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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. actually the cat has been observed(camera) so its wavefunction has collapsed and we know that it IS in the box. we don't however know the velocity of the cat though. what you don't see is the red smudge on the side of the box less than a second later.
  2. the win32 package is in a different repository. go look in the community documentation for a walkthrough.
  3. i was thinking radiological bomb where there would be forced fission but just a fizzle. the explosives make the bang and the uranium makes a lot of radioactive isotopes but doesn't really contribute much to the explosive power.
  4. boot up a linux live distro, backup all the files. then reinstall windows. if you made a restore point you could try that but it would be doubtful
  5. emphasis added by me. no pun intended huh?
  6. the one with the most energy will generally be the one with the most mA·h in it. add them up and divide by the cost. which ever has the higher number go for it cause it will give the most energy for the money.
  7. i'd pick the launderer bot. reasons: -i hate ironing -thats it. i wouldn't pick the gardner because i don't mind cutting the grass because its outside and doesn't really need to be done too often. definitely wouldn't pick the cook because its just like chemistry and i like to have my food 'just so' and i also like experimenting when i'm cooking. wouldn't pick the dishwasher as it would force me to think about what i'm cooking an avoid really bad things as for the maid, well, my room may appear messy but its actually in a very very presice order that only i know. plus i occasionally have tidying moods. probably OCD or something. and theres nothing wrong with letting the house get messy every now and again. as for washing windows, thats what supersoaker 3000's are for.
  8. to whatever resolution the source image was taken at.
  9. well, there is a distinction between a vapour and a gas but its not a phase change such as liquid to gas. its just that a vapour can be condensed by compressing it while a gas requires a reduction of temperature.
  10. polls close on 21st of june at 12:11 am. its on the polls themselves.
  11. to rise energy has to be expended. this means it will cool as it rises. as it rises, the pressure drops. and it expands it also cools while doing this as well. the reverse happens when it sinks as well. also, most energy is absorbed at the ground and most energy is radiate at some distance above the ground. so you have heating at the bottom and cooling at the top. when you consider the factors involved it then makes sense.
  12. i'd say go with what they were using already just make sure the batteries are in better condition. good to see you back mooey
  13. unlike us humans, we suck at falling unless we have a nice big parachute. though we're probably the only things that do it for fun.
  14. dissolving it in water usually works. how concentrated is 'reasonably concentrated' 1mol/l 10mol/l 0.1mol/l what?
  15. you could filter(just a simple 1 level filter) it before you leave it to separate most of the bad stuff earlier on. finding a way to dissolve the oil and leave the fat and waste is also a potential option but will require a further separation process. ideally for speeding up a settling process you want to centrifuge it but i don't think you'd want or be able to make a fifty gallon drum of used vegetable oil swinging round your garden at 100 mph.
  16. insane_alien

    5 Pm

    dunno i could enter some of the posts i wrote while heavily intoxicated(expect a few more soon ) they'd probably win.
  17. insane_alien

    5 Pm

    though ecoli does have a sad existence he does have the power to ban your ass for violating the rules.
  18. just throw a damp tea-towel over the chippan as long as it doesn't touch the oil or drip then its fine. starves itself of oxygen pretty quickly.
  19. you would get some carbon dioxide but it would be tiny. it would be less than the CO2 in your tap water. in fact, the treatment plant next to it would be putting stuff in rather than taking anything out.
  20. you could preheat the feed water using the condensing water stream i suppose. it wasn't in the spec given. but ou could use it. and the 50m by 50m is for a litre per second. that isn't much if its a big plant. i'll carry out the calculations for a preheated one later. i'm studying now and i'll be away with the green fairy after my exams.
  21. you're breaking the bonds between the molecules. you'll have other bits break off due to localised stresses and the structure of the material.
  22. thats the one they put in natural gas at about 1 part per 100 billion to make it smell. oops. they use ethyl mecaptan. they smell the same though just methyl is stronger. the proper name for methyl mercaptan is methanethiol
  23. we don't have enough discussion about it yet to devote an entire forum to it yet.
  24. umm yeah. the teacher opened a small bottle of it in class for about 5 seconds and you could smell it all over the school for a week after wards. it was a reasonable sized school 1500 pupils
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