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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. if its horizontal velocity is greater than or equal to orbital velocity and it is high enough for atmospheric drag to be negligble
  2. why should uranium be restricted? you can't make it weapons grade without attracting a lot of attention and using up a massive amount of resources. hell even whole countries dedicating significant resource to it can't do it secretly.
  3. a third observer who see's them travelling towards each other at equal velocities will indeed measure their relative velocity to be 2c. HOWEVER, if you were to look from the point of view of one of the objects, the other object would be approaching very close to, but not quite at c.
  4. well, will be useful once processed into nice little graphs.
  5. actually, the LHC is spitting out huge amounts of useful data right now. as in its allowing us to test theories to new levels of accuracy.
  6. this isn't science news and nor is it accepted science. you already have a thread on this, keep this limited to that thread and you won't get booted for rule violations.
  7. there's a conversion factor. a lumen is a candela per steridian a lux is a lumen per meter squared a candela is "the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10^12 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1⁄683 watt per steradian" -wikipedia candlepower on the other hand has never been rigorously defined as its always based off of some standard and due to its nature could vary from place to place. the latest definition is to tie it 1:1 with a candela but previously it was the blackbody emmision spectrum atthe freezzing point of platinum was 58.9 candles/cm^2
  8. i think the limits are on its manouverability rather than structural. It doesn't have the control surface area to rotate fast enough to make it over. you might get up to about 80 degrees or so but by then you'll be going so slow you'll be in a stall. but, i suppose if you replaced the engines or added some larger control surfaces it would be possible. the structural integrity of the 747 would be more than sufficient. you can perform loops without ever broaching 1.2g. and a note of curiosity, i think 2 (at least one anyway) 747's have been measured going over mach 1 albeit while crashing.
  9. you do know caffeine is ineffective at removing the symptoms of sufferers of this condition right?
  10. yeah, because thats why jets fly so fast, gravity </sarcasm> i suppose we don't have any real experts on viruses either because a lot of those are fatal. look. its massive subject area. literally ginormous to the power of a lot. EVERY cancer is unique to the person it crops up in. what you call BS is the baseline study that is needed to develop cures. you can't run before you have a nervous system.
  11. It is important. the question was, how much would it take for liquid water to exist on the surface of the moon, timescales weren't included for one and an atmosphere adds a lot of resistance so the local partial pressure of water COULD reach equilibrium locally. i'd also like to point out that there are few places on earth where the relative humidity is 100% yet bodies of liquid water exist in these areas.
  12. quite true. BUT the presence of the CO2 DOES change a few things. If the system is a vacuum, the evapouration of the water is going to be heat limited, as in it'll evapourate however fast it can extract heat out the system which will be high. with the atmosphere of CO2, assuming there isn't much movement of the atmosphere, is going to be diffusion limited instead. which will be much slower. case and point, if you put a beaker of liquid water into a compartment filled with dry nitrogen with zero humidity, the water will not flash boil. if you put it into a vacuum, it will flash boil. it is still going to evapourate i have no problem accepting that, but the point is, it will exist for more than a breif period.
  13. whichever frequency is the least transmissible.
  14. yes, but that doesn't matter. to have liquid water be a possibility you need certain conditions. the bare minimum conditions for liquid water are its triple point which is 0*C and 611Pa so you need that sort of pressure before liquid water is possible.
  15. it causes vibrations in the material, friction and damping convert these waves into heat.
  16. true, but a biosphere is dependant on an atmosphere
  17. i'm going to have to ask for some source on that. the moon just simply doesn't have a big enough gravitational field to hold on to the molecules of gas. they would regularly exceed escape velocity which is only 2.38km/s (in comparison with earths 11.2km/s) and it is more exposed to the solar wind. wolfram alpha is being finicky with the units but http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%28%28611.73Pa+*+surface+area+of+the+moon%29%2Fsurface+gravity+of+moon%29 is equal to http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=8.88%C3%9710^12+mile+second+squared+pascals&lk=1 0.0028 of the earths atmosphere by mass. CO2 makes up 0.00039 i used the triple point of water in the calculations as this is the bare minimum for achieving liquid water.
  18. no, it is to do with the dryness of the air. at my work we have class 10000 clean rooms so its pretty free of dust and irritants(and there are the environmental monitoring checks to prove this) and its also of low humidity for other reasons. the dry air is quite irritating after prolonged exposure. humidity doesn't 'hold down' dust and irritants thats just phooey. you can have humid dusty air and you can have dry clean air.
  19. largely because the CO2 would float away. you might get some deposits of CO2 ice on the night side but these would be gone within a few lunar rotations. probably one.
  20. you don't die in real life if you die in a dream(although you will eventually die in the future but the cause will not be the dream). you've been watching too much matrix.
  21. depends on how hot it is
  22. perhaps he likes short hair? i like keeping my hair short. there isn't much more to it than that. does there have to be a big massive super secret conspiracy behind a persons preferences?
  23. because every site that allows you to delete your posts ends up a quagmire. while the intentions are good, people will abuse it. the flows of conversation will be lost as people go back and retroactively delete or otherwise modify their posts. trust us, it is best if only mods and admins have this power and that it is used as infrequently as possible.
  24. what you need to do is format your harddrive and reinstall. its the only way to be sure you've cleaned out a compromised system. if you feel it necessary to salvage some files from the old system, get a liveCD with an AV installed on it and scan the hell out of every file you want to recover. if it comes up tainted, it's gone.
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