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Everything posted by insane_alien

  1. well then, you can just copy the disk bit for bit
  2. spyman, the energy is the charge multiplied by the voltage. voltage by current is power.
  3. a 1 meter thick steel plate would have easily been lifted by the pressure wave. it would just vapourise it before it got very far off the ground. then you would have a nice plasma cloud.
  4. lets face it anyway, if your releasing any publically available encrypted media then there is always going to be a bit where its streaming through a ire unencrypted where it can be copied onto a disk or computer or whatever (think a DVD player hooked up to a TV through a coax cable. plug the coax into a a computer and you can just record from there.
  5. i thought ITER planned to break even as well. Ah, just looked it up, while they are aiming to produce more energy than they put in, it will not be made into electricity. they are hoping for a momentary Q value of 10 and a sustained value of 5. still getting more energy out than they put in but just not harnessing it.
  6. great, i'll start spamming and beat severian to it only 304 to go heh
  7. ITER hopes to break through the break-even point and actually put some watts back into the grid. It will also be used to test what sort of materials we shoul make the inner reactor wall out of. Fusion is a nice idea but does have a lot of problems that scientists and engineers are working very very hard on. Its going to take some time, maybe 50 years before we have a viable fusion reactor. After that who knows.
  8. really nice to know that people will not tolerate censorship and like the free flow of information. this make me happy.
  9. don't get me wrong i think its a great idea. it just seemed at first to be a slight tweak. i didn't know the VOR system worked on a time principle, i though it was a position based system.
  10. but you might win something this year. eh? eh?
  11. i knew the carrot was plastic but i don't like carrots anyway. what about the bottle of kopparberg pear cider? thats what i'm chasing
  12. i'm not assuming that. i'm assuming that the bots never had any belief structure imposed on them in the beginning which would interfere with logic and be passed on generation to generation either through processor design or software.
  13. is this like a whole class thats just got an assignment or something and they all stumbled on to this site?
  14. well, robots are basically walking computers so they will function on logic. if they function on logic, and have the ability to transcend any ideological beliefs programmed into them by us then the argument would be impossible as the creationist robots would not exist.
  15. http://pulsar.esm.psu.edu/Faculty/Gray/graphics/movies/bilbo.mov ^ i challenge anyone to sit through an episode of star trek (one with spock in it anyway) and keep a straight face after watching that.
  16. just realised we haven't had a user awards thingy this year. I think we should do this again. what say you?
  17. biggest hint in the universe: heavy things move slow.
  18. isn't this just an extention of the existing radio beacon network they used pre-GPS and still use?
  19. i'm at 2689 and i'm not a scientist you lie phi!
  20. no they don't, there is a big difference between them. this should be a big hint, What is in hard water(at least in greater quantity) that isn't in soft water? google or wikipedia should answer this easily.
  21. the oxide layer on aluminium will stop it attacking the aluminium. This won't last forever and then it will react. why can't you use pyrex or something.
  22. the lid would have been vapourised in the first few milliseconds. assuming it remained whole. if it didn't then you would be talking microseconds before complete vapourisation. 11,200 ms^-1 is extremely fast(escape velocity) and the lid was probably travelling a bit faster.
  23. not to mention the structure itself would likely be too weak to support it. unless it grew as a more solid shape (less branches, REALLY thick trunks) then it wouldn't stay standing if it was several hundred times bigger than any tree today. there is also the problem of nutrition as capn said. if this thing has the structure required to grow to a thousand times the size of a normal tree, its not going to get all the sunlight it need and its not going to get the nutrients it needs from the soil. the area/volume ration is too small.
  24. a general computer knowledge could be useful. enough so you can learn a new program reasonably quickly because they do change a lot.
  25. well, the atmosphere is a chaotic system. even the smallest changes can have massive reprocussions. a 5% difference in a certain value can cause convergent(stable) systems to become divergent(unstable) and thats in relatively simple scenarios like a chemical plant.
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