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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. i heard about what they're busy doing. obviously finding a source of 2MB SIMM's for the server is going to take some time.
  2. ROFL! i never even noticed. i'm just so 1337 i don't even realise.
  3. it could possibly have superheated the water and the disturbance caused nucleation.it fits the description anyway. this is why you should poke things with a stick before you poke it with your finger.
  4. he is assuming that the gas on the surface is a plasma. that is the energy required for hydrogen to be a plasma. a better guess can be achieved by looking at the peak spectral emission of the sun(in the green part) and working from there.
  5. yeah i can do that too had to turn the skydome off incase some wee kiddy seen it. [ATTACH]1536[/ATTACH]
  6. yeah the temp variations couldn't be the fact that britain used to be a lot further south and then experienced an iceage along with the rest of earth. oh no its got to be a CONSPIRACY theres no way the official story is the truth.
  7. yes there would be more as there are different ways it can look. just that it would be wierd since they would require 4 spatial dimensions to be observed. still, that doesn't mean they don't exist in the psychotic world of maths.
  8. yet i was in the first two.
  9. crap. next time you do something like that mention the country you're in. it may be mothersday in the US but not here in the UK it was a couple of months back.
  10. i know pollen is the trigger. its just the histamines obviously play a major role in it as anti-histamines reduce the effects significantly. sorry for any confusion.
  11. so why are most molecules most definitely not spiral shaped? i mean theres only maybe a few thousand tonnes of DNA and RNA that we know to exist in the entire universe. and as for spiral galaxies, not all are spiral. a good number are just plain irregular with no real shape. your 'theory' doesn't really explain anything.
  12. pfft, i learnt how to swear from my granny
  13. why? its almost like saying certain numbers are taboo.
  14. anti-histamines reduce all of the effects of hayfever. well, except the loathing of pollen.
  15. put something soft between them. or make the magnet really really weak.
  16. not as far as i know of. or at least i haven't seen any effect. but i haven't been looking for it. i'll do some experiments on myself over the summer.
  17. it took e a while to register that they had bleeped it cos it was so random. if your ever in glasgow then you'll realise that there isn't much we would consider 'profanity' you'll probably learn some new ones as well makes no sense. i don't think it was for humour pangloss it isn't a very funny game.(well, there is a bit where a maid looks like shes getting taken from behind by the invisible man which is pretty funny and a guy peeing using his index finger. but nothing funny about the story line.)
  18. Okay so i was playing 'hitman2' 5 minutes ago, in case you don't know, this is a game where you go around assasinating people and causing general gorey slaughter by the bucket load with various interesting weapons. now, this game is rated 16+ as well. anyway, to the point. during one of the cutscenes i noticed a very crazy peice of censorship. the word 'goddamn'(it was in the subtitles) was bleeped out. what... the... hell...? what were the people who made that thinking? 'sure you can have all the gore you want, just don't cuss while your doing it' and why even use it if its going to get bleeped anyway? why can't people just leave things alone and let the profanity flow along with the blood and guts in games like these. surely the fact that your assassinating people by the hundreds is more obnoxious than a word(or two).
  19. because thats what They want you to believe...
  20. the sun is only one factor out of a multitude. the greenhouse effect does exist and carbon dioxide causes this.there has been an increase in CO2 recently so CO2 is a contributing factor. The atmosphere is a chaotic system and there are many influences that can cause it to heat up and cool down.
  21. mars is also easier to get back from.it has reasonably low gravity and a thin atmosphere. that means you only need a small rocket to get back. venus in the other hand isn't even possible. the rockets wouldn't provide much thrust and youd need a damn lot of them to get through the atmosphere(this is ignoring how you're going to get the rocket there in the first place and fuel it in 400*C temperatures.
  22. they cause hayfever. histamines are nasty and toturous
  23. baltic sea != black sea. baltic sea is open to the north sea which is open to the atlantic ocean. it would have a hard time evapourating.
  24. 1/ Snail 2/ Klaynos 3/ Azurephoenix 4/ Edtharan 5/ Azurephoenix 6/ (haven't paid enough attention. maybe its time for a trip to the introduction thread)
  25. well, if i wasn't studying chemical engineering and loving every minute of it i would probably have went for a pure chemistry course. or if you want something a bit further away than that then i would have went and got a pilots liscence and fly planes.
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