelength decreases and frequency increases.
  14. its nothing to do with its physical properties. its all about psychology. we probably pick it for danger time and again because it is the same colour as blood.
  15. actually, you can theoretically break even. at 0K which is impossible to reach.
  16. i'm sorry to say this but... ... your perfectly normal. it happens with some people. its not an abnormality its just the way your brain interprets it. some people get it others don't. my brother gets it, i don't.
  17. depends on the frequency of the current. generally at the longer wavelength side.
  18. no. energy is quantized. higher frequency higher energy. i said the opposite. i was talking in terms of energy and frequency. you perhaps thought i mean wavelength. ratiation that is capable of ionizing an atom or molecule. mrh? that doesn't make sense. please rephrase.
  19. remember a = F/m and gravitational fields provide a force per unit mass so a more massive object has a greater force acting upon it. the F/m ratio is the same so the acceleration is the same.
  20. true, but that requires conditions outside the norm.
  21. why can't you just use silica gel? its much safer, isn't as exothermic and doesn't form that coating which limits the dehydrating effects. P2O5 is not usually used as a dessicant outside labs because it is pretty corrosive.
  22. no, it has to have enough energy per photon to eject an electron from an orbital. only if you have a substance that requires very little energy to remove an electron. i don't know of any such substance its everything from ultra violet down that isn't ionizing. this isn't part of the definition of ionizing radiation. normal light can change atoms by making an electron change energy levels. infrared and microwave can cause them to vibrate differently radio can change the rotation of the nuclei. none of these are considered ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation consists of, alpha particles, beta particles, and high energy photons. it can also include heavier ions travelling fast as found in space.
  23. if you have a collection of say, 100 atoms. there isn't going to be any real indication of state. if you have a 100 moles of a substance then state is going to e obvious. the states are just (very)general descriptions of how a substance will behave when it is in large quantities. you can also bring in the fact that the heat capacity usually has a discontinuity when changing state. to sum up. macroscopically, states exist and are very well defined. on the scale of molecules, states are ambiguous to the level that they don't exist.
  24. do you mean like shining to coherent beams of light (with phase offset of pi radians) at the same spot and not seeing any light?
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