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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. the box would absorb the photons emitted by the lightbulb, heat up and radiate outside. using a thermographic camera you would see that it would be hotter than the surroundings.
  2. don't get me wrong i don't think that we should have dictatorships all over the place. just mentioning that they do have their merits just like everything else
  3. i'll visit myspace around the same time i decide that creationists just might be on to something.
  4. wonder if those guys are sayonaras gay plumbers
  5. theres nothing vague about those references at all. seemed pretty clear cut to me.
  6. well, you can never please all of the people all of the time. theres sometimes where i'm almost in favour of a dictatorship. *is probably now on several(more) government watch lists.*
  7. yeah but i would hope the money invested in education would take care of that one.
  8. lets face it. an 18 meter tall humanoid shape is a pretty poor model for something that has to fight. you would be far better off with a non humanoid shape.
  9. up to about 8 Si atoms. and they self combust on exposure to oxygen. if it was cold enough for them to be stable then water would well and truly be completely solid. etc. etc. anyway, back on topic. i don't think the internet is alive. the internet is just a bunch of wires and fibreoptic cables. and the nodes are just computers. you wouldn't call a computer alive and you wouldn't call the cables themselves alive. and even the combination you wouldn't call alive(is the computer connection to your CD drive alive?) just cos its much bigger doesn't change the fact that its not alive.
  10. and if you didn't have wars then you would have a couple of extra billions lying around to spend on worthy projects like schools, healthcare, scientific research, etc. etc.
  11. yeah but its mainly the extraction of heat. A lot of non breathed air gets mixed in with your breath as you blow so the CO2 effects are reduced somewhat especially if you are blowing from a distance.
  12. when you blow on a small flame you cause it to lose too much heat. when it loses enough heat the reaction stops and it goes out. on bigger fires this isn't a problem as the reaction is producing much more heat. the CO2 in your breath also helps extinguish it.
  13. i'd say go for it. might encourage reporters to say what the scientist says instead of writing what they think the scientist said.
  14. evolutionary biology is amoral. it cannot be used to support or refute any moral argument. it only describes what is.
  15. even if by some random chance they weren't the viscosity of air would eventually spin the atmosphere up to speed in a few thousand rotations.
  16. what do you mean? the atmosphere is chaotic on earth as it is on other planets. on other planets the atmosphere travels with the surface as well. overall if you took the average velocity of all the gas molecules then you would see them rotating with the planet(be it jupiter, earth, venus, even stars). if you look at certain bits of the atmosphere then you will see anomalies. on earth we call this weather. we also call it weather anywhere else its observed. weather is caused by the uneven heating of the earths surface and the coriolis force. this produces everything from hurricanes to a light drizzle.
  17. RNA came first. its the simplest. DNA and very simple cells would have came next
  18. everything living will have all the natural elements to some degree in their systems. the percentages may vary from area to area depending on diet and soil composition. not all of the elements are necessary but they'll likely all be present
  19. thats obviously satans banana close cousin to your avatar
  20. B&Q my dad works there so i can get a discount
  21. its definitely a good feeling getting out of school forever. just like i had my last pure maths exam last week(well, unless i failed it and need to resit). feels good. no more math lectures. oh thank all thats shiny.
  22. i'm getting snazzy LED lights for my room. still 5 incandescent bulbs in the house though. three on a dimmer switch in the living room and 2 in the garage. and technically theres a sixth in what remains of the loft but its broken and nobody can be bothered to replace it.
  23. theres about 50 other threads like this. use the search function.
  24. so eh, how come my friends dog can look up at me when i go over to his house(usually cause i have a biscuit for the dog, rest of the time he just bites my arm and doesn't let go)
  25. In soviet russia, backwards gets you!
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