umm i can't think of one of the top of my head but its found in vomit in very low concentrations and causes most of the smell. concentrated butyric acid is a whole new level of stench. still comes nowhere near mercaptans though. they'll singe the hairs on your nose at 100 paces.
okay, say you have 1 gram of of 75% phosphoric acid by mass. that means that 0.75grams is pure H3PO4, the rest is water.
the 0.057 to 0.084% refers to the amount of 75% phosphoric acid in the drink. compared to the mass of the drink as a whole.
don't worry bout it snail. but you're right about physically blue moons being caused by dust particles. only difference with those is its not a predictable event.
i was scared of moths too. i got over by getting someone to lock me in a shed full of them for the night. i didn't like it but now i just merely dislike moths. might not be the best remedy for everyone though.
you mean like the melting point? or if you want total breakage then vapourisation.
there isn't a bit between phases. it either is or isn't. although it will exist in equilibrium at some point where some is in one phase and another bit is in another phase.
Farsight, you made the claim, not us. what was it you said once, 'if you can't explain it then you don't understand it'? i think it was something like that.
actually, gamma rays can cause nuclear transitions into metastable states which will emit a gamma photon when they decay at a later date. tends to happen with isotopes that are gamma emitters that have already decayed.
not sure why it doesn't seem to pick up petrol. its says it also picks up radiation. if its dodgy with petrol maybe its dodgy with nukes and thats what they were using in iraq
residual angular momentum from the accretion disk around the early sun. and pendulums are affected by the rotation of earth. you can use them as quite effective clocks if you have a really big one.
1/caffeine - helps with the late night cram sessions before an exam
2/ethanol - helps with the late night party sessions after an exam
3/rubidium - warms your hands up nicely if you don't sweat too much
4/benzene - nothing you can't to with benzene
5/ nitric acid - extremely useful
6/hydrogen - i like things simple
7/Fucitol - amusingly named alcohol
8/ethane - again, nice simple reactions
9/water - good old dihydrogen monoxide
10/ sulphuric acid
i was meaning more of the mechanical stress increases involved with scaling. you know, the same way king kong is impossible because he would crush him self into a squidgy pile
well, technically you're shadow is a volumetric phenomenon. anything that has you between the sun and it will be in your shadow. you can only see it at the ground because air is for all intents and purposes invisible on that scale.
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